Sentences with phrase «artist we all know»

He is a conceptual artist known for his multidisciplinary practice, which includes painting, publishing, collage, video, and performance.
When artists we know as actors go on to direct, the focus is so often on their ability to guide the performances of other actors.
Contemporary African American artists no longer rely on social realism to tell their stories, but their work continues to reflect the legacy of suffering and inequality.
We love the idea of showing work by artists we know closely and believe in strongly, without turning the exhibitions into a commercial event.
She's one of the first contemporary artists I knew about and was really drawn to.
He is a conceptual artist known for his multidisciplinary practice.
I subscribe to your list because I want to learn more, if not for myself, for other artists I know who are trying to sell their work.
This is an early landmark painting by the British artist known for his painterly Pop realism.
But then you have other cases where artists know how to work the market, how to be social, and build their careers from that.
The following are themes that I have played with, or that other artists I know and trust have used with success.
Nor is the exhibition focused on the perennial question of how artists know when to put down their brushes (or other tools).
, formerly a performance artist and more recently a sculptor and installation artist known for his works in ash and animal skins had 5 lots in the sale.
I do not have a problem with calling their art beautiful — even though most artists I know, including abstract artists, have little or no interest in satisfying that ideal.
Many young artists I know are working in the same vein, with or without the grid, so your work is seen in a different light now than in previous decades.
A portrait of the German artist known for the emotional power of her drawing, printmaking and sculpture.
New - media artists know a great deal more about applied science than I do.
Other video artists know their medium — on either side of the screen.
It's often connections through artists we know, but we also get submissions and requests all the time.
She has started her work few decades ago, as she is also one of the old famous and prominent artist known among women not only nationally but also at international level.
It looks good on every skin tone and is used by every professional makeup artist we know.
Covers sure can make or break, thankfully with all the kids books artists I know, I can get many done easy enough.
But I figured I would try reaching out to some of the successful artists I know to see if any of them were willing to share their stories.
The text no longer has an independent narrative, but sometimes artists know better than to supply one.
He buys what he likes, and supports artists he knows and is rooting for.
These days even a starving artist knows not to buy coloured pencils cheap.
People are often recommending artists they know, and I have a few people whose opinions I really trust.
-- The opportunity to be that all round artist you know you are.
The best artists I know listen more than they speak, and good curators always have something to say.
The conceptual artist known for her gorgeous, experiential, large - scale works is undergoing a golden age.
The majority of my work involves cutting into existing paintings made by artists known or unknown.
Most artists know they need to put in the time to learn to run their business.
«Artists know how to do deal with accidents, how to deal with materials, how to deal with complications,» he says.
Better artists know when to stand their ground and create a future.
«Along the Way,» by the Brooklyn - based artist known as KAWS, seen at the Mary Boone Gallery in Chelsea.
The interdisciplinary group of artists known as teamLab was established in 2001.
Nathlie Provosty is an emerging American visual artist known for her masterfully executed abstract works that can appear aesthetically simple when viewed from a distance, but become more complex upon closer inspection despite the apparent reductivism of her monochromatic color palette.
A group of Japanese artists known as teamLab are currently presenting a compilation of digital works for the exhibition...
Like the auction - record $ 82.5 million paid in 1990 for van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890), eight - figure sums typically are reserved for works by artists no longer with us.
Showing no sign of slowing down, Varda has now found herself a much younger partner in crime — the French photographer and installation artist known only as JR — and headed off with him on the extended road trip that has produced the collaboratively directed Faces Places (Visages Villages).
In 1952 - 1955, while in college, Hopps operated Syndell Studio in Los Angeles, showing the work of artists he knew in the area.
The City Lost and Found showcases important bodies of work by renowned photographers and photojournalists such as Thomas Struth, Martha Rosler, and Barton Silverman, along with artists known for their profound connections to place, such as Romare Bearden in New York and ASCO in Los Angeles.
With its 350 square meters (3.776 sq ft), Brand New Gallery is a platform where artists, curators and collectors can meet and exchange ideas, and where the work of foreign artists known internationally -LSB-...]
Chor Boogie (b. 1979, San Diego, CA) is a self - taught San Francisco based street artist known for his visionary spray paintings.
Cao Fei is a Chinese multimedia artist known for her video, performance, and digital media exploring the Chinese culture and daily life routine.
Sometimes artists knew what others were up to, partly thanks to the new practice of international exhibitions sponsored by governments and independent groups hoping that cultural exchanges might increase understanding — staving off future catastrophe or, in the face of the Korean War, conflagration in Algeria and totalitarian repression in Spain, containing it.
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