Sentences with phrase «as a christian person»

Furthermore, this plain truth that we are organic psychosomatic «becomings» provides a natural reason for the use of sacramental means of worship and Christian nurture, as well as a vindication of the traditional emphasis on the eucharist or Holy Communion as central in our relationship, as Christian people, with the divine reality in whom alone we can find genuine fulfillment of our creaturely potentiality.
As a Christian person — the nature and complexities of this planet kind of speak to me of being a God.
The church is where the stories of Israel and Jesus are told, enacted, and heard, and it is our conviction that as a Christian people there is literally nothing more important we can do.
So if one is fair and objective, please don't distill it down to something as bigoted as all Christian people are bad.
In matters not quite so central to faith, however — but central to our being in the world as Christian people — historical research into the crucifixion has already proved helpful.
I was a historian of Christianity when I came to this work, and I have always have been intrigued by the dynamics of continuity and change in the Christian church and in how we live as Christian people.
They are valuable so long as they help to interpret our experience as Christian people and to indicate the direction in which we ought to look if we want to understand something of the nature of our belief.
As Christian people and churches engage in this struggle, they have to decide where and in which ways their participation can be most meaningful.
The most fundamental way in which to characterise the participation of lay people in the Liturgy is by saying that it is an expression of their existence as Christian people.
As a Christian person, you make sure that the service must be true as they claim.
All dating members know that if they create profile as a Christian person than automatically more people visit there profile.

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They found that the people who were able to choose what to think about experienced a greater reduction of high - arousal negative emotions and a boost in low - arousal positive ones, as Christian Jarrett writes in a piece about the findings for the British Psychological Society research digest.
to justsayin: LDS people follow the same bible as you (if you are a christian).
The christians would argue in response to your point that god essentially commands them to convert as many souls as possible so that those people (you!)
I don't see Christians as more honest, more faithful in marriage, less violent, more giving, more polite, or more anything than the millions of people who are indifferent to religion and who only go to a church if there is a wedding or a funeral.
the main people getting publicity for dying are muslims currently, however, in the 10 - 40 window, Africa, and Asia (not only there but those are the most obvious), thousands of Christians are being burned to death, chopped up as if they were meat, rolled over by steam rollers after their persecuters have hung their families and children, and much worse forms of torture that as an American i can't even begin to relate to, EVERY DAY in the name of Jesus.
In a study that comes as a surprise to approximately no Christian under the age of 40, the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project says technology use among religious people is no different than among anybody else.
World War One, Two, Jewish Genocide, Stalin Purges it would take muslim terrorists 1,000 years to kill as many people as christians and atheists have killed in just those four events in a short span of 30 years!!
Any person who denies Jesus as the messiah and Son of God is not a Christian.
The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda quotes the Bible, as did the Branch Davidians of David Koresh, the People's Temple of Jim Jones, and many other eccentric Christian cults.
How religion is portrayed in TV and media helps us as Christians to see religion from a perspective of people outside of our Christian communities.
F.Y.I. Judaism, the Christian Faith, and the Muslim Faith can all be traced back to Abraham, it's just different interpretations of the same «stories» meant to be an example of how to live life as a good person.
Our government was founded by a combination of Christians and Deists, but having studied the actions of our government even against it's own people we haven't been a Christian nation since the beginning, much as some people want it to be.
If you want to believe every other God is the same as Christian God, you are just mistaken or you are just a deciever who wants to make people beleive that fallacy.
The answer is simple, they aren't — it is the white, more Aryan featured Jews in this country who have labeled themselves as «Neocons» who have merged with the 15 % Ethnic German Majority in this country to lead the Genocide against the Iraqi people in the name of land (Palestine), Oil, and ostensibly protecting the Holy land of Israel (this last one is where the Neocon Jews really did some great salesmanship in selling this argument to the dumb Christian Americans who said, Yep!
I would have the urge to open it as fast as possible, but knowing my christian friends» inability to acknowledge or at this point even understand what truth is, I would first arrange a live PayPerView event with thousands of recording devices and as many people as possible to witness the opening.
As a Christian it is my belief that in order to show Christ risen we must embrace everyone and in order to do that we must be able to reach people where they are, and to not have a crisis of Faith in your walk with God is a lie.
I was a bit wary, then, when in the late 1980s I received an invitation to spend some time with a small group of Christian scholars and activists — with Tim LaHaye as one of the persons who had already agreed to participate — to discuss strategies for representing our convictions in the public square.
The Holy Spirit does not prepare people to accept a hypocritical Christianity and so, as long as the Church refuses to be Christlike, people like Gandhi (a Hindu) will continue to not be Christians.
JACINJAX: Only if the candidate misleads people by calling mormonism as Christian.
People who say and do things out of hatred and use Christianity as a shield are not true Christians.
Let's not forget what and how America was suposedly started as a place of relgious freedom by the pilgrams (according to so called american history books) these religious people proceeded to rob & kill the Indians who saved their lives, take & kill Mexicans for land & gold & oil enslave a whole group of people as property for financial gain all under the guise of being good «Christians» (WHITE) and now perceive all «Muslims» (NON-WHITE) are evil unless proven otherwise.
2) The notion of the U.S. as a «Christian Country» is revisionist history that started during the Cold War (when, for example, «under God» was inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance, where for sixty years prior it had been absent) and continues today with people like Rick Santorum «wanting to vomit» at the notion of a secular nation.
Nevertheless, this current situation described earlier makes us reflect, and, as pastors, we are worried about the fact that many people who contract marriage are formally Christians, since they have received baptism, but are not practicing the Christian faith at all; not just liturgically, but also existentially.
On another note, most people don't identify themselves with any denomination these days, but just as a «Christian».
I just think as Christians we should have a higher standard than what we are portraying in the media concerning this issue... I can not find the reason why gay people can not be our equals in our churches — if they can be my neighbors then they can also be my friends — and if friends — then they shoud have all the access to whatever it is I do.
Today's society has a basis of right and wrong, which for an older person would associate with basic Christian teachings of loving your neighbor as yourself.
As people are always pointing out, Christians have persecuted Christians a lot through history, especially when political or dynastic or commercial interests were involved.
This is not as uncommon as people would like to believe, I have known many atheists who are now not only Christians but leaders in the faiths.
While they reject the divinity of Jesus (which isn't unknown amoungst christians either) they do see Jesus as an incredibly important prophet and as Messiah to the Jewish people.
If the people with guns also subscribe to their theology, the «religious right» leaders are that much closer to creating the United States as a Christian religious theocracy.
Russ Christian thinking at its best, 5 billion people totally ignore or think the bible is just another poorly written of fiction, sure to your lot it may be the most influential book in history, not so much to everyone else and is getting less and less influential as time goes by.
For Evangelical Christians, worshipping God in spirit and truth would surely require accepting his essential nature as one undivided God revealed in three persons, including the Son of God.
But yes there are people in muslims, they are killing innocents and harming others, as there are Christians and Jews.
It says he identifies himself as a Christian and you can be a person of faith without belonging to an organized religion.
As I read the comments I am once again reminded that Christians are sometimes the most unChristian people I know.
As a Christian, I take offense at people like Franklin Graham, Janet Parshall, etc. who have skewed the gospel.
As Christians spread their religion into Europe in the first centuries A.D., they ran into people living by a variety of local and regional religious creeds.
Christ, as time has many different names from many different cultures and the christians forcibly converted people to stop them from celebrating THEIR OWN religious holidays that fell at the same time of years millenia ago.
Certainly, you find me fighting more for the rights of LGBT people to live as LGBT people in Christian community — but that is because I think they are the ones not allowed to have a voice.
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