Sentences with phrase «as border patrol»

On their way to the Beanbean Kingdom, Mario and Luigi encounter the Border Bros (Hammer Bros. that act as border patrol between the kingdoms).
While these dogs were originally used as border patrol canines, they perform in many arenas today including protection, search and rescue, obedience, agility, tracking, herding, and all - around family dogs.
Next, students play the game twice: once as a border patrol agent, and again as a migrant, and then answer an open - ended prompt.
He served as a border patrol chief for 30 years and a police officer before that, he said.

Not exact matches

Western Australian shipbuilder Austal has been chosen as preferred tenderer to build eight new patrol boats for Customs and Border Protection.
The Canadian government was forced to set aside C$ 173 million in its latest budget to pay for extra patrols at border crossings to cope with the influx, as well as security screening and processing of refugee applications.
What were his last thoughts, as he lay dying, terrorized by a pack of brutal border patrol agents?
This was even as it entered into partnership with the the Federal and Ogun State Government to intensify border patrol operations.
They patrol border areas such as the skin, lungs and digestive tract.
They are sometimes known as the sentinel cells of the immune system, constantly patrolling the borders of the body that form the physical barriers to the outside world — the skin and the inner linings of the lungs, nose, stomach and gut.
As the citizens of South Korea celebrate the FIFA World Cup, the North Korean navy sends two patrol boats to a disputed border in the Yellow Sea.
July 4, 2014 • As protesters block buses full of detainees from entering a border patrol station, many Murrieta residents say the federal government is the real root of the problem.
The film was initially inspired by an article Heineman read about an American vigilante group in Arizona that militantly patrols the border with Mexico, which its members believe is far too penetrable, but as he prepared to investigate this story, he encountered another article — this one about the massive power of the Mexican drug cartel Knights Templar, and a local citizens vigilante group calling itself Autodefensas.
Focusing on the leaders of two groups — one in charge of a citizens» anti-cartel organization known as the Autodefensas, another the head of a self - appointed border patrol in Arizona — the pic finds most of its best moments in the action - packed scenes south of the Rio Grande.
Focusing on the leaders of two groups — one in charge of a citizens» anti-cartel organization known as the Autodefensas, another the head of a self - appointed border patrol in Arizona -LSB-...]
His plan: pose as one of the many contented clans holidaying on the road, in an effort to avoid the suspicious gaze of border patrol.
Heineman's documentary (which follows on the heels of Shaul Schwarz's Narco Cultura, and Angus Macqueen and Guillermo Galdós's Drug Lord: The Legend of Shorty) began life as a portrait of extremist American vigilantes patrolling the Mexican border in Arizona, afeared of the tide of drugs and people they believe are overrunning their country.
Kingsley, however, reveals how laughably inept most of the high - profile border security measures are in these countries, which «hope to contain the problem with short term - solutions such as fences and naval patrols.
When used as herders (usually of cattle and hogs), Catahoulas use antagonization and intimidation to manage their herds, a technique that differs from the constant patrolling methods of other herders like Border Collies and sheepdogs.
It's perfectly legal and encouraged to cross the Rio Grande, as long as you cross at the border patrol station and you have your passport.
Twilight drives down Sunset Boulevard are as atmospheric as any moments in Red Dead Redemption and while the more linear nature of the game sometimes makes the city feel slightly less alive than Liberty City or RDR's US / Mexican border, there's still nothing stopping you driving your patrol car down a set of steps.
Papers, Please, jokingly referred to as a «bureaucratic simulator,» is a game about a border patrol officer in a totalitarian state who is forced to make life - and - death decisions regarding immigrants who wish to enter the country.
As Scott Wallace so vividly reported for National Geographic in 2013, Chota was adept at organizing patrols to confront loggers on tribal territory, echoing the work of Chico Mendes, the rubber tapper who similarly fought — and died — just across the border in Brazil in 1988.
A position of authority can refer to those in formal positions of authority such as police officers, immigration officers, border patrol agents and those with positions of power in the government.
Border patrol agents without law enforcement experience may start as GL - 5 civil servants at a salary of $ 40,511 to $ 50,639.
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