Sentences with phrase «as a diagnostic tool in»

It stimulates gastric, biliary, and pancreatic secretions, and has been used in humans as a diagnostic tool in pancreatic diseases.
These materials are used primarily in the biomedical area as diagnostic tools in membranes, coatings, microcapsules, implants for applications of short or long - range and systems of controlled drug release.
In the first study of its kind, Dr. Alhilali and colleagues assessed the performance of Shannon entropy as a diagnostic tool in concussion patients with and without post-traumatic migraines.
This presentation will review methods for which Nanopore sequencing and real - time antimicrobial resistance gene analysis can help to address the threat of CRO as a diagnostic tool in the Medical Microbiology Laboratory.
Purpose of Study: Because of the highly detailed images, cone - beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans are commonly used as diagnostic tools in human medicine with great success; however, these scans are only now being introduced to the veterinary field.

Not exact matches

Sebastian is interested in the future of artificial intelligence as it applies to healthcare, both in population health and individual assisted diagnostic tools.
AOECS has participated in several EU - funded research projects, looking into various aspects of coeliac disease such as the development of a less invasive diagnostic tool as well as evaluations of diagnosis guidelines for children.
Moser shares the concern, noted above, that the SCAT2 has not been adequately validated as a diagnostic tool, and says that she has «personally found it to be of limited value in her clinical practice.»
In response to this need, companies such as the Head Case Company have developed a reliable helmet shock sensor designed to measure and record impact, send out alerts, and provides information and diagnostic tools to help with concussion detection.
Standardized tests should be used as diagnostic tools to move children forward in their educational journey and not as a benchmark to stigmatize students and teachers.
The CC Better scanner is compatible with all OBD2 protocols, including VPW, PWM, ISO, KWP 2000 and CAN, making it a safe bet as a great diagnostic tool for use in most vehicles.
In an outbreak situation like this, all parties involved should exchange data as early as possible and have access to the best diagnostic tools.
In addition to medical applications, the researchers are planning to publicly release the app so that it can be used for other colorimetric tests such as laboratory kits, veterinary diagnostics and environmental screening tools.
«Essentially, we found that these elements have unique isotopic fingerprints, meaning we can use them as diagnostic tools to quantify mountaintop mining's relative contribution to contamination in a watershed,» said Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry and water quality at Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment.
Antimatter has even been used as a medical diagnostic tool in positron - emission tomography, which uses positrons to find tumors.
Genetic analyses are increasingly gaining in importance in healthcare settings as prevention and diagnostic tools.
X-rays are one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine, biology and the material sciences, as they may penetrate deep into material which is opaque to the human eye.
So used in the right setting, a violent game could actually serve as a diagnostic tool.
In the interests of keeping costs down and protecting patients from unnecessary and possibly damaging diagnostic testing, the authors examined a simple blood test for S100B as a diagnostic tool to rule out the presence of intracranial hemorrhage.
«We suggest that the herbal industry should embrace molecular diagnostic tools such as DNA barcoding for authenticating herbal products through testing of raw materials used in manufacturing products.
As a result, «there is a need for a simple, inexpensive and low - risk diagnostic tool for inflammatory bowel diseases,» said Didier Merlin, professor in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State and a researcher at the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
The notable differences in fluorescence intensity observed between normal cells and cancer cells, as well as different cancer types, provide important points of differentiation between different cell types and make these probes promising tools for cancer detection and diagnostics.
«While preliminary, the data suggests the probe could be used not only as a diagnostic tool but also as a therapeutic,» said Kirsten L. Viola, a co-first author of the study and a research manager in Klein's laboratory.
Today biotechnology plays an important role in human health care (sometimes referred to as «red biotechnology»), and has already helped design many new medicines and diagnostic tools.
Moreover, he believes that investment in technologies such as chip - based methods to rapidly test blood or tissue samples for the presence of anthrax or smallpox would speed the development of related diagnostic tools for regular diseases.
As a follow up to the current study, Wong said the research team continues to study and advance development of the diagnostic tool to facilitate its routine use in critical care in children, and to see if it works in adults.
They were able to validate the tool's diagnostic capabilities in that study, but decided additional research and development were needed to verify the tool works as expected in a wide range of children.
Professor Haase also studies the relevance of genetic polymorphisms of DNA - repair and detoxification genes for AML and MDS, the relevance of iron overload for stem cell functions in MDS, and the establishment of FISH analysis of CD34 + cells from the peripheral blood as a diagnostic tool for screening and monitoring in patients with MDS.
While both studies are bad news for many women, Horvath suggests that scientists in the future may use the epigenetic clock as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the effects of therapies, like hormone therapy for menopause.
«Lastly, the technique we have pioneered will likely be a valuable tool for scientists and clinicians studying the biology of complex nanoparticle populations,» Dr. Zhang said, «and may aid in the development of diagnostic tests using them as biomarkers.»
Finally, the wide diffusion of some of these diagnostic techniques in the clinical practice, such as MR, US and CT, makes these tools a valuable translation bridge between preclinical research and clinical trials.
Ionospheric photoelectrons can be used as an important diagnostic tool for the topology of the solar wind interaction with both magnetized and unmagnetized objects (Coates et al. 2011), possibly playing a role also in enhancing the ion escape.
The overall goal of this research is to provide new insight into the function and dysfunction of human neural cell populations in aging and neurological disorders, such as LOAD, and to identify mechanisms and molecules that can be translated to developing and testing novel diagnostic tools and therapeutics.
The success story has been seamlessly adapted to the characterization of graphene and is in use in hundreds of laboratories worldwide as a fundamental diagnostic tool for carbon - based nanostructures.
«Importantly, as this tissue is already routinely taken at surgery, this analysis could in theory be easily integrated into current diagnostic tools, with further validation now needed in larger groups.»
Our ultimate goals in this activity include (1) a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing cellular processes and especially those involved in certain kinds of diseases such as cancer and (2) the development of computational tools that can be used for diagnostic / prognostic purposes based on genomic data.
In the last 30 years he has continued to explore the possibility of using scanning probes as imaging, manipulation and diagnostic tools.
The students have undergone a comprehensive education in life science emphasising cutting - edge methods in bioinformatic analysis of big data, high throughput techniques of molecular biology as well as how to translate biological findings into diagnostic tools and novel treatments.
That blistering heat stripped light - emitting electrons from the hydrogen atoms in the plasma, eliminating light as a source of information about the atomic nuclei, or ions, in the plasma and creating the need for a new diagnostic tool.
The compositions of stars are a critical diagnostic tool for many topics in astronomy such as the evolution of our...
Sansbury and Kmiec said that while their work with their CRISPR - Cpf1tool has confirmed its usefulness for reliably editing DNA samples that are part of a diagnostic test, it is not yet fully developed as a therapeutic tool for directly treating disorders that would involve repairing or removing malfunctioning genes in humans, animals or plants.
The advance could have immediate value as a diagnostic tool, replicating the exact genetic mutations found in the tumors of individual cancer patients.
As a guide in your journey to optimal health, PIH offers you a series of innovative diagnostic tools, programs, protocols that help you and your health care professional assess your current state of health and your wellness needs.
I was just wondering when you suggest trying a ketogenic diet as a diagnostic tool against bacterial infection, how long do you need to be on the diet in order to get reasonable feedback.
In the beginning, I wore it religiously every day but now I primarily use it as a diagnostics tool for shorter periods of time if I'm making significant changes to my daily routines.
We practice a FRESH model of healthcare that combines the best that conventional medicine offers including diagnostic testing, tools and technologies, as well as clinical nutrition, functional medicine, health coaching (grounded in positive psychology), complementary therapies, extensive and innovative testing.
In this era of high - stakes testing, Perkins cites a school that has emphasized diagnostic testing as a tool for individual students to understand their progress and to determine what to focus on next.
In addition to providing concrete examples of how the educator preparation program at Tulane has evolved to meet the challenges that new, higher standards bring, they made a strong case for establishing a grace period during which results from the next - generation assessments slated to accompany the Common Core be used only as diagnostic tools, as they are being designed to be, and not for high stakes or accountability.
Used individually or as a set, these probes provide the diagnostic and formative tools mathematics teachers at all grades need to uncover the preconceptions students bring to their learning and inform pathways needed to build a conceptual bridge from where students are at any point in the instructional cycle to where they need to be mathematically.
«If TCAP was used as a diagnostic tool, rather than as a punitive measure, our schools would not be in the absurd position of deciding whether to send students home without report cards or send home grades that may change once the state chooses to release the scores,» the TEA president said.
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