Sentences with phrase «as a description of»

The application may require a detailed business plan and financial statements, as well as a description of what the loan will be used for, making it a lengthy process.
As a description of the economy, that assessment was essentially correct, and we have no desire to dispute it.
Probably readers have heard the term «high - powered money», which is often used as a description of the monetary base.
As a description of Hobby Lobby, these sentences are formally accurate.
Frankle — if you truly had such a degree you would know that no biologist relies on chance as a description of the natural World.
It is most illuminating that Taylor's pantheistic or pagan Catholicism gibes more as a description of a practical production than an invention of abstract reason.
To the contrary, when it is recognized that in Paul's surviving letters to the Corinthians, he nowhere addresses elders, this section is best seen as a description of how a church could get it's teaching when there are no trained and qualified elders to perform the teaching.
So in light of these sorts of difficulties, it seems better to understand the «names» of Isaiah 9:6 not as «names» but as descriptions of the one name, Jesus.
This is a righteousness as a description of one who lives their life along a certain path (like the term is used in the OT) and sin is a deviation from this path.
Obviously these passages are not to be taken as mandatory laws but as descriptions of an institution connected with a certain culture, whose significance alone concerns us.
They mean, in fact, that most of traditional theology is acceptable to AR theorists as a description of one aspect of God, the A aspect.
if: one can rely on an interpretation of Hosea 11 as a description of God's «growing» through asking Godself an existentially decisive question, backed by (Janzen's) exegetical analyses and arguments.
Of course, any, five - word formula is apt to have its shortcomings as a description of a complex constitutional construct, but it is curious that so much negative emotional baggage seems to have become attached to this one.
Thus we have «the biological soup» as a description of DNA.
I don't see that as a description of a believer.
As for truth, Santayana speaks of this as subsisting, holding that it has an intermediate status between pure being and existence as that segment of the realm of essence which is distinguished from the rest by its role as a description of what exists.
Others see it as a description of the German Third Reich, defeated by the Allied armies even as the book was germinating in the author's mind.
But, in fact, mind's main choice is between the correct, though finally improvable, acceptance of most of the essences it intuits as a description of a world in which mind has no special primacy and a confinement of attention simply to the eternal individuality of the essences immediately present to it.
Many read this passage as a description of the downward spiral into humility and death which Jesus undertook for the sake of humanity, so that this downward spiral eventually resulted in the worst of all possible humiliations, death on a cross (Php 2:5 - 8).
Or it has been treated as a description of God as pure Being (as if it were not a proper name but simply equivalent to the «I am» of Exodus 3:14).
His doctrine of eternal objects in both his earlier and later philosophy can be understood as a description of the ontological nature of pure logic and mathematics (EWP 14 - 28).
There are other puzzling passages in the gospel, such as the description of Jesus» journey (7:31) from Tyre to Galilee «through the midst of the borders of Decapolis» (S.E. of the Sea of Galilee, and on the other side from both Tyre and Galilee itself), and the highly - coloured account of John the Baptist's death, which bristles with improbabilities; these errors are unlikely to come from the pen of Mark, who was presumably familiar with Palestinian conditions.
This brief explanation both fails as a description of that 20 + year old study and fails to reflect the better research published since.
Yet implicitly it was constituted as a constructive or normative project: What it presented as a description of human voluntarism in fact had to displace a very different form of human self - understanding and long - standing experience.
In fact, take this encounter as a description of what we want at every service — talk to the dead, conversation that is law - prophet - gospel determined, vision and response.
The Bible is viewed not only as an historical or canonical document, but as a description of the individual soul's journey of spiritual development and commentary on what happens when different states of consciousness interact with one another in the collective drama of human existence.
The query should include the elements of the cover letter described above as well as a description of how the argument will be made and links to and / or files of already published articles if available.
I love to do treasure hunts by asking the Lord to highlight someone for me to be on the lookout for that day, such as a description of clothing, or a name and then I ask God to give me a word of knowledge about that person (such as Jesus «example with the woman at the well), and then as the conversation opens up, I can share the hope to which I «ve been called.
Since that sermon by Jesus serves as a description of summary of how His disciples should look and act, the same can be said of the book of James.
The former is «importance» as «interest»; the latter is «importance» as the description of the «subjective form» realized in the exercising of «interest.»
She asks if Chaput intends his phrase «patterns of behavior that separate... from God» as a description of people like her.
We may have to talk of Trinity, not as a description of God, but as a reminder that the essence of community is diversity.
We can accommodate this, perhaps, in a 12 - step program, but to encounter it as a description of our true and basic selves sends us scrambling for safer ground.
The view of actual entities as real existents (whether microscopic, macroscopic, or «hypothetical»), rather than as descriptions of the real, has vitiated the understanding of Whitehead from the outset.
It may be helpful to note, however, that an account of the perceptions and interpretations of the cultural context of theology and church life is as important as a description of a current trend in some graduate schools.
Biel is not entirely happy, as a theologian, with transubstantiation as a description of what happens to the bread and wine though he entirely accepted it, and often waxed lyrical about the Mass: «What super-excellent glory of the priest to hold and dispense his God, distributing Him to others.»
They are meant to make a point, not be seen as descriptions of future events.
Maybe it is providential that Luke's placement for the beginning of the church in the book of Acts falls at exactly the same place as his description of the birth of Jesus in his Gospel - in the second chapter.
By some strange coincidence, those exact words also appear in Pliny's Naturalis Historia as a description of the bonnacon, a mythical creature from Macedonia that — yes, you did read that last bit correctly — runs away from any and all confrontation, leaving a fountain of flaming shit in its wake.
Francesa is tweaked for his ego, which Mason once described as being as «big as all outdoors»; Russo for his lisp, his syntactical misadventures and his penchant for malaprops, such as his description of a promising rookie as a «diamond in the bush.»
The new report corroborates several of their possible legal defenses: that Sandusky fooled everyone; and that some reports of Sandusky's behavior were ambiguous, such as the description of Sandusky engaging in undefined «horseplay.»
Babies often enjoy just listening to your conversations, as well as your descriptions of their activities and environments.
The phrase «the working class» appears more often than it would in the memoirs of a true Blairite (as in the other Blair), always as the description of a group in modern Britain who are downtrodden and defended by the Labour Party.
In early September, the commission requested state lawmakers provide information regarding outside employment if they were compensated more than $ 20,000 in 2012, as well as a description of the work performed.
We've always liked the meaty metaphor as a description of the mysterious behind - closed - doors production of a spending plan by the governor and state legislative leaders.
Using an interdisciplinary approach that combined evidence from climate modelling of large 20th - century eruptions, annual measurements of Nile summer flood heights from the Islamic Nilometer — the longest - known human record of environmental variability — between 622 and 1902, as well as descriptions of Nile flood quality in ancient papyri and inscriptions from the Ptolemaic era, the authors show how large volcanic eruptions impacted on Nile river flow, reducing the height of the agriculturally - critical summer flood.
«As long as these descriptions of nature remain confined to their own scope of application, they can not contribute to a unified theory that captures physics at the boundary between these specialized regimes,» the researchers wrote in the study.
Potential of applicants to serve NORDP effectively, as reflected in their application materials and other evidence such as their description of interests in serving on the Board and the contributions the candidates think they can make, their specific goals for NORDP, and why they think they would make a good candidate.
Most of the details (age, sex, body type, and so on) will be the same, but your self - description as well as the description of your ideal match will obviously differ.
It also includes different personal photos and even videos, as well as descriptions of the ideal match according to the man's preferences and tastes.
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