Sentences with phrase «artistic possibilities»

Exploring artistic possibilities - and sometimes just getting plain crazy with our creative selves!
Instead, it became simply one option amidst a range of available artistic possibilities, none of which asserted itself with definitive urgency.
This exhibition celebrating superconductivity features sculptures by Etienne Krähenbühl that reveal fresh mechanical and artistic possibilities of metal alloys.
After seeing the exhibition of Jules Olitski at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1969, Poons realized that expanded artistic possibilities allowed for more unconventional processes, and that is how he appropriated the expressionistic drip style.
After seeing Olitski's exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1969, Poons realized that expanded artistic possibilities allowed for more unconventional processes, and immediately began his search for a less traditional method.
Random International, Leo Villareal, and teamLab will participate in The Future of Light Art, a symposium focused on a new frontier of scientific research on the nature of light, and the impact it will have on artistic possibilities.
With artistic possibilities stifled by consumer - led consensus, where to look for a way out of this mannered circumscription?
The explosion of artistic possibilities since 1960 — or the onset of critical glaucoma, as some understand it — makes the accomplishment of Olitski and contemporaries such as Kenneth Noland (1924 - 2010) and Larry Poons seem academic at best today.
From James McNeill Whistler, Mary Cassatt, and others of the late nineteenth century to Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler in the twentieth, vanguard artists have explored printmaking's unique artistic possibilities.
Dedicated to the exploration of questions of the imaginative, the paranormal and the absurd, Noxious Sector projects attempt to redefine the meaning of artistic possibility through extended propositions that challenge consensual norms while also provoking stimulating forums for dialogue and discourse.
The result was a generous and revelatory effort that championed the geographical and financial margins as a place of artistic possibility where important art and community has been — and can still be — made.
Artist Larry Poons was active in New York's avant - garde in the years just after the first full flowering of Abstract Expressionism, when artistic possibilities were unfolding rapidly, and in many directions.
Instead of regarding his work as an anomaly, an incredibly beautiful cul - de-sac in the history of painting, we should recognize to what extent Seliger has contributed to a vibrantly fertile current of artistic possibility running from recent history (modernism) to the unfolding present (postmodernism) and, we may imagine, well beyond.
It explores the unfolding story of America by actively collecting, exhibiting, interpreting, and preserving outstanding works that illuminate our heritage and artistic possibilities Frequency about 2 posts per week.
The explosion of artistic possibilities since 1960 - or the onset of critical glaucoma, as some understand it - makes the accomplishment of Olitski and contemporaries such as Kenneth Noland (1924 - 2010) and Larry Poons seem academic at best today.
Under the tutelage of socially active Belgian playwright Armand Gatti, Jean - Pierre learned about the political and artistic possibilities of film and video, as well as the creative potential in using nonprofessional actors.
Alex Rasmussen (R) and a David Zenor (L) demonstrate the artistic possibilities of aluminum at Brainstorm Design in Singapore on Mar. 7, 2018
For the first time, Cirque du Soleil ® pushes the boundaries of performance, redefining the artistic possibilities of ice.
This shoot fully embraces all of the artistic possibilities of having a chalkboard wedding.
demonstrated the talents of black performers and showed the artistic possibilities of stories focused on black life.
Hallelujah demonstrated the talents of black performers and showed the artistic possibilities of stories focused on black life.
2 min readTwo articles concerned with the question of the artistic possibilities of self - publishing a book caught my attention this week.
Two articles concerned with the question of the artistic possibilities of self - publishing a book caught my attention this week.
What he offered to those who were willing to look and to listen was the splendor of artistic possibility.
PRISM will explore the artistic possibilities that arise at the intersection of saxophone music, technology, and time - based visual art, to lay the foundation for an evening - length production.
This was a point in time that coincided with his move towards abstraction in painting and his emerging consideration of the artistic possibilities of the photographic medium.
Inspired in part by Cage, Glenn Kaino (b. 1972) has embraced the artistic possibilities of chess by challenging the conventional game structure and linear method of play.
PRISM Quartet presents a pilot performance for its discovery project Breath Beneath — an investigation of the artistic possibilities that arise at the intersection of saxophone music, technology, and durational visual art.
D'Souza states «[Ukeles] work, and the role of the artist that her work inscribed, makes a powerful argument for the artistic possibilities of citizenship — and the responsibilities, obligations, and collective pleasures that go along with it.»
Instead, her work, and the role of the artist that her work inscribed, makes a powerful argument for the artistic possibilities of citizenship — and the responsibilities, obligations, and collective pleasures that go along with it.
D'Souza states «[Ukeles] work, and the role of the artist that her work inscribed, makes a powerful argument for the artistic possibilities of citizenship — and the responsibilities, obligations, and collective pleasures -LSB-.....]
A juried exhibition exploring the artistic possibilities of one - of - a-kind, handmade books, altered books, and book objects.
In the paintings, works on paper and sculptures at Kent Place, one can see Dagley developing a wide range of artistic possibilities, including hallucinatory optical and retinal color effects, intense patterns, contradictory painterly spaces and geometric constructions.
We explore the unfolding story of America by actively collecting, exhibiting, interpreting, and preserving outstanding works that illuminate our heritage and artistic possibilities.
The new live digital artwork Spigot by Jason Salavon experiments with the artistic possibilities of information technology and unconventional source materials.
Invested in the artistic possibilities of video, the ETC developed a research program to push the boundaries of the medium by creating a more flexible set of processing tools for artists.
«What [Laderman] offered to those who were willing to look and to listen was the splendor of artistic possibility.
«Huyghe's work extends far beyond any tidy definition of sculpture in ways that continue to grow and develop well into his career, allowing for ever - new discoveries and artistic possibilities.
Sundaymorning@ekwc sundaymorning@ekwc is an internationally renowned ceramic work centre where visual artists, designers, architects and other creative professionals can explore the artistic possibilities of ceramics.
We can never understand conceptualism in the same way after experiencing Hershman Leeson's astonishing excavations of the intellectual and artistic possibilities of changing technologies.
All artistic possibilities are not created equal.
In the latter half of the 19th century, the rules and norms governing visual arts were dissolved and replaced by a wide array of artistic possibilities, where small constellations of artists fought for new, revolutionary ideas.
Embracing the artistic possibilities of photography, Muluneh's work «creates and distorts» reality.
Although guided by plain curiosity in the beginning, painting quickly became an intriguing new field of artistic possibilities.
Rosenberg moved to San Francisco from Canada to pursue her MFA at the California College of Art, where she wrote her thesis on the artistic possibilities of cake.
Time's running out to see two exhibits at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts that explore the artistic possibilities of the Great Salt Lake.
During the same period, he met composer Pierre Barbaud, known for his role in shaping early «algorithmic music,» an encounter that alerted him to the artistic possibilities afforded by then - fledgling computer technologies.
His video works explore the artistic possibilities of the apparatus of film and in an era of «post-truth» question what is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is false.
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