Sentences with phrase «as ssp»

As an SSP student, you are encouraged to enroll in classes outside of HGSE that will strengthen your connections across traditional disciplines.
One perspective is called «Selective Self - Presentation,» or what the researchers refer to as SSP, which is a profile that highlights only what's «good» about a person and downplays the rest.

Not exact matches

SpotX serves as the first digital supply - side platform (SSP) to use Nielsen analytics for connected TV inventory
SSP is a great way to help children and adults move through major transitions (such as starting school, starting a new job, going on vacation) and prepare for participation in other therapeutic interventions.
Tommy Sheridan insisted he is keen to make an amicable break from the Scottish Socialist party (SSP), as he launched his new party in Glasgow yesterday.
The Labour vote held up quite well in Scotland, what happened was that the SSP and Solidarity collapsed and the Greens and Liberal Democrats had losses - this happened in the Scottish Local Elections as well, the overall votes for Labour were within 1 % of those of the SNP and even as a percentage vote only marginally down on 2003 despite high turnout.
Ajmera's first exposure to SSP came at the age of 17, when she was a participant in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, a competition run by SSP and now known as the Intel Science Talent Search.
He is board certified in Theriogenology (veterinary reproduction) and has served as a reproductive advisor for the AZA elephant TAG / SSP management group since 1987 and as its veterinary advisor for several years.
Researchers anticipate that understanding the physiology and genetic make - up of this bacterium will prove invaluable for food manufacturers as well as the pharmaceutical industry, which is exploring the capacity of L. lactis ssp.
Field experience — Many SSP students choose to complete a for - credit internship as one of their classes.
When telling us your story, you should be able to clearly articulate how SSP fits into your career plans and how this customized course of study will prepare you as a leader, innovator, and change agent.
This session features Assistant Dean for Masters Programs, Jennifer Petrallia, as well as staff and students associated with the Special Studies Program (SSP).
In fact, his past struggles have been constant inspiration this year as he made his way through the Special Studies Program (SSP), grateful for the second chance.
SSP remained Peter's central philanthropic focus to the end of his life, as it twinned a Catholic education with personal responsibility — on the part of both donor and recipient.
My kids were told to enter personal information and answer personal thoughts / questions in Naviance as part of the SSP because the STATE said to.
SSP and Shelburne Farms offer a series of institutes, workshops, year - long programs as well as tailor made offerings for your school or organization.
Networks: The IT infrastructure that supports the PIV program is described in detail in the System Security Plan (SSP) developed as part of the C&A for the IDMS system.
It began life as a California Highway Patrol undercover pursuit vehicle in the LX 5.0 Special Service Package (SSP) specification.
But, as usual with the SSP guys, they were fully open, honest and hard working.
From 2016 - 2018 she has served as a visiting curator and lecturer to VCUarts's Departments of Painting and Printmaking, Sculpture and Extended Media, Photography and Film and VCUart's Summer Studio Program (SSP).
SSP: My professor from Cranbrook, Heather McGill, said to think of yourself as part of a group, not an individual doing independent things.
Dr. Willie Wei - Hock Soon (shown) is an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Solar and Stellar Physics (SSP) Division of the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, as well as an astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory in southern California.
It is for this reason that the scenario framework distinguishes between «pathways,» which describe one component (such as RCPs or SSPs) of integrated scenarios, and «scenarios» themselves, which combine pathways with other information such as emissions, climate projections and policy assumptions to produce integrated descriptions of future climate and human system development.
A first stage would define basic SSPs with the minimum detail and comprehensiveness required to distinguish SSPs in terms of challenges to mitigation and adaptation as described in section 3 and to provide useful input to impact and integrated assessment models, particularly analyses at global or large regional scales.
SSPs include quantifications of factors that are considered drivers of such outcomes such as population growth and economic growth, but quantification of the consequences of these drivers is left to scenarios that will be produced based on the SSPs (van Vuuren et al. 2013).
SSPs should generally not contain information that would typically be outcomes of such models, such as the precise mix of technologies used in the energy sector, specific emissions or land use outcomes, climate change and its implications for agriculture.
They are collectively known as the «Shared Socioeconomic Pathways» (SSPs).
In one of his most challenging responsibilities he served as Convening Lead Author of the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (Nakicenovic et al., 2000) that designed a set of widely used emissions scenarios to this day and was very influential in the development of RCPs and SSPs.
Would there be statutory minimum pay as with statutory sick (SSP) or maternity pay (SMP) and could the employer reclaim any portion of this, as with SMP?
If an employee fails to submit the requested documentation, such as a self - certification form or GP's Fit Note, an employer could be entitled to withdraw SSP and Company Sick Pay until evidence of incapacity has been provided.
That's an argument major publishers have been trying to make in the face of a talk about «platforms» such as DSPs, DMPs, SSPs and so on.
The Sigma SSP has been optimized as a high - performance stereo preamp / processor with video switching, multichannel processing and bass management included.
In some situations the child may only require a plan that is developed by the school and parent, this is known as the School Support Plan — SSP.
One criticism was that the apparent influence of early and extensive day care on insecurity was the result of other explanatory factors (e.g., family income) not adequately accounted for in existing research.8 Another was that (unmeasured) poor quality care and not timing and quantity of care was the influential factor.9 And a third was that independent behavior displayed by day care children not particularly stressed by the SSP ̶ due to their familiarity with separation ̶ was misconstrued as avoidant behavior, leading to erroneous assessments of children as insecure - avoidant.10
Just as important was evidence that infants with extensive day care experience (a) were not less stressed in the SSP than other infants (see also19) and that (b) putatively independent behavior was not misconstrued as avoidant behavior.14
Considered especially important was (a) taking into account confounding child, parent and family background factors that could be responsible for any putative child care effects; (a) distinguishing and disentangling potential effects of distinctive features of the child - care experience, particularly quality, quantity and type of care (e.g., center - based vs. home - based); and (b) determining whether day care was associated with less separation distress in the SSP or independent behavior was mischaracterized as avoidant behavior.
Three studies appear to be particularly well suited for comparison, as they have samples of similar age and country, and used the same instrument and coding system, i.e., the SSP (Bernier et al. 2004; Cole 2005a, b, 2006; Dozier et al. 2001).
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