Sentences with phrase «as a continuous variable»

However, we conducted several analyses testing for main and interactive effects of age as a continuous variable for comparison, which replicated the results to be reported for the two age groups.
Adolescents filled in 69 items, which added up to a total anxiety score, ranging from 0 to 138: Higher scores indicate more anxiety symptoms, and was thus treated as a continuous variable.
Although the model describes the development of antisocial behavior in terms of clinical diagnoses (e.g., CD and APD), in this study, we tested how well the model would describe the development of antisocial behaviors measured as continuous variables in the general population.
DASH diet score, coffee and tea intake were analysed as continuous variables, fish intake per day as quintiles and all dichotomized for descriptive analyses.
This approach permitted us to consider breastfeeding behavior as a continuous variable, an approach that is statistically more powerful than is categorizing this behavior.
We analyzed risk for bone sarcoma using months of gonadal hormone exposure as a continuous variable.
Spearman's Rank Order Tests (rho) explored correlations between depressive symptoms (HADS - D as a continuous variable) and deprivation.44 We report analysis by age, gender, deprivation, tumour site, place of birth and ethnicity.
Treating ACEs as a continuous variable resulted in statistically significant associations between ACEs and all outcomes examined in unadjusted analyses with ORs ranging from 1.18 to 1.45 and minimal change after adjusting for potential confounders.
The study by Hennessy and colleagues consisted of seventy - six 6 — 11 - year - old children living in rural US communities and categorized parents into just one parenting style as opposed to treating parenting style as a continuous variable.
We also modelled the developmental measures as continuous variables (standardised to facilitate comparisons) and results were again consistent with those obtained using the dichotomised outcomes (tables available on request).
GHQ - 12 can also be analysed as a continuous variable and has good psychometric properties.37 — 39
Tests of linear trend across increasing quintiles of intake were conducted by assigning the medians of intakes in quintiles treated as a continuous variable.
Total depression and anxiety scores were computed for each participant and were modeled as continuous variables in our analyses.
The effect of study size, year of birth, the method of ascertainment of infant feeding status (whether contemporary or recalled up to 71 y after birth), type of formula fed, study response rate (analyzed as a continuous variable), study design (randomized controlled trial, case - control, or cohort), and whether infants were born pre - or full - term was examined by using metaregression and sensitivity analysis.
We also included total coffee consumption and caffeine intake simultaneously in the multivariate model as continuous variables.
Sibling's age was measured as a continuous variable.
Scores range from 0 to 54, in which higher scores indicate more depressive symptoms, and was therefore treated as a continuous variable.
The ADHD symptoms scale is calculated, summarizing the ADHD Inattention and the ADHD Hyperactivity / Impulsivity scales, with a higher score indicating more symptoms of ADHD and was thus treated as a continuous variable.
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