Sentences with phrase «artistic control»

But I do believe that thinking about these things gets back to the vital question of artistic control, and the surprising ways in which your work takes on a life of its own.
Self - publishing means that you are in control of your own work and that you are in complete artistic control over what you publish.
This can cause disappointment if the author was hoping for more artistic control.
On the other hand, although you retain artistic control it also means that you have to do all of the hard work.
However, the removal of so many works left many shocked and questioning the line between artistic control and historical denial.
From what I understood he had complete artistic control so always disappointing when that doesn't come off.
To prevent that kind of thing from happening is another reason why I want artistic control
«He relinquishes artistic control over the interpretation of the works, not wishing to explain them, and prefers the paintings to maintain a veil of mystery and ambiguity,» says the Megan Piper Gallery, which is showing a series of his works next month.
John Cassavetes — Five Films: Criterion Collection boxed set focused on movies that Cassavetes self - financed in order to maintain artistic control.
Jia is passionate about his characters, but that never compromises his considerable artistic control.
At the same time, the attitudes the once permeated the self - publishing industry, namely complete and unwavering artistic control and a feeling of isolation, are falling away as authors look to the traditional industry professionals for information and guidance.
These include: the guarantee that your book will be published and available to readers, total artistic control, a much larger cut of the profits, and full ownership of your book's rights.
The use of the squeegee proved to be an important innovation for Richter, as it enabled him to surrender a certain element of artistic control whilst enhancing the physical qualities of the paint.
«Artisanal publishing is the concept of authors writing, publishing, and lovingly crafting their book with complete artistic control in a high - quality manner,» Kawasaki writes.
Critics raved and the film was a hit, but Kubrick was frustrated by his lack of artistic control — he had no say in the script or final cut — and largely disowned the work.
They'll realize they can pay a fixed fee to skilled editors and cover designers and formatters, and retain artistic control, pricing flexibility, and the majority of the proceeds.
``... Like abstract expressionists of the 1950's, she's interested in how paint can convey emotional life, building up colour and varnish or degrading her surfaces with turps, in a two - step between artistic control and chaos.
I know I'm late for your 48 hr window, but if you make it to sunny Southern California, I'd love to have your help with my little spanish stucco box; am willing to relinquish complete artistic control!
While it's true that platforms such as YouTube and Medium have granted publishing access to the greater public and eliminated gatekeeping middlemen like talent agents and PR people, the current digital content sharing platforms have built their empires on the skeletons of the publishing giants» templates that existed before and, unfortunately, have continued operating in ways that fundamentally undermine the artistic control and profits of their contributors.
In a conversation that touched on censorship, the Puritans, artistic control, and the real reason the film's release was delayed for over a year, Requa and Ficarra were sharp, witty, and boundlessly delighted with having made their film the way they wanted to.
With his signature theatrics and lavish style, Luhrmann should only flourish on a streaming service like Netflix, which gives its creators complete artistic control.
If not money, was it artistic control or another factor?
Many talented authors self - publish, for a variety of reasons including finances and artistic control.
As I've said before, it's this kind of threat to artistic control that drove me over the edge to indie publishing.
In the past couple of years I've seen increasing numbers of clients self - publish, and many are really enjoying the experience — the artistic control, the immediacy and the sense of accomplishment that each sale delivers.
I love the freedom and having artistic control, so I'm pleased and proud to have attended the Amazon Academy in Edinburgh.
His justification was one of artistic control: «My goal is to express things that are very intimate and personal.»
The ability to integrate Wwise into your production pipeline means that your audio creators have more artistic control.
For artists who grew up with the Cultural Revolution's legacy of oppressive political and artistic controls, the new era demanded fresh experiments in the language of expression.
«Working outdoors on raw cotton canvas using nikawa tempera (glue tempera) technique with handmade pigments from 450 million year old Ohio Ordovician fossil dust, turf ash (a young fossil material) and mica, I made over fifty paintings that present a manifestation of the strata of time, a submission to the elements, and a yielding of artistic control.
Questioning the perceived freedom that artists hold vs, say, the strict brief that the illustrator is understood to work to, Tye's work finds inspiration in expected places, and suggests an openness of expression and artistic control that goes against this stereotype.
The letter also says that Lina rejected the offer for inclusion partly because it demanded she enter into an exclusive license for the proposed artworks, «thereby forgoing all artistic control», which conflicted with her upcoming solo exhibition at the Armory Show in New York.
Introducing kinetic movement into her practice, Schneemann pushed the limits of artistic control, insisting on the necessity of chance as a primary factor, not only in making art but also in life.
Shot in 16 mm and 35 mm and using a visual language so reduced it is at times almost abstracted, the works use the early cinematographic technique of multiple exposure as a framework to investigate synchronicity and divergence, originality and reproduction and the deferment of artistic control.
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