Sentences with phrase «as a deterrent measure»

In the most egregious cases, punitive damages may also be imposed, as both a deterrent measure and a fine on the wrongdoer.

Not exact matches

Another provision in the violent crime reduction bill would increase the maximum sentence for carrying a blade or point in public from two to four years, and Mr Johnson said the combination of measures would act as a deterrent to young people.
Backing the 25 year jail term for rapists, the Governor, decked in a red t - shirt with inscriptions including «I Say No To Rape», «Stop Domestic Violence», among others, said it was time to take the fight one step further by amending the Protection against Domestic Violence Law, 2007 and also come up with strict punitive measures that would serve as a deterrent to perpetrators of such act.
Undoubtedly, CCTV continues to play an important role in keeping a watchful eye on critical perimeter areas, acting both as a deterrent and an active measure for early intervention.
Depending on the assessed level of risk, the school should put in appropriate measures, which as a minimum should be a deterrent such as a remote monitored intruder alarm.
Alternatives to declaw surgery are often effective and include: scratching posts, deterrents (both physical and chemical), environmental measures such as reducing stress and territorial squabbles, nail covers and nail trimming.
The imprescriptibility sanctioned by Article 29 of the Rome Statute is the logical legal corollary to the prohibition of impunity and essential in the implementation phase of measures «to be taken -LSB-...] which shall act as a deterrent and be such as to afford effective protection in the Member States, and in all the Union's institutions, bodies, offices and agencie» in accordance with Article 325 TFEU on which the EU sanctions system to counter fraud affecting the financial interests of the Union is based.
Thus to assert that it is necessary to have in place deterrent measures to ensure compliance is an adequate reason, but just one report asserting that criminal but not administrative sanctions would have a deterrent effect is insufficient as convincing evidence.
As a consequence, Member States should adopt «effective deterrent measures» that are the same as the measures they take to counter fraud affecting their own interests (§ 37As a consequence, Member States should adopt «effective deterrent measures» that are the same as the measures they take to counter fraud affecting their own interests (§ 37as the measures they take to counter fraud affecting their own interests (§ 37).
While alarm systems act as a deterrent to potential burglars, other measures should be followed to ensure the... Read more
They are readily available for consumers who combine family policies, use one insurance company for several types of coverage, or take other measures such as using theft deterrents or maintaining good driving records.
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