Sentences with phrase «as a blanket statement»

Does what someone said 2000 years ago apply as a blanket statement for all?
= > You need to limit the scientific fields you wish to address as this blanket statement does not hold.
That's not nice and it's not true as a blanket statement and I am an atheist.
In the medical community, I would expect opposition to this because homebirth is still seen as reckless and unsafe as a blanket statement without taking into consideration provider, practice, and level of care.
Last year, with ten days remaining in legislative session and confronted with a major ethics reform proposal from Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters, «Let me make this as a blanket statement: It is late in the day for anything.»
«Let me make this as a blanket statement: it is late in the day for anything.
«Let me make this as a blanket statement: It is late in the day, for anything,» Cuomo said late last week.
As a blanket statement, the GOP would fit the bill there.
Again, as a blanket statement, the GOP would fit the bill there.
I thought I would just put this out there just as a blanket statement.
Anonymous - I'm not using Viehl's info as a blanket statement, just a starting point.
Travis, I can't agree with that as a blanket statement.
In this post I wrote about not encouraging people to travel as a blanket statement.
It's certainly not a knock against it, but the final movie, done in the style of the in act «ink» cinematics, as well as a blanket statement by Tyrael, leave little doubt as to an eventual second expansion.
As a blanket statement that is not entirely fair.
In context, Pearce presented this is as a blanket statement (i..
The aforesaid is an absolute direction and it's absurd and silly as a blanket statement.
That being said, there are a few condos that do make sense but as a blanket statement I feel they are the riskier investment of the group.
«As a blanket statement, it's hard to say TV is a good thing or a bad thing,» says Greg Herder, CEO of Hobbs / Herder Advertising in Newport Beach, Calif. «It depends on the market and the practitioner and how he or she uses it.

Not exact matches

Keep in mind Forrester only surveyed 395 companies, which might not serve as a big enough pool to provide such a blanket statement that Facebook is failing marketers.
«Blanket statements and generalizations and insinuations of moral superiority because of different fee structures just feed the beast that hates «Wall St.» As a proud member of the wealth management industry who respects all managers with integrity regardless of the fee structure they choose, I think your blog post belittles us all.
You seem to believe that you are aware of what everyone is thinking, as this is the second time you have made a sweeping blanket statement... but to answer your question: I can assure you if that woman did see an angel telling her to kill her children, it certainly would have been a fallen angel, or demon if you prefer and not from God... If you had even a basic understanding of angels and fallen angels and the protection of God, this would be a moot point... but it appears that you want to play the game of how ridiculous can I be...
If as you say, «two wrongs [don't] make a right argument» then why not debate @Blarg's statement instead of inciting atheists condemnation of his / her arguments by indirectly making a blanket statement about how Atheist should be offended?
No... People may now more commonly USE «Happy Holidays» or «Season's Greetings» let's not go so far as to make a blanket statement that they PREFER it... Political correctness has been pounded people to such an extent that they avoid «Merry Christmas» at all cost.
Your blanket statements frustrated me and I'd like you to consider the reality that it's not as simple as you're trying to make it.
That said, the reality is that too many times Christians use this phrase as a general blanket statement to let someone know we care, but only in a passing, surface level way.
For one, it's an overstatement to say that all Christians are screwed in the head as I think it would be to make a blanket statement of any group based on how one might define them.
IMnot a bad person at all... IM sorry you feel that way... but you pretty much twisted things (God is murderous... murder is defined as UNLAWFUL taking of life) I teach that God takes and is judge of ALL life... Im sorry you feel that is wrong... I do NOT teach people to go out and murder or take lives of others... you are making a dishonest blanket statement and lumping everyone together in such a way...
Whitehead's statement that God seeks the maximization of values need not be taken as a blanket moral endorsement of everything that occurs.
I am not going to give you a blanket statement that everything that you say is true much as you would like me to.
I find it incredibly short sighted to try and make blanket statements like saying «not gay» should never be used as a joke.
As for my opinion, I think it's very irresponsible for Time to make a blanket statement like that, especially when there is evidence that proves the contrary is true.
The only thing offensive I've ever heard are those who make blanketed statements like «There are never medical contraindications to BFing» or say things like «Me and my baby went through [insert really challenging / emotional experience], therefore, no one has an excuse not to BF» I think it's important to continue to address this as a systemic issue rather than a «personal choice» issue.
I get the feeling your comment is actually a blanket statement drafted your office to rebut some widespread, negative publicity about Latch On NYC, and you're now blanketing the Internet with that statement as fast as you can — without paying much attention to its recipients.
Blanket statements, such as, «There is simply no scientific research to back up these claims,» are easily made.
It's not that all doctors believe bedsharing to be unsafe period, but rather there's the proverbial covering their asses that has to take place, and as long as we live in a society whereby our norms remain distinctly different from what is necessary to bedshare, how can they be expected to make blanket statements in support of it?
Fat intake varies based on many factors, so it's hard to say «how low can you go» as a general, blanket statement.
nap, and a faux fur jacket doubles as both a fashion statement and a cozy fireside blanket.
There is no slumber quite like that of a Thanksgiving nap, and a faux fur jacket doubles as both a fashion statement and a cozy fireside blanket.
I agree with you the market needed an extra long scarf, something that really makes and statement and can be used by both men and women and as a blanket.
Of course everyone will say Burberry did it first, but eco-fashionistas know better: blanket wraps have always been as warm as an old friend's hug and make a bold statement.
Which made me roll my eyes, as per usual, but then of course, Saoirse Ronan is somehow able to make the anecdote charming, talking about how «Sacramentoans» — she was careful not to make a blanket statement about «Americans» — say «perfickt» for perfect, and how hard it was for her to get her mouth around it.
As for how Amazon treats its employees, «even white collar workers» and how they «rarely» stay more than two years, there's another blanket statement without proof.
I don't know and I don't really care — except when it comes to such blanket statements of condemnation as he propagated.
Sometimes they go so far as to make blanket statements like «bankruptcy is always a bad idea and should never be considered by anyone for any reason.»
however, a blanket statement such as above is misleading.
Blanket statements like, «Don't worry, everything will be okay» are rarely effective and may be perceived as patronizing.
As always, blanket statements like «don't travel in your early 20's» are typically clickbait and usually based in flawed logic.
As for the quality of low - category hotels, it's hard to make a blanket statement like that without researching thousands of hotels across all three chains — something I've done and I haven't found Hilton hotels to be noticeably lower in quality.
Where does the NY Times get off with a blanket statement like the absurd «in the rural West, the right of humans to dominate nature is as deep - rooted as the laws of physics.»
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