Sentences with phrase «as liturgical»

His work was exhibited at The Salpeter Gallery in New York 1953, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Boston, and the Jewish Museum (New York), 1948, and was included in group exhibitions such as Liturgical Art, Arts Club of Chicago and at the HCE Gallery, Provincetown MA, 1959 and 60; Six American Sculptors, Milwaukee Arts Center; Art in Judaism — Past and Present, Newark Museum, 1957; Six American Sculptors, Arts Club of Chicago, 1956.
Concurrently with «Cyborg,» Corwin curated «Devotion» at The Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, a recreation of a chapel populated by contemporary art acting as liturgical hardware and paraphernalia.
Besides this glimpse of presbyter - bishop Polycarp as teacher, the same source preserves for us a picture of Polycarp as liturgical «president» or eucharistic host.
People who major in small - group worship often miss the music of the sanctuary as well as the liturgical drama related to the church year and the celebration of the church's festival days.
It is precisely as a liturgical worshiping community that the church is most effectively a sign of the ultimate destiny of every human being and of humanity as a whole.
It was as a result of this relationship that in due course of time, Syriac came to be used as the liturgical language.
Gunkel further noted certain characteristic stylistic features, such as liturgical use of the particle «for» (Hebrew: ki)
And no sooner have I done so than the doxology, which is sometimes included in the prayer and sometimes serves as its liturgical trailer, reminds me of what I can so quickly forget: «for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.»
Lively debates are also taking place about whether dances might be used as liturgical actions, modelled upon the traditional sacred dances existing in the culture.
Some people have even described these developments as a liturgical revolution.
However, «Hallowed be Thy name» was perhaps added as a liturgical introduction to the prayer.
If I have one criticism it would be that in the section on the modern period there is insufficient mention of the influence of the Oxford Movement and Newman in the 19th century, and of the internal renewal of the Church through such phenomena as the Liturgical Movement of the early 20th century.
Performing it as a liturgical act, however, is an act which breaks it.
Now understand, as a liturgical Mainline Protestant congregation, First Presbyterian Church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, which means the Scriptural passages for the service and sermon are determined years in advance.

Not exact matches

Ross sees the low liturgies of many evangelical congregations as based on the idea that you can emphasize liturgical order or the regeneration brought about by the Holy Spirit, but not both.
As an old liturgical saw has it, referring to the difference in color that distinguishes prayers from instructions in the Missal, «Read the black and do the red.»
She cites John's emphasis on personal faith, de-emphasis of high offices, and prioritization of Christology as ways in which this particular gospel has deeply influenced low - church liturgical practices.
As Rathey's subtitle suggests, these works are dramas set in a liturgical context.
Ross offers a defense of evangelical liturgical practices (perhaps better described as «norms,» actually) by putting Catholic scholar Aidan Kavanagh into conversation with Anglican theologian John Webster.
As a result, evangelical liturgical practices tend to be far more fluid than the practices of more high church traditions, as the practices flow from a belief that spiritual regeneration precedes liturgical practice — and regeneration can not be reduced down to easily identified physical characteristicAs a result, evangelical liturgical practices tend to be far more fluid than the practices of more high church traditions, as the practices flow from a belief that spiritual regeneration precedes liturgical practice — and regeneration can not be reduced down to easily identified physical characteristicas the practices flow from a belief that spiritual regeneration precedes liturgical practice — and regeneration can not be reduced down to easily identified physical characteristics.
I'd also like to remind readers that the issue of ad orientem posture isn't merely a minor matter of moment for fastidious liturgical nerds, as if the Mass were a mere matter of aesthetics cordoned off safely on Sundays.
He opens with a basic biography called «The Stations of Bach's Life» (the liturgical reference is deliberate, as Geck sees Bach's life as a kind of Via Dolorosa).
We often think of liturgical prayer as exercise for our souls.
Moreover, Evangelical Catholicism takes the liturgical laws and rubrics of the Church seriously, as barriers against the deterioration of the liturgy into a communal celebration of ourselves.
Rekindling the Christic Imagination: Theological Meditations on the New Evangelization, by Robert P. Imbelli (Liturgical Press): For those who've watched (as every sentient Catholic should have watched) Father Robert Barron's Catholicism series, here's the next step — a theologically rich, entirely accessible walk through the great themes of Evangelical Catholicism, keyed to four masterpieces of Christian art.
Both the liturgical and theological traditions of the Church present to us certain things that must be said about God as revealed in Christ Jesus.
On a busy Sunday the air is especially torn by discord, with different liturgical languages competing for the loudest as well as the last word.
The curriculum of the seminary should be determined by and reflect the liturgical life of the church, for the most promising way to reclaim the integrity of theological language as the working language for a congregation is for seminaries to make liturgy the focus of their lives.
Program and liturgical functions such as preaching were cited by the remaining third as providing the greatest satisfaction.
Indeed, we suspect that the very distinction between theology, ethics and liturgy reflects the seminary's adoption of inappropriate academic models of compartmentalization and a failure to take seriously the liturgical life of congregations as central to our educative task.
Here as elsewhere it is not always evident how, or if, Davis» theological commitments inform his liturgical sensibilities.
There are no liturgical and non-liturgical wings, even though some members of liturgical churches identify as evangelicals.
In this earliest Christian teaching on liturgical participation, the word koinonia which St Paul uses can also be translated quite properly as «communion».
In the Christian liturgical calendar, there are two periods called «Ordinary Time» — a span leading up to Lent and then another span, which I am in as I write, that stretches from Easter to Advent.
Revelation — Scripture and Tradition as interpreted by the Apostolic Succession — takes us a step further by placing the male / female relationship in a liturgical context.
In addition to proposing concrete, forceful corrections to liturgical abuses, the document goes some way towards promoting an overall vision of the liturgy which will be widely welcomed as a more synthetic correction.
The «liturgical circle» begins by observing and listening to what the church does and says when it gathers for worship as the primary witness to what Christians believe, moves on to theological reflection on the meaning of these data, and then proceeds to reform worship so as to express these meanings more effectively.
The Report also says that «assent to formularies and the use of liturgical language in public worship should be understood as signifying general acceptance without implying detailed assent to every phrase or proposition thus employed».3
In keeping with its medieval inspiration (and indeed with Gravissimum Educationis) Chavagnes places the liturgical life - which is at the heart of the Church - at the very heart of its own life as a College.
Liturgical churches always use the Gospel stories as the text for the Sunday sermon.
Speaking personally, it means the grievous loss of something about Catholic observance which always used enormously to impress me as a non-Catholic: the spectacle of Catholics keeping their weekday obligations, often at enormous inconvenience to themselves: as an Anglican, for whom any liturgical obligation was essentially a matter of my own whim, this was immensely attractive: there was the sense that Catholics were under obedience, and that their religion was a real force in their lives, one not to be diverted by secular pressures or values.
As well as the dangers already mentioned, this also meant, especially in the early days, that it had no clear connection to the sacramental and liturgical life, above all devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and all too often doctrinal and catechetical formation were dismissed as mere «academics» or intellectualism; doctrinal formation and apologetics being seen as something purely for those of a «theological bent»As well as the dangers already mentioned, this also meant, especially in the early days, that it had no clear connection to the sacramental and liturgical life, above all devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and all too often doctrinal and catechetical formation were dismissed as mere «academics» or intellectualism; doctrinal formation and apologetics being seen as something purely for those of a «theological bent»as the dangers already mentioned, this also meant, especially in the early days, that it had no clear connection to the sacramental and liturgical life, above all devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and all too often doctrinal and catechetical formation were dismissed as mere «academics» or intellectualism; doctrinal formation and apologetics being seen as something purely for those of a «theological bent»as mere «academics» or intellectualism; doctrinal formation and apologetics being seen as something purely for those of a «theological bent»as something purely for those of a «theological bent».
«It is very important to make as clear as possible that no tickets are needed to attend the beatification of John Paul II,» said monsignor Guido Marini, master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, according to Vatican Radio.
And beyond moral indignation at liturgical substitutes for goodness, the scorn which some prophetic passages pour on animal sacrifices suggests intellectual contempt as well.
As we attempt to reconnect with our own history, which is after all a sacred history as far as the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faitAs we attempt to reconnect with our own history, which is after all a sacred history as far as the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faitas far as the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faitas the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faitas expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faitas the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faith.
The liturgical heritage of Judaism, the psychological and practical needs of the worshiping group, and the inexorable pressure of ideas and customs in the Mediterranean world, especially in the mystery religions, presaged the development in Christianity, as in other faiths, of ritual and sacrament.
For ever since Pius Xll's Mediator Dei and also at the Second Vatican Council the liturgical prayer has been given such priority over the private prayer of individuals and groups that — despite papal warnings — one is easily tempted to think that private prayer is more or less superfluous, especially if we are as involved in our liturgical prayer as we ought to be.
Mardi Gras, when understood in its accidental liturgical context, has the potential to bring us to God, and it does when we think of it as a celebration that foreshadows our joy at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, that joy that can say «Death where is thy sting?»
As one modest case study, consider what is arguably the most recognizable of traditional liturgical prayer forms, the collect.
Wright notes that Western individualism tends to highlight individual reading as the primary mode, and liturgical reading as secondary, where he sees the two working hand - in - hand.
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