Sentences with phrase «as a clam right»

I'm happy as a clam right now.

Not exact matches

Now, a new analysis using the same sort of computer software that engineers employ to analyze bridges and aircraft parts suggests that Kolponomos may have collected its shelly prey in a unique way: They might have used their teeth and formidable neck muscles to clamp down on clams, mussels, and other mollusks and then wrench them directly off the rocks to which they were attached, the researchers report online today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (Modern marine mammals that consume such prey either slurp them right out of the shell, as walruses do, or pry them from the rocks using their forelimbs and then eat them, as otters do.)
He waltzed right into SNIPSA happy as a clam, with his scruffy tail wagging with excitement.
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