Sentences with phrase «as elves»

One year we were «carolers» at an old mill, another we were in bathing suits and winter hats and scarves, one year he even dressed us as elves and put on our roof near the chimeny.
The staff, dressed as elves, knock on hundreds of doors and ask for food donations.
As elves, they are very shy of contact with humans and fly off magically the second they realize Alena has approached, dropping the medicine.
It handles issues such as discrimination through the character races, such as elves and dwarves, or anything considered non-human endures barbaric mistreatment from the humans from the Northern Kingdom (Nordlings).
Most of Zeldas fantasy races have two clear genders, such as the elves and Zoras.
It expands on the previous game in many aspects, including character creation that previously didn't have different races such as elves and lizards.
I was playing with Stocking Stuffer DLC activated, which reskins all of the enemies and survivors as elves, gingerbread men, reindeer and snowmen.
He, along with other heroes such as elves and men, must travel to destroy it.
Zombies have gotten into the holiday supplies and are now dressed up as elves, gingerbread men, reindeer, and snowmen, and to take them on, Frank has an all - new arsenal of holiday themed weapons.
Several high - ranking NYPD officers have been indicted on charges of accepting gifts from two businessmen who also happened to later become donors to Mayor Bill de Blasio — gifts including Christmas presents hand - delivered by the men while they were dressed as elves, and a private jet ride to Las Vegas that included an in - flight prostitute who went by the name Candi.
In fact, Rechnitz and Reichberg were so close that the feds claim they dressed up as elves on Christmas Day 2013 and drove initially to Grant's home where they gave video game consoles and jewelry to his family before heading off to Harrington's home, where they handed out another console to his kids.
Pajama pants, skinny jeans and moccasins Favorite after - school hangouts: The library and auditorium Best cafeteria food: Cheese sticks, chicken nuggets and cookies School traditions: Elf - day, when students dress as elves.
Our immediate ancestors perhaps remembered them instead as elves, dwarves, giants, goblins, and even (maybe) mermen.
Tolkien calls it Desirability — a kingdom of enchantment whose visitors know that the dragon is not of the same order as a horse or an orc of the same order as an elf.
I'm all cool with snow and slightly chilly temperatures up to Christmas since I think I could be classified as an elf for how much I love that time of year, BUT once the best day of the year is over and gone, dreary January takes over.
Can you work out how many marshmallows or candy canes weigh the same as your elf?
The packaging is okay and is similar and in the same size as the elf Studio blush.
Time to get my hustle as an elf going.
I have those Rodial pieces as well as the elf palette.
My experimentation with colored hosiery usually results in Nick dubbing the look as an elf or smurf or oompa loompa outfit.
I could totally see myself as an elf, lol!
Particularly memorable were his turns in the 2006 holiday comedy The Santa Clause 3 (as an elf), the offbeat 2007 fantasy Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (as Eric Applebaum, the most loyal customer of a magical toy store), and the 2008 family - oriented comedy Kit Kittredge: An American Girl.
Other familiar faces turn up including Cate Blanchett as the elf Galadriel and Hugo Weaving as Elrond Lord of Rivendell, while Sylvester McCoy is a jovial addition to the proceedings as Radagast the Brown.
Ethan doesn't hold a real job — he's first seen dressed as an elf for a Christmas catering gig — and seems to live for his friends» annual Christmas Eve get - together, a friends - as - family tradition forged in the wake of his parents» death years ago.
Orlando Bloom who plays Will Turner also stars as an elf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Lilly stars as elf Tauriel in the second and third installments of Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy, which are expected to be released in 2013 and 2014.
James Caan as the elf's biological father.
Buddy is a human being who through an accident of fate has been raised as an elf amongst all the elves at Santa's North Pole home and workshop.
Lilly who has most recently appeared as the elf Tauriel in The Hobbit: The Desolation of...
Orlando Bloom is as lifeless as ever as the elf warrior Legolas, although he does appear to possess the jumping skills of a mountain goat, while his fellow elf Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly), a character completely invented by Jackson and his writers, possesses no depth of character at all, which goes for pretty much everyone else here too.
As an elf, she shed ruby tears and thus faced constant harassment from humans who wanted to add to their wealth.
When Rose, his lover, was attacked by humans for the ruby tears she sheds as an elf, he protected her by concealing her in a small fortress he built far away from human settlements.
I've seen the cutest novelty socks everywhere and think they'd look adorable as the elf's hat.

Not exact matches

The cartoon, drawn by Pulitzer Prize - winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes, showed Cruz in a Santa costume cranking an old - fasioned music box, with his two young daughters as dancing monkeys dressed in elf costumes.
(The fantasy movie features humans, orcs, elves, and faeries as characters.)
Are your chat rooms as gleeful as the rooms housing Santa's elves working on your special present?
This means you'll have to own or buy a currency that's available in a pairing with ELF, such as bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH), before you can acquire any ELF.
ELF is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, so there are plenty of Ethereum - compatible wallets you may consider using, such as:
Therefore without evidence it is safe for one to proceed as though there is no god, the same way it is safe to proceed as though there are no dragons, elves and goblins.Your attempt to cast atheism as a faith is a straw man fallacy and only goes to show that you are fundamentally irrational.
Santa... as a person... or an elf... does not exist.
If she was hired as a gift wrapper for the holiday season, she would have also expected to decorate packages with Santas, elves, pagan seasonal symbols like holly, and probably a lot of things that refer to the Christian tradition of Christmas — angels, doves, 3 wise men and stuff like that.
We re-discover the meaning of heroism and friendship as we see the two hobbits clawing their way up Mount Doom; we see again the endless evil of greed and egotism in Gollum, stunted and ingrown out of moral shape by years of lust for the ring; we recognize again the essential anguish of seeing beautiful and frail things - innocence, early love, children — passing away as we read of the Lady Galadriel and the elves making the inevitable journey to the West.
God is as true as Santa Claus in the North Pole with all his little Elves.
Faith in «god» is considered by christians, jews and muslims as a virtue while faith in fairies, elves, leprechauns, and a myriad other fantasmagorical beings is a sign of insanity.
Think of how you would view witchcraft as a retarding influence on society and how you would long for the day when the shining light of science and reason would illuminate your village and the majority of the population would abandon their belief in witches, pixies and elves.
Finally, imagine that you noticed many abuses caused by the belief in witches, such as people giving 10 % of their crops to highly suspect priests to ward off witches, belief in witches and elves being used to deny the pollution you noticed building up in your village and laws being passed controlling how a woman must act while pregnant based on witchcraft.
You might as well claim that elves made your shoes or that storks bring babies.
Billions more have saught Angus, Belenos, Brigid, dana, Lugh, Dagda, Epona, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Atehna, Demeter, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Gaia, Hades, Hekate, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, hermes, Hestia, Pan, Poseidon, Selene, Uranus, Zeus, Mathilde, Elves, Eostre, Frigg, Hretha, Saxnot, Shef, Thuno, Tir, Weyland, Woden, Alfar, Balder, Beyla, Bil, Bragi, Byggvir, Dagr, Disir, Eir, Forseti, Freya, Freyr, Frigga, Heimdall, Hel, Hoenir, Idunn, Jord, Lofn, Loki, Mon, Njord, Norns, Nott, Odin, Ran, saga, Sif, Siofn, Skadi, Snotra, Sol, Syn, Ull, Thor, Tyr, Var, Vali, Vidar, Vor, Black Shuck, Herne, Jack in the Green, Holda, Nehalennia, Nerthus, endovelicus, Ataegina, Runesocesius, Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Cupid, Diana, Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Maia, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Plutus, Proserpina, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan, Attis, Cybele, El - Gabal, Isis, Mithras, Sol Invictus, Endovelicus, Anubis, Aten, Atum, Bast, Bes, Geb, Hapi, Hathor, Heget, Horus, Imhotep, Isis, Khepry, Khnum, Maahes, Ma'at, Menhit, Mont, Naunet, Neith, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, ra, Sekhmnet, Sobek, Set, Tefnut, Thoth, An, Anshar, Anu, Apsu, Ashur, Damkina, Ea, Enki, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Nunurta, Hadad, Inanna, Ishtar, Kingu, Kishar, Marduk, Mummu, Nabu, Nammu, Nanna, Nergal, Ninhursag, Ninlil, Nintu, Shamash, Sin, Tiamat, Utu, Mitra, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukiyomi, Inari, Tengu, Izanami, Izanagi, Daikoku, Ebisu, Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Fu.kurokuju, Jurojin, Hotei, Quetzalcoatl, Tlaloc, Inti, Kon, Mama Cocha, Mama Quilla, Manco Capac, Pachacamac, Viracoc.ha, or Zaramama and have found Them as well.
but like elves and unicorns, there is zero, as in absolutely no evidence that god or god (s) exist.
I also say that heaven and Santa and his elves are a fantasy, as is the Easter Bunny.
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