Sentences with phrase «as a compress»

For data analysis, ideally raw data such as compressed fastq files for RNA - Seq should be provided.
The college hiring season is not as compressed as it was in the past and there will be plenty of opportunities to apply for.
For indoor use, some use an ultrasonic frequency, others an audible alarm, and others use a spray repellent (such as compressed air), or a combination.
Technologies from Westport Innovations Inc. allow engines to operate on clean - burning fuels such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen and biofuels such as landfill gas.
Abigail Beall writes that storing excess wind power as compressed air is «not such a bad idea after all» (1...
Gases captured and sealed in snow as it compresses into ice can provide researchers with snapshots of Earth's atmosphere going back hundreds of thousands of years.
The South Korean company has also added the ability to use a high - contrast keyboard, as well as a compressed settings menu for the keyboard.
You can also place a washcloth into these teas and use as a compress over itchy areas.
They're at work again as you compress the audio into an MP3 file, and again when you play it back through your surround - sound speakers.
These compress after a while, so it's handy to have a zipper so you can add more paper as it compresses.
These piled up woods will serve as a compressed barricade that prevents babies from touching or sticking their hands inside the fireplace.
Apply the hot (fresh) parsley as a poultice or use the (dried) herb still tied in the diaper as a compress to ease swollen and painful breasts.
Opponents of midwifery often point to hazards that can accompany childbirth, such as a compressed umbilical cord or the need for an emergency Caesarean delivery.
The shock wave that emanates from an explosion source as compressed and rapidly expanding gases can occur in milliseconds or less.
The images can be rebuilt with a simple computer program stored on the same disc as the compressed pictures.
Washing your eyelids regularly and using a warm washcloth as a compress can help keep inflammation under control and restore the flow of oil to the eye.
You either begin to move like a robot, or you decide to remain in bed (for the time being), stuck in agony as you compress one of the joints in your body — the knee, the wrist, or the lower back in an attempt for the pain to subside just a little so you could kick start your day.
I'm driving into the dome as hard as I can and I flex this knee up, and I'm trying to drive my knee as high up «this» way, and as high up «this» way as I possibly can as I compress full force into that dome.
It's been an insane ride this Oscar season, with my power rankings essentially up - ended as a compressed precursor schedule has seen almost every major critics» group come out in a short three - week burst that's rewritten the whole race.
Normally, during the compression stroke, energy is used as the upward - traveling piston compresses air in the cylinder; the compressed air then acts as a compressed spring and pushes the piston back down.
Even in these conditions, a sense of tightness and responsiveness defines Project 8: The body feels rigid and flex - free, the suspension is tautly controlled as it compresses and rebounds, and the steering snaps immediately to attention with a weighting that's meaty enough to feed back substance, if light enough to dance off the excess pounds.
This meant that emails were instantly pushed to your device from the company's own servers as a compressed package, so your data ratios were always low.
I find I am able to use flash fiction with beginning, intermediate, and advanced students, as its compressed form lends itself to intricate structural and linguistic examination.
People who are looking to be friendly to the environment have many cat litter options made with recycled materials such as compressed pine shavings or old newspapers.
Products such as compressed dental chews, raw bones, and nylon bones are the perfect supplement to your dog's dental care regimen.
The bowl, water, fish, plant, and fruit are rendered as compressed distillations of the things they represent.
... I don't exactly think of my work as coming out of cartoon space or as flat... I think of the space as compressed and the imagery influenced by cartoons.
In them, Marden did not so much efface touch as compress it.
But rather than use industrial - grade building materials such as steel, glass, or concrete, she deliberately uses low - grade commercial products such as compressed plywood, Styrofoam, or cardboard.
Using raw surfaces such as compressed wood, cardboard, and other found materials, the vitality of his subjects are as alive as the pulsing heartbeat of the city they live in.
Yet they don't feel inflated so much as compressed, because of Mr. Katz's self - imposed time constraints and signature spatial flattening.
With its white, puffing plane and dangerous black contours, Los Alamos alludes to the explosive act — both atomic and creative — while Traced Gesture reads as a compressed Frank Stella, perhaps something from his 1972 Race Track series.
Proper installation is key: Performance is significantly compromised by poor installation — such as compressing batts behind wiring in a wall cavity.
Depending on the reasons for slow page - load times, speeding up load may be as simple as compressing high - resolution images on your pages.
Using Google's Data Saver extension might be of help as it compresses non-encrypted data through the company's servers, meaning fewer data to transfer and faster loading speeds.
Judge Ward's rules, while similar to patent rules in other federal districts, had some additional plaintiff - friendly features such as a compressed discovery schedule and a short timeline to trial.
The General Services Administration, which is buying the cars, will also pledge $ 15 billion to test advanced technology vehicles, such as compressed natural gas buses and all - electric vehicles, in the federal fleet.
Steve Orchard illustrates the inefficiencies of storing excess wind power as compressed air (15 November, p 31).
For instance, a camera's software may adjust color, saturation, light level and white balance as well as compress the file before storing the final image.
Cotton balls with sprayed with rose water or chamomile water can also be used as compresses to reduce heat in the eyes.
With only a single two - hour practice session before qualifying and the race, the Long Beach schedule is as compressed as a beachfront condo.
But heat works even better when used alternatively with ice pack or a very cold application such as compress or a shower.
It also offers a number of flexible - work options, such as a compressed or reduced workweek, as well as job - sharing.
La Leche League International also says wet or dry heat, such as a compress, hot water bottle, or heating pad, not only relaxes your breast, but can help move any dried milk blocking the flow of milk from your nipple.
Soak the washcloth, and apply it as a compress directly to the areas affected.
These oils have medicinal - like properties when rubbed on the skin, inhaled, used in steam preparations, as compresses, in baths, or diffused throughout a room.
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