Sentences with phrase «as cidomos»

There is no motorised transport on Gili Air meaning that travelling «to the port can only be achieved on foot or by riding one of the horse carts known locally as Cidomos.
A horse - drawn carriage known as a cidomo — cars and mopeds are banned — soon arrived with the baggage.

Not exact matches

It would appear that there are multiple campaigns about the «Cidomos» (local horse and carts) and the way the horses are being portrayed as being abused on the Gili islands.
Alternatively you can hire a horse - drawn cart, known as a «cidomo».
We can not arrange cidomo pick up for you, as sadly there is no reliable service for arranged transport on the island.
As we gathered our bags and started up a sandy path toward our hotel, a cidomo, the Indonesian term for a horse - drawn cart, trotted by and tooted what sounded like a clown's horn.
Fortunately all three Gili Islands will not permit any type of motorized transport on them and therefore rely on bicycles or horse and carts, locally known as «Cidomos».
Fortunately all three Gili Islands will not permit any type of motorised transport on them and therefore rely on bicycles or horse and carts, locally known as «Cidomos».
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