Sentences with phrase «as a curiosity watch»

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Just out of curiosity... if Bin Laden has gone to hell, where are the rest of us Americans going who stood by and watched as hundreds of thousands of Iraqs were killed over the last eight years, as well as numerous Afganies I'm sure.
I've watched as men once alive with ideas and passion surrender their curiosity and intellectual integrity to conform to the ideological boundaries that will let them keep their jobs.
Douglas watched that parade from the corner of Broad and High, not so much out of curiosity as out of business interest.
Few moments can really compare to watching a child's curiosity blossom as a science kit helps fire their imagination.
The older kids probably watch with curiosity as mommy or daddy change the baby's diaper, rubbing petroleum jelly or diaper rash cream all over the child's diaper area.
Few people online are as fun to watch as Emily Graslie, the Chief Curiosity Correspondent of The Field Museum.
In 2012, the Curiosity rover pulled off a spectacular landing on Mars as the whole world watched.
Pure curiosity, such as that inspired in Stocker by watching his cat lap, can drive some very fundamental research, Reis adds.
I don't mind when others ask as I do understand the curiosity, but with that said I usually use caution as far as prying for information from others, unless it comes up naturally I choose not to push — if they want to tell me they will and if not then it's not for me to know I adore your stories and Nate and will watch your tale as it develops wishing you the best and have a lovely day
Last year, though, my curiosity was piqued again as I watched Luke play the newest Mario game with his children.
These special effects are merely the epitome of Stargate's second - hand wonder; part of the film's value as a curiosity piece is its New York street - merchant vibe: like peddlers of the Rolux watch or Parda handbag, Emmerich and co - producer / co-writer Dean Devlin are selling us an approximation of a blockbuster by a licensed hitmaker, and we excuse them the same way we allow for the smudgy print of carbon copies or the colour bleed on VHS dubs.
The first third of the film is the most interesting as we watch singletons check into a hotel in which they must find love or risk being transformed into an animal of their choosing but if you asked me with mild curiosity why this is, I couldn't tell you because after two hours of this drivel, I neither knew nor cared.
Grab and wag the soft tail on your cat mouse toy and watch as your cat's curiosity instantly takes off.
It is the same impetus that made me sit, riveted, as I watched the miniature king and queen biological curiosities in the 1935 film The Bride of Frankenstein.
Last year, though, my curiosity was piqued again as I watched Luke play the newest Mario game with his children.
He explains: «As I watched the documentary, old curiosities were reignited.
And for the rest of us, whether in town or watching at a distance, we look to these individuals — the tireless curiosity of Hans Ulrich Obrist or the sharp eye of Mera Rubell — as our guides.
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