Sentences with phrase «as a boundary condition»

Most modelling studies of this period do not treat ice sheet extent and elevation or CO2 concentration prognostically, but specify them as boundary conditions.
However, this comparison is not really representative, as these types of forecasts are an initial value problem, whereas climate change ought to be viewed as a boundary condition problem.
However, this is what he calls the short - run Charney climate sensitivity and argues that in the long - run given feedbacks from elements in the climate system which are treated in the short - run as boundary conditions, the long - term climate sensitivity is more like 6 C.
Although the sensitivity of climate does change itself as the boundary conditions change, the past (PETM, glacial - interglacial cycles, etc) does not support sensitivities as low as 1 degree per doubling of CO2, and it doesn't support very high ones (like 10 degrees per doubling) either.
For example, it treates ice sheets as a boundary condition and therefore ignores the fact that over time the ice sheets respond, amplifying the effects our of anthropogenic pulse of carbon dioxide.
What it ignores are the slow feedbacks from the ice sheets and the carbon cycle itself — as it treates both as boundary conditions.
It can't come from other variables expect as boundary conditions since the future behavior of those other variables would not be known.
Dynamical downscaling uses high - resolution climate models to represent global or regional sub-domains, and uses either observed or lower - resolution AOGCM data as their boundary conditions.
It is demonstrated that even with historical SSTs as a boundary condition, most atmospheric models exhibit excessive tropical upper tropospheric warming relative to the lower - middle troposphere as compared with satellite - borne microwave sounding unit measurements.
«Using a GCM, can we regenerate the land temperature record from the ocean record using observed SSTs and sea ice distribution as a boundary condition?
For example in an airplane simulation, we don't really know all the details of the interior of the engine flow, so we just take an average mass flux that the engine ingests and use that as a boundary condition for the rest of the simulation.
Van Haren et al (2012) also nicely illustrate the dependence of regional skill on lateral boundary conditions: simulations of (historic) precipitation trends for Europe failed to match the observed trends when lateral boundary conditions were provided from an ensemble of CMIP3 global climate model simulations, while a much better correspondence with observations was obtained when reanalyses were used as boundary condition.
The equations for Rossby waves (Calculation of the Meridional Wave Number, Physics of the Parameter, and Calculation of the Amplitudes) show that this can occur if a set of necessary conditions are met: u ¯ > 0 in the midlatitude region; the highest value of l within the waveguide is in the range of the meridional wave numbers lm dominantly contributing to the external forcing with a given m, which provides closeness of the k waves to respective m waves not only in terms of the zonal but also the meridional wave numbers, favoring the QRA of the m waves; the total latitudinal width of the waveguide is no less than the characteristic spatial scale of the relevant Airy function (25), which is used as the boundary condition at its southern and northern boundaries; and latitudinal distribution of l is sufficiently smooth in the waveguide, and both TPs lie within a midlatitude region of ∼ 25 ° N — 30 ° N and ∼ 65 ° N − 70 ° N, as the necessary condition for the application of quasilinear Wentzel − Kramers − Brillouin (WKB) method (25) when solving the equations for Rossby waves.
All of them rely on the building itself as the boundary condition for renewable energy production, although sometimes including parking lots and public rights of way.
Coarser resolution results from four of the CMIP3 models were used as the boundary conditions for the NARCCAP regional climate model studies, with each of the regional models doing analyses with boundary conditions from two of the CMIP3 models.
They are also used as a boundary condition for atmospheric reanalyses and atmosphere only general circulation models (IPCC 2007).
That means that also the temperature must fall with different rate at different values of x. Thus it can be independent on x at one altitude only and that altitude is likely to be the surface as a boundary condition.
These emissions will be used as boundary conditions for chemistry / aerosol model simulations in ACC - MIP.
Most modelling studies of this period do not treat ice sheet extent and elevation or CO2 concentration prognostically, but specify them as boundary conditions.
Thus, in numerical weather prediction out to a mere few days, one tends to neglect the intrinsic variability of the oceans and concentrates on the atmosphere, with sea surface temperatures prescribed as a boundary condition; the sea surface temperature field can either be kept constant in time or allowed to vary in some prescribed manner, e.g., according to a diurnal cycle.
Climate science's confusion over greenhouse warming comes from the mistake made by Arthur Milne in 1922 when he solved a differential equation for IR absorption in the atmosphere using as boundary condition infinite thickness.
Understanding the outcomes, the mediating mechanisms, as well as the boundary conditions of perceived CSR on work engagement, help firms to better formulate their CSR strategy.

Not exact matches

A natural canon, such as a scientific theory, frames the «unguided events» of inanimate nature, and the canon for such canons sets the boundary conditions for scientific inquiry in general, the conditions for what count as empirically verifiable facts or rationally intelligible concepts.
For complex, zig - zag polygons, such as illustrated in FIGURE 1,1 the general condition is rather that such a connecting straight line cuts the boundary an odd number of times.
The total field is so under - determined by its boundary condition, experience, that there is much latitude of choice as to what statements to reevaluate in the light of a single contrary experience.
This puts the problem of the boundary conditions, which have to be maintained all the time in both simple and complex examples of biological mechanisms, as it appeared to one of the most able physicists of his time who had given particular thought to these problems.
As the higher level imposes boundary conditions on the lower processes, the latter may continue blindly and independently of the comprehensive net flung by the former.
The truth is, there can be several underlying factors contributing to parental abuse including poor boundaries, substance abuse (by either a parent or child), poor coping skills, underlying psychological conditions (such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) and learned behavior.
At plate boundaries, motion rapidly «reloads» a fault with new stress and changes conditions there, so tremors that can be clearly identified as aftershocks typically end within a decade, they found.
This has numerous precedents in classical physics, such as the flow of a fluid inside a domain, which is uniquely determined by the boundary conditions.
Since climate in a specific region is affected by the rest of Earth, atmospheric conditions such as temperature and moisture at the region's boundary are estimated by using other sources such as GCMs or reanalysis data.
«But to accurately model how quickly the ice is going to flow or the rock to rebound, we need to understand the «boundary conditions» for ice models, such as heat flow from the mantle,» he said.
«These findings add to mounting evidence suggesting that there are sweet spots or «windows of opportunity» within climate space where so - called boundary conditions, such as the level of atmospheric CO2 or the size of continental ice sheets, make abrupt change more likely to occur.
Although we do not yet have a perfectly clear picture of all of these conditions» potential genetic correlates, the researchers developed a model that acted as if we did already have that science down in an effort to test the upper boundaries of what we might be able to learn from the genome alone.
«As we approach Saturn's summer solstice in 2017, lighting conditions over its north pole will improve, and we are excited to track the changes that occur both inside and outside the hexagon boundary,» Scott Edgington, Cassini deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement in 2013.
«As we approach Saturn's summer solstice in 2017, lighting conditions over its north pole will improve, and we are excited to track the changes that occur both inside and outside the hexagon boundary,» said Scott Edgington, Cassini deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif..
We call this the Charney climate sensitivity, because it is essentially the case considered by Charney (1979), in which water vapor, clouds and sea ice were allowed to change in response to climate change, but GHG (greenhouse gas) amounts, ice sheet area, sea level and vegetation distributions were taken as specified boundary conditions.
Because this climate sensitivity is derived from empirical data on how Earth responded to past changes of boundary conditions, including atmospheric composition, our conclusions about limits on fossil fuel emissions can be regarded as largely independent of climate models.
People who have particular health conditions that need special diets, as prescribed by their physicians, should better accommodate those diets inside alkaline diet boundaries.
Students who live in - boundary for a participating DCPS Early Action school are guaranteed a seat in PK3 or PK4, as long as they meet two conditions: (1) they submit an application through the My School DC lottery by March 1, 2018, and (2) they are not matched with a school they ranked higher.
In short, it's not that Mr Zacharius or Ms Rusch is «wrong» or presenting «misinformation» — it's that they're each talking about specific circumstances («boundary conditions») that are not being made explicit or being compared, and are being themselves slightly misled by treating «publishing» as a single industry (instead of as a collection of thirteen distinct industries unified not by anything internal, but by where its «products» made their way to the ultimate end - user... in the 1970s).
As per usual, we need to identify a few boundary conditions and assumptions to be able to assess the various scenarios, which are as followAs per usual, we need to identify a few boundary conditions and assumptions to be able to assess the various scenarios, which are as followas follows:
As you have correctly decided (with your boundary conditions) bonds, bank fixed deposits and debt based MFs should be your prefered investment vehicles.
As an entity that does care about the issue, Louisa McCune Elmore, executive director of the Kirkpatrick Foundation, explained the mission behind a larger statewide assessment that is being conducted by the foundation: «The SpayFirst survey is part of a multifaceted baseline study by Kirkpatrick Foundation to assess the status and condition of animals in Oklahoma's geographic boundaries, from wildlife and pets to livestock.
Of course, retailers and groomers need to be careful not to step out of their role as caretakers and salespeople, and cross the boundary into dispensing medical advice and diagnosing conditions for pets without a license.
The American non-profit art space has organised «Boundaries» in order to investigate «identities and conditions that emerge as a result of fluid spaces that are geographic, political, and even metaphysical.»
Through exuberant drawing, performance projects, and comic books, Katie Pell celebrates vernacular traditions, presenting a world without taboos or boundaries — one where anything is possible for those who go beyond given conditions and, just as Sol LeWitt famously stated, «do.»
We now have results for 6 different regional models run with identical boundary conditions for two 30 - year periods covering a control period 1961 - 90 and a scenario period 2071 - 2100 according to the SRES scenario A2 as simulated with global models from the Hadley Centre.
Rather than saying «The IPCC predictions are ironclad», simply include them as one of the boundary condition sets (toward the low end).
[Response: The ice age calculations are taking the ice sheets etc. as fixed boundary conditions that impart a forcing of their own.
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