Sentences with phrase «artistic decision»

The God of Thunder's big screen debut arrives on Blu - ray with hours of bonus material highlighted by an incredibly in - depth audio commentary by director Kenneth Branagh where he discusses his various artistic decisions in making the film.
After making that first record, we had no confidence in our ability to make great artistic decisions, and less confidence in our ability to refrain from attacking each other with blunt objects in the studio.
Unfortunately for Carangi's memory, an embarrassing pre-credits placard touting the accuracy of this biopic puts the onus for almost all of the filmmakers» artistic decisions on the subject herself, who comes off as mostly unworthy of the attention — when she was famous or now.
The use of certain tropes in the narrative are also glaring given the film's inertia — when Dovid starts to read a succession speech from a piece of paper, only to go off - script in a fit of frustration — one can't help but wish that Lelio had taken more time to craft his love story adaptation by thinking through the enormity of every small artistic decision.
As the reviewer the content here is entirely at your discretion, but you seem to eschew rightfully calling out more important, almost insultingly bold artistic decisions in favor of knocking features which are fairly tame, considering.
Verification of dubbing theatre alignment — critical in allowing the sound mixing staff to make consistently accurate artistic decisions
But the filmmakers apparently made a few excellent artistic decisions and then phoned everything else in.
Promotional material for the film doesn't provide much promise this will be like the original show, which is a truly outrageous artistic decision indeed.
It was another in a series of very bad artistic decisions that ultimately rendered the flick into the cinematic equivalent of road kill, only less appetizing.
According to Architect of the Capitol, the federal agency in charge of maintaining the Capitol, the number and placement of doors and windows is different, and the furniture in the painting was more elegant than it likely was in real life — artistic decisions based either on a sketch that Jefferson gave to the artist when the two met in Paris years before to discuss the plan or, perhaps, based on Trumbull's whimsy.
Guided by experience and artistic decision instead of algorithms or random rules, Götz produces the pattern intuitively, balancing the underlying, sharply defined geometry of line with an exuberant and joyful show of colour.
The German «federal» system, as practiced in Dresden or Berlin, by which the director - general is responsible for political relations, fund - raising and overall administration but leaves artistic decisions entirely to the directors of individual museums, may provide a model in the long term; at any rate the present system is creaking.
As with any new adventure, a lot of stuff still needs to be figured out long - term - I hope by talking about it with everybody, it'll help me make better artistic decisions.
Spero's artistic decisions ran counter to the scale, muscularity and personal gesture that defined greatness during the male dominated movements like Abstract Expressionism that reigned when she came of age artistically.
And the North Pole looks like a turn - of - the - century German factory town, filled with elves who not only look mass - produced but may have been, since they mostly have exactly the same features (this is not a cost - cutting device, but an artistic decision).
The ambiguity that characterises the film ultimately does not seem to be so much an artistic decision as lack of assertiveness on the part of the writers.
I respect his artistic decision to go in that direction, but that makes it difficult for the casual viewer and even for the serious film buff to recognize all of the out - of - sight artistic talking heads from novelist Italo Calvino to screenwriter Tullio Pinelli.
The same creativity I was using to produce the film — turning constraints into advantages, dead ends into possibilities — was affecting every artistic decision I was making.
The fine film grain present would suggest that this may have been an artistic decision rather than a disc issue, and it's not enough to seriously distract.
The audio isn't aggressive for aggressive's sake, though, and ambient surround usage is reduced to almost nothing during scenes when the sub is stuck near the bottom of the ocean floor, an artistic decision that emphasizes a sense of profound isolation.
While the picture is occasionally a bit soft, this seems to be an artistic decision as detail and fine film grain are still discernible.
The graphic design of the monster is amazing, and the artistic decision to depict the tree's stories in beautiful water colored animation is brilliant.
Jennifer Jason Leigh plays Lisa, David Thewlis plays the main character Michael Stone, and in an artistic decision to show Michael's inability to connect with people, Tom Noonan plays the voice of everyone else.
The children use oil pastels to create their own maps and discuss the meanings behind each artistic decision they make.
After viewing the film, students might discuss the filmmaker's artistic decisions, such as why he turned the animated people into paper dolls.
I didn't mean to suggest that I thought publishing was * only * an artistic element, or an artistic decision * versus * a practical decision.
The decision to release a work under a CC license can be an artistic decision in itself, for example, can't it?
If the primary goal is profit, all artistic decisions have to be made within certain parameters.
While I can accept that the Minecraft-esque visuals were an artistic decision (I hope they were, at least), I can't help but think this game has terrible graphics.
Walking among the pieces, in an attempt to draw the intended connections between the works and the title, each viewer embarks upon a unique journey resulting from Chou's artistic decisions and their individual life experiences.
OSGEMEOS» symbolism extends to their characters as well, whose indiscriminate yellow tone is meant to defy racial associations, an artistic decision meant to emphasize unity and the establishing role that diversity plays in their native Brazil and abroad.
She previously found herself frustrated within the medium, unable to convey her artistic decisions.
Excellent instructor, she explained how and why certain painting / artistic decisions were reached.
The finished works are physical manifestations of the artistic decision - making process.
Color theory principles have been at play since the early 15th century, and now with the advancement of science and computer technology, artists» themselves are employing new methodologies for their artistic decisions.
She intentionally chose paper as her principle medium, women as her imagery and print - making as her «hand» — all artistic decisions typically identified with «the minor arts» that were all made stronger for her embrace.
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