Sentences with phrase «as a coolant because»

Instead of water, liquid sodium is typically used as a coolant because the sodium atoms are so much larger and heavier than neutrons that when they collide the neutrons simply ricochet off the sodium atom - much a like a small bullet ricocheting off a thick plate metal.
For this reason, water is unsuitable as a coolant because it tends to turn fast neutrons into thermal neutrons.

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For instance, he knew that dry ice — several pounds of which were also in the back seat — was the coolant of choice for ice cream transportation because it turned into a gas as it warmed up, meaning no messy puddles.
So has securing delivery on certain components, such as reactor coolant pumps, because they are being produced for the first time.
HFCs are chemicals that can be thousands of times as climate - forcing as carbon dioxide and that proliferated largely because the protocol tapped them as an alternative to ozone - depleting coolants.
Because water has good properties as a coolant, antifreeze is used in internal combustion engines and other heat transfer applications, such as HVAC chillers and solar water heaters.
You say; because those extended life coolant formulas, such as Dex - Cool, tend to coagulate inside of your engine creating an abrasive residue that contaminates rubberized gaskets and causes them to leak.
There's a puzzle element to Deep Sixed, because it's not going to hold your hand as you figure out why the room is getting really hot (hint: check the coolant pipe first, then see whether any of the temperature control drivers are corrupted).
Michael Wara, a law professor at Stanford University, has calculated that in years when carbon credits were trading at high prices and coolant was dirt - cheap because of the oversupply, companies were earning nearly twice as much from the credits as from producing the coolant itself.
Because fossil fuel - burning power plants use water to turn into steam to drive turbines, and as coolant, the standards save water.
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