Sentences with phrase «as slideshare»

To advance your candidacy and stand out from the competition, use all of the rich media options that LinkedIn now provides, such as SlideShare presentations and image files (infographics).
Consider other visual elements as well, such as SlideShare presentations, videos, infographics, ReplyAll, click - to - tweet, to keep your audience intrigued.
It's expanded its offerings with content tools such as the SlideShare presentation app.

Not exact matches

Presentation design blogs — Get PowerPoint presentation design ideas from experts on blogs such as Nancy Duarte's, Presentation Zen or by looking at presentations on Slideshare, the YouTube of PowerPoint presentations.
As Mark Sherbin explains, SlideShare is built to be extremely search friendly, which makes content posted on the site likely to rank highly on Google.
Acquired by LinkedIn in 2012, SlideShare has expanded its capabilities to incorporate additional design options, functionality, and media formats — such as audio, HD video, and more.
By partnering with Brian Solis of Altimeter group, Cision developed an eBook on Slideshare that was used both as a tool for a PR audience looking to build tech skills, but also as a key part of a Solis presentation.
Channel (s) the content will be delivered through (i.e., «Our eBook series will be published on our website, as well as on SlideShare.»)
Nurturing keeps prospects engaged by providing the most relevant content such as e-books, whitepapers or slideshares, for their particular situation.
Click through the slideshare below to find out what the metro mayor candidates said in their manifestos on key issues such as transport, housing and skills:
Think of Slideshare as YouTube for PowerPoint presentations.
As always, the Kindle books are still the # 1 source of email subscribers with SlideShare and search engine traffic doing their part.
There's a new section on marketing with visual content, as well as the specifics of SlideShare, and the video and multimedia chapters are updated with new examples.
It's mostly about getting something on YouTube: you want some kind of content on all the major websites (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SlideShare...) pointing back to your book so that you can connect with new readers in as many ways as possible (plus it helps your own website shows up in results faster).
As you become increasingly comfortable creating, uploading, and embedding SlideShare presentations, the above book promotion activities will become increasingly second nature to you.
Take your popular posts, useful insights, inspirational quotes, noteworthy results, chapter outlines or key points and repurpose them to share as a presentation on Slideshare or short videos on YouTube.
As I argued in my Chicago Seminars presentation on Alaska Airlines, which you can download on SlideShare, crediting flights to Mileage Plan makes a lot of sense even if they aren't a major airline at your local airport.
I've started to post on slideshare the process of building a painting AFTER it's finished, now thinking how to do the same as a prerelease tease.
I've posted it as a standalone Slideshare document: «A Systems Approach to Resilient and Sustainable Urban Energy Supply.»
Download Slideshow in PowerPoint (12 MB) Download Slideshow as PDF (8 MB) Translations: Download Slideshow in PowerPoint, Hungarian (8 MB) Download Slideshow as PDF, Hungarian (4 MB) View on SlideShare, Norwegian
A 30 - minute slideshow presentation can be recorded as a webcast or video, written as a blog post, and hosted on SlideShare.
The Adobe guide is, not surprisingly, published as an Adobe PDF document, available via SlideShare.
I suggest you look for ways to break that long - form piece apart or produce short companion pieces (think video introductions, info - graphics, short slideshare presentations) that essentially serve as teasers for the longer piece.
To give your profile an extra edge, you can include media, such as videos, slideshares, articles, etc. which demonstrate your skills and abilities and add credibility to the claims made in your summary.
Oh, and SlideShare is owned by and part of LinkedIn, making it super easy to include as embedded media in your LinkedIn Summary!
The benefit of using Slideshare is that your infographic resume now lives online and you can include a link to it in an email or as an update on any social media platform you want.
This could be because SlideShare chose the presentation resume as «featured.»
And an added bonus: as a free user of SlideShare, you will receive an email which includes the number of people who have viewed your uploaded documents.
As you change your resume, you can replace it on SlideShare or Scribd to keep it up - to - date.
Will social media venues, career messaging websites, clouds, applications, SlideShare, iPads and technology as a whole continue to facilitate faster, nuanced and more clever ways to move those words?
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