Sentences with phrase «as pentecostals»

When you appreciate what you have as much as Pentecostals do, you aren't satisfied to experience it yourself.
Most are mainline, a few are evangelical, but most simply are not as excited about what they believe — and don't think it needs to be propagated as much — as the Pentecostals.
Furthermore, as Pentecostals looked to the Acts of the Apostles in an effort to follow the apostolic patterns of the early church, they noted that converts were baptized in water in «Jesus» name.»
These architecturally appealing houses of worship as well as the more formal and subdued worship taking place within their walls, however, may indicate that with its prosperity the AG has lost some of its distinctiveness as a Pentecostal denomination.
This movement began inside Evangelical churches, though, and emphasizes the work of the Spirit in the life of the believer just as Pentecostal and charismatic churches do.
I published a piece in the Journal of Pentecostal Theology a few years ago called «Spirit, Apocalypse and Ethics: Reading Catholic Moral Theology as a Pentecostal
(CNN)- Jerry DeWitt entered the ministry when he was 17, launching a 25 - year career as a Pentecostal preacher.
That of course is too simple, and yet I want to recapture something of that hope as Pentecostal hope.

Not exact matches

Mainline Protestants (Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and the like) and evangelical / fundamentalist Protestants (an umbrella group of conservative churches including the Pentecostal, Baptist, Anabaptist, and Reformed traditions) not only belong to distinctly different kinds of churches, but they generally hold distinctly different views on such matters as theological orthodoxy and the inerrancy of the Bible, upon which conservative Christians are predictably conservative.
I am a Christian who attends a Pentecostal church, but I'm pretty liberal in my views as well and don't always agree with my fellow Christians about certain heavier topics.
Having come out of that sort of extreme mentality (holiness oneness pentecostal), I really have a hard time with people acting as they did / do.
(I would hesitate to call the Pentecostal concern for the poor «social justice,» as Smith does, since the term has political connotations that may or may not apply to Pentecostals.)
This woman hailed from a Pentecostal background, and I always watched with some disappointment as she clearly felt constrained in worship, as if she needed to sit on her hands.
As for Pentecostals being sacramental but not valuing the sacraments, as Schuler suggests, I concur with hiAs for Pentecostals being sacramental but not valuing the sacraments, as Schuler suggests, I concur with hias Schuler suggests, I concur with him.
As with the mystical tradition in general, the danger is that the Pentecostal mystical experience becomes a mere escape from the world rather than a preparation for a purposeful reinsertion into the world.
BTW, as a Christian I believe in the Trinitarian Mystery and while I realize that «when you get One, you get them all», I have a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit than I do with either the Father or Jesus, the Son, even though I don't experience most of the «psychological fireworks» that many Charismatic / Pentecostal Christians frequently do.
In the climate they have established, a number of indigenous denominations unrelated to Western mission agencies in origin (such as the Kimbanguists and other African independent churches, and a number of Pentecostal denominations in Latin America) have become a major force.
As mainline Protestantism ceased to be a culture - forming force in American public life, the void was filled by a new Catholic presence in the public square and, perhaps most influentially in electoral terms, by the emergent activism of evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostal Protestantism in what would become known as the Religious Right» a movement that has formed a crucial part of the Republican governing coalition for more than a quarter - centurAs mainline Protestantism ceased to be a culture - forming force in American public life, the void was filled by a new Catholic presence in the public square and, perhaps most influentially in electoral terms, by the emergent activism of evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostal Protestantism in what would become known as the Religious Right» a movement that has formed a crucial part of the Republican governing coalition for more than a quarter - centuras the Religious Right» a movement that has formed a crucial part of the Republican governing coalition for more than a quarter - century.
I spoke with Christians from 20 nations, from Ghana to the Republic of South Africa, representing the relatively new national union churches (such as the United Church of Zambia), the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Pentecostal Assemblies of God and the Salvation Army.
EastEnders» Pentecostal pastor Lucas Johnson (Don Gilet) started well but was slowly revealed as a crazed serial killer who used his faith as a justification for awful things including forced «baptism» and murder.
The church is located in a conservative part of the country (in a town that serves as the national headquarters for the Church of God and home to one of the largest Pentecostal universities in the country), so it attracts a lot of people who grew up Southern Baptist or Pentecostal or non-denominational.
It is only to remind us, as we celebrate Pentecost and design our sermons on the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit is always much bigger and more «other» than we — or the Pentecostals — normally think, and is capable of violently upending our worlds when we aren't expecting it.
Indeed, the Pentecostal understanding of spiritual gifts encourages people to see the meaning of their lives as launching outside of the church to make their own, distinctive contribution.
In a recent article for Christianity Today, Ed Stetzer offers some sociological analysis as to why Pentecostals continue to experience growth despite trends of decline or stagnation among many forms of Christianity.
In a collection of essays entitled The Sanctified Church, Zora Neale Hurston described the traditions of the African American holiness and Pentecostal churches as a «revitalizing element» in black music and religion.
This historical fact as well as Baldwin's complicated relationship to the holiness - pentecostal movement must be taken seriously.
As must now be evident, the charismatic orientation may be cloaked in the style of those groups which call themselves charismatic or Pentecostal, but it is important to note that the charismatic negotiation is primarily a structure and as such may give form to the world views of persons and groups that do not adopt any of the features or practices of what is conventionally called charismatic religioAs must now be evident, the charismatic orientation may be cloaked in the style of those groups which call themselves charismatic or Pentecostal, but it is important to note that the charismatic negotiation is primarily a structure and as such may give form to the world views of persons and groups that do not adopt any of the features or practices of what is conventionally called charismatic religioas such may give form to the world views of persons and groups that do not adopt any of the features or practices of what is conventionally called charismatic religion.
They would move on to found such «Oneness» denominations as the United Pentecostal Church and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
The «Pentecostal» enthusiasm of the disciples arose, not from reflection about the value of a dead man's deeds and words, but from the conviction that that man was alive as Lord and Messiah and that they could testify from their experience of actual encounter with him that God had glorified him.
And many Pentecostal and Jesus groups see the present in biblical terms as the end of times just before Jesus is to return.
In passing down the experiential faith of the early followers of the Movement (as the AG likes to refer to itself) to a new generation, members began limiting once - popular Pentecostal expressions.
To throw Pentecostal Pastors under the bus because you caught a few is the same as casting stones when you shouldn't that being said.
The Pentecostal teachings have been more easily translated into other contexts, as the rise of the charismatic movement indicates, and the most creative Pentecostal theology is taking place in that dialogue.
Founders of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) sought to broaden their base just as the Holiness and Pentecostal churches were reaching for wider acceptance.
Under these conditions, holding up the banner of the Protestant Reformation is less about affirming the theology of Italian Reformed Protestants (as de Chirico's commentary implies) and more about past issues over religious freedom for Pentecostals who had only been in Italy for twenty years in 1928.
In short, as one Pentecostal historian puts it privately, large segments of the Holiness and Pentecostal movements were «captured» by fundamentalism.
Thus the picture of Holiness and Pentecostal churches as they enter the 1980s is largely one of youth and vigor.
To interpret the statement as a straightforward affirmation of Reformed commitments, as de Chirico does, smacks of the way Pentecostal and holiness churches were initially invited to join the National Association of Evangelicals for their numbers, not their theology, a history Molly Worthen has chronicled in her Apostles of Reason.
As late as the 1970s, Italian immigrant communities of Pentecostals were still saying to their American counterparts «you do not know the Catholic Church» in reference to their experiences in ItalAs late as the 1970s, Italian immigrant communities of Pentecostals were still saying to their American counterparts «you do not know the Catholic Church» in reference to their experiences in Italas the 1970s, Italian immigrant communities of Pentecostals were still saying to their American counterparts «you do not know the Catholic Church» in reference to their experiences in Italy.
Synan goes so far as to suggest occasionally that the primary purpose of classical Pentecostal churches in the providence of God was to preserve and mediate the Pentecostal teachings to the rest of Christendom.
I would suggest that the future of Holiness and Pentecostal churches will take shape as issues are fought out along four major axes.
No uniform pattern emerges, but the variety will be a source of ferment as the Holiness and Pentecostal churches continue to assert themselves and to emerge from isolation to claim a significant place among other churches of Christendom.
In March the Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal denomination, responding in large part to the spread of Reconstructionism, denounced postmillennialism as heresy.
And, surprising to us, old - line Pentecostal groups — those started through missionary activity in the first half of this century — are often not as vital as charismatically inclined churches that were started in the past two decades.
«I think there is a genuine embarrassment / horror when people in the West look at, for instance, some of the Pentecostal traditions, and I'm always very worried when people look at Asian or African religion and present it as a kind of syncretism, as a kind of survival of the pagan,» says Jenkins.
In Jones» songs, you hear the old Baptist and Pentecostal fear that maybe, horrifically, one has passed over into the stage of Esau who, as the Bible puts it, «could not find repentance though he sought it with tears.»
East European Pentecostals have no wealth, institutional power or privilege to lose; so when need arises, they go to prison and turn their prisons into «Bible schools» to convert their jailers, as St. Paul did, They spread faith and hope to fellow prisoners as Black Muslims have done in some American prisons.
In matters of some significance, such as congressional «representation» of religious groups, the enormous and disproportionate visibility of the oldline bodies continues (in 1984, 67 Episcopalians, one Pentecostal); the «losses» have been to Roman Catholic and Jewish representation, not noticeably to right - wing or even «evangelical» Protestantism (Albert Menendez, «The Changing Religious Profile of Congress,» Church and State [January 1983], pp. 9 - 12; Christianity Today, «Members of Congress Hold Ties to 21 Religious Groups» [January 18, 19851, pp. 61 -64) Even in the membership sweepstakes it appears that the NCC bodies may do reasonably well in the 1980s.
Although self - defined Pentecostal or charismatic religious communities exist within Protestantism and Catholicism, it is its «character as movement that produces Pentecostalism's visible fruits.»
Chilean Pentecostalism shares the basic characteristics of the Pentecostal identity: an emphasis on evangelization oriented to conversion, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the church as a charismatic and healing community, the belief in a spiritual world, and the anticipation of the Second Coming of Christ.
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