Sentences with phrase «artistic ones»

But damage has been done - in poor game design decisions as much as artistic ones.
We found out that our interests lined up perfectly — though she is the more creative / artistic one while I'm more technical.
While combat adds literary elements, exploration adds artistic ones.
Even today, many art enthusiasts, experts and critics dismiss this movement as artistic one.
Featured in the January - February, 2014 issue of the «Fresh Style» magazine, this pretty stenciled feature wall project illustrates how a simple Fabric Damask stencil can transform any boring and drab space into a gorgeous, artistic one of a kind dining room.
So they might buy a book because the cover has all the right signals, then turn around and say it's a bad cover, because this soft artistic one would be better.)
Once a student of mechanical design, Bonalumi experimented with industrial materials as much as traditional artistic ones.
The paintings also suggest that the particular demands of watercolor, generally regarded as the most difficult painting medium but also often dismissed as a somehow less artistic one, appropriate for flowery still - lifes and summer landscapes but not for more serious genres, are an apt metaphor for the complicated lives of Whyte's subjects.
One critic has compared him to the minimalist Donald Judd because of his fascination with structure and form; another to Marcel Duchamp, master of the droll artistic one - liner.
Mediatheque is also a contemporary arts institution to the extent that its archival holdings provide access to documents and works, including artistic ones.
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art Artforum International; May 1, 2014; Scharrer, Eva; 346 words KW INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART AND VARIOUS VENUESMay 29August 3 * Organized by Juan A. Gaitán After Artur Zmijewski's controversial seventh edition, in which activist strategies prevailed over artistic ones, the 8th Berlin Biennale (organized by Gaitán with a team that includes six artists and
We found out that our interests lined up perfectly — though she is the more creative / artistic one while I'm more technical... Read More
Instead, they insist on futzing clumsily around the surprise, leading to all kinds of logical fallacies as well as artistic ones.
Avoid Labels Family members and friends may find it particularly easy to identify your multiples by using labels, such as «the smart one» or «the artistic one
If one of your twins is constantly labeled «the artistic one,» she may feel that this label represents her entire identity.
So, perhaps Van Gogh's color choice for the night sky was a biological decision as well as an artistic one.
This endeavor was actually an artistic one.
The three salads contained identical ingredients, but the artistic one was rated the most delicious.
Today's outfit is a bit of an artistic one and can't really be called an outfit... it's rather a black and white combination with bohemian undertones.
I'm a shy friendly 22 year woman Most consider me artistic one of my favorite hobbies is to draw and i'm just learning too do pastels its a fun proscess I'm friendly funny once you get too know me!
The film's historical merits are greater than its artistic ones: It's Paramount first sound film, directed by Dorothy Arzner (the only women to have a sustained directing career at the time), and the star is «It» Girl, Clara Bow.
But this is more a moral gesture than an artistic one.
I wouldn't call «Ghosts of the Abyss» a compelling documentary or even an artistic one.
It's often painful to watch accomplished actors struggle through this material, knowing plainly that they are all here because of the financial opportunities this movie provided, rather than its artistic ones.
Nine Parchments» playable ambition falls short of the artistic one, but it's a remarkable title and a must for dungeon crawler lovers.
There's a decidedly cynical edge to Slade's story, one that potentially casts Bowie's ever - changing artistic persona as more of a commercial choice than an artistic one.
Valerian God's Own Country struck a chord with me both on a personal level as well as a artistic one.
It is, in effect, a vocational program — an artistic one, but a vocational program nonetheless.
I believe that, first and foremost, there's a business decision to be made by every writer: is your book a commercial venture or an artistic one?
Hi Anna, those are great tips, especially # 2... the cover is as much a marketing piece as it is an artistic one.
Lothlorien has made internet headlines for her approaches to digital publishing, notably some harsh criticism in recent months over her practice of responding to both positive and negatives reviews of her books, which she sees as more of a customer service issue than an artistic one.
Maddy was always the artistic one of the group, alive with color and mischief from her saucy red curls to her vintage hippie skirts.
Because plagiarists are driven more by financial motivations than creative or artistic ones, they tend to be repeat offenders.
Stella is the artistic one and Kobus the outdoor kitesurfer, but he does not hesitate to serve a fine breakfast.
You may not like the change, but it's an artistic one they thought it was necessary and not because the console could not run it, as it was demonstrated in demo's on PS4.
Street Fighter V has been delivered early to meet a financial deadline, rather than an artistic one.
Even so, by the traditional measures of video game criticism, Street Fighter V is an unfinished catastrophe, a game delivered half - cooked, as if to meet a financial deadline rather than an artistic one.
Staged by the artist, the respective dances of the objects within this film suggest that the creation at play is an artistic one.
Despite her tragically short life and career, Modersohn - Becker is an artist whose work remains ever - powerful, in particular in relation to the difficulties often faced by women artists in combining a family life with an artistic one.
Although the paintings are certainly not a political manifesto (though they may, in their variety and style be an artistic one), the paintings are comments, and wry ones at that, on the world which Warhol has always seen so unblinkingly around him.
From then on he was involved with photography, first as a technical and scientific challenge, later as an artistic one.
The pattern that Lippard defines doesn't necessarily dilute group shows when they aim to corral trends, though, for it can take a keen eye - even an artistic one - to assemble an exhibition such as the one currently showing at David Kordansky Gallery.
Every U.S. president's political vision comes with an artistic one, as well.
On the contrary: all his beginnings, even his artistic ones, are doomed to backfire, and it is not rare for him to sacrifice his tail feathers or his dignity in the process.
Luckily for us, those miracles turn out to be artistic ones, too.
The Collection of Museo Reina Sofía starts with the end of the 19th Century, addressing the conflicts between a dominant Modernity, understood as progress, and its multiple discontents, as an ideology under constant challenge both in the social and the political fronts, and the cultural and artistic ones.
The Visible Award (Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto and Fondazione Zegna) is the first European award that sustains socially engaged artistic practice in a global context, and seeks to offer a platform for innovative projects that have the potential to become visible in fields other than artistic ones.
Puusemp's approach to the post was, however, an artistic one.
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