Sentences with phrase «as a diversion»

I created the blog, as an outlet for my creativity, as well as a diversion from the pain.
Teachers unions have fought what they regard as a diversion of resources from public education — while conveniently undermining a source of professional competition and accountability.
He often uses these outward, physical battles as a diversion tactic so that when the real battle comes, we are unaware and unprepared.
At this early stage, social media seemed like it was meant as a diversion from life.
I asked how old the earth is, not as a diversion, but to prove a point.
Much of what goes on there only functions as diversion.
I've started going through travel photos recently as a diversion to the grey winter days.
BUT: Increased research is widely regarded in the scientific community as a diversion from the serious steps needed to reduce CO2.
If you feel sluggish at work and lack inspiration, volunteering can act as the diversion necessary to spark your creativity and help you get back on track.
Solidus Snake, the only one of the Enfants Terribles who stars in just a single title — barring his bottled remains that were used as a diversion in
They include: high levels of degraded soils; reductions in irrigation quotas to restore the health of the Murray - Darling system; the re-forestation of some agricultural land to meet emissions reductions targets; the impacts of peak oil, such as the diversion of food crops into feed - stock for biofuels; and the price and crop yield implications of peak phosphorous, given Australia's dependence on imported fertilisers.
North Vietnamese troops attacked the remote outpost to serve as a diversion in the leadup to the Tet Offensive.
In nearby Pripyat, an amusement park had planned to open its gates on May 1, and, chillingly, the park reportedly opened as a diversion for a few hours on April 27.
This division is also responsible for providing alternative intake solutions for owned and stray pets, such as the Diversion Program.
The attack on the U.S. personnel in Benghazi, Libya, was orchestrated by extremists who used the protests as a diversion, U.S. sources told CNN Wednesday.
The discerning visitor to Cancun would certainly do well to visit Playa Delfines, even if it's just as a diversion from the more vibrant beaches with all they have to offer in terms of socializing and partying.
Some additional categorizations of children's play that have been proposed include diversive play, composed of aimless activities that serve as a diversion when a child is bored; mimetic play, which is repetitious, structured, and symbolic; and cathartic play, which is therapeutic in nature.
They see the efforts of big business to get Congress to reform the tax code and cut corporate income - tax rates as a diversion from the Tea Party's fight to lower personal income - tax rates.
It had become a commonplace, in the spirit of German idealism, to give privileged status to the reconstructed «original» and to view later developments as diversions from the pure, the objective, the reportially close, the historical.
I knew that any unsupervised pints would quickly go missing from the kitchen counter, so I placed a few baskets in strategic locations as a diversion from the extra pound I stashed to bake this lovely cake.
Democrats, meanwhile, shrugged off the Republican complaints as a diversion from the overarching issue of LLC giving.
It doesn't matter how bad the European Parliament election results are tonight: they can be safely dismissed as a diversion akin to the Eurovision Song Contest, a competition between groups dressed in silly costumes.
I took to Instagramming cheery images as a diversion tactic.
Working for Walker dogs is not work, rather a kind of sport as well as diversion.
But as diversions go, it is pleasant, a nice escape from winter's doldrums.
It's probably the only spy movie that will involve a choreographed performance of Britney Spears» «Toxic» deployed as a diversion tactic.
But, without them, fans would be outraged that they were not getting their money's worth, so they are there in all their glory, and at least they are peppered with some decent humor to make them modestly entertaining as a diversion, even if the sight of buildings crashing on superheroes we care about don't resonate the way they might in if witnessed in real life.
This diversity suggests that a system in which law schools with very different missions can be accommodated: including, for example: (1) a school where relatively little time was committed to faculty research and publishing and much more time spent on practice - ready training; or (2) a school where practice - skill courses were regarded as a diversion from the central task of teaching students to «think like lawyers» through emphasis on doctrine - based instruction.
And some advice I got — which I hated at the time but had come to appreciate — was to view this parenting journey as a diversion from Italy to Holland, per...
I wrote magazine articles as a diversion, then small businesses began to hire me as a copywriter — I still write copy for clients, because I adore it.
But there are reasons for his mindless stupor: First, Sam is using the game as a diversion tactic from the task that looms large — he has to deliver on a promise to a publisher and produce a great novel.
Well worth the $ 3 as a diversion while we wait for Milkbag to finally release Snow Siege.
Take one section in which you're asked to choose between fighting a battle at a city, or using the tussle as a diversion to make your way to your ultimate goal, and thus save the world.
Not only does this device allow players to launch projectiles as a diversion, it also acts as a grappling hook for improved mobility.
However, even in situations where the odds are against you, the drone's attack mode is useful as a diversion so you can move into flanking position.
She began to study art as a diversion in the 1920's when she was living in Brooklyn, married and the mother of two sons.
Howe knows that some who've followed his case suspect he is raising the race question as a diversion to win sympathy and cast himself as a victim.
Defensive driving, also known as the Diversion Attendance Course, is for motorists who received a traffic citation in Arizona and would like to dismiss points and avoid insurance rate increases.
Economically it affects me little, as I make most of my money killing NPCs, and kill players as a diversion.
Italy About Blog Like a candy shop started as a diversion, a little space of my own in which to express myself through colors.
That for them is seen as a diversion something to keep yu away from the real issues when for many children this is the only and best ways to get them to trust you and to communicate to you want is going on with them.
Solidus Snake, the only one of the Enfants Terribles who stars in just a single title — barring his bottled remains that were used as a diversion in
But as diversions for individuals and families both are postwar phenomena as up to date as color television, frozen soup and the three - day weekend.
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