Sentences with phrase «as a duplicate»

I'm aware that many people are hesitant to close an older question as a duplicate of a newer, though; it may be a semantic issue with the word «duplicate».
Both answers can be given in a long sentence, and if I spilt into 2, I'd expect one gets closed as a duplicate of the other.
The original question must have an answer; you can not mark a question as a duplicate of an unanswered one.
The answers to the question marked as a duplicate, while very informative with respect to the functionality of a clutch, don't seem to answer my question.
If you're having issues with the last build of BlackBerry Bridge such as duplicate text messages, you can now load up BlackBerry App World and grab a newer version.
If you have lots of products for sale this can seem like an overwhelming task, especially when we advise that you don't ever copy and paste chunks of text as duplicate content is not looked on favourably by search engines.
The Botanical Research Center will let you find new rare items as well as duplicate ones you already have, so it's vital to keep it stocked and check back regularly.
Source critics have commonly seen the second as a duplicate account, a later and therefore allegedly unauthentic explanation of the proverb.
@hszmv A question should be closed as a duplicate when the answers to another questions answer the new question.
With his mentor Ana Marušić and Ana Utrobičić, the group culled 1011 publications tagged as duplicates by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
I suspect this question will be used as a duplicate close reason quite a bit so having a high quality answer would be of great benefit to the site.
We fixed an issue where re-directed folder Libraries would appear as duplicate folder entries in the File Explorer navigation pane.
So for the non WMO stations (some of these will be WMO stations, just without an identified WMO counterpart in GHCN) the rule of thumb is: if s + q < 1, then the scraped data is added as a duplicate, otherwise it is added as a new station.
They set the minimum similarity percentage to 99 percent to ensure Analytics would only mark a document as a duplicate if it matched at least 99 percent of the principal, or example, document.
Process daily reports to identify claims that need re-filed or properly adjudicated for Medicare, such as duplicate claim errors.
Following a request to the authors for clarification, Peterson et al. (2006a, b) and Lowyck et al. (2009) were treated as duplicate publications.
You acknowledge that the Holdings Information may be utilized for damaging purposes, such as duplicating FTI's proprietary investment and trading strategies, techniques and methodologies.
Just note that it's important not to copy - paste the contents of a data feed into your store without changing it at all because this will be regarded as duplicate content, but more on that next.
This test is being praised by the backers of the RFRA as duplicating the «compelling state interest» standard that the Supreme Court applied to free exercise cases before the Smith decision.
@ohwilleke Even if it were reopened, it would be closed again as a duplicate, per what notstoreboughtdirt said
Crosschecking those with papers the journals had investigated and labeled as duplicates, they found 175 papers that had been published at least twice — some as a result of error on the journal's part, and some through a fault of the author.
The rest of the presentation came across as a duplicate of Part 1.
The voted question that is being considered as the duplicate of doesn't mention oversteer.
Why not build the Powerwall as a duplicate battery to be swapped physically in and out?
I am just looking for the taxable income amount regardless of the loss amount as duplicate question seems to be more concerned about.
Anyone have insight whether if you currently have a World Elite personal, whether this will count as a duplicate product and be declined?
This fast tip demonstrates how to use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight duplicate rows, sometimes referred to as duplicate records.
** The McGill guide uses the longer citation of «Business Corporations Act, S.N.W.T. 1996, c. 19, as duplicated for Nunavut by s. 29 of the Nunavut Act, S.C. 1993, c. 28 ″
The Date of issue / completion does not change; it is listed as a duplicate certificate.
Plus surely many of your photos posted to social media will end up as duplicates with the photos you chose to save for personal use as well.
Also keep in mind that if you've already got an old file stored on this machine, the iPhone won't back up over any data it recognizes as a duplicate (repeated photos, songs, etc), and will only copy over new data that's been added since the last backup was performed.
Some of the big user - facing bugs, such as duplicate episode downloads and action bar bugs that showed extra action buttons have been notably fixed.
Personally, I've been using the Wacom Link and MobileStudio Pro as a duplicated display instead of an extended display.
Known across social media as duplicating or «scraping» content, violating copyrights can lead you into all kinds of moral and legal issues.
The county recording office retains the original separation agreement or memorandum of separation that has been filed, but for a fee it will certify a copy as a duplicate of the original that is on file.
The checklists together will become an operations manual, the basis of delegation as you duplicate yourself through assistants.
I know this was already marked as a duplicate but the answer to the other question doesn't apply to mine because (obviously), the broker isn't willing to do a courtesy sale or anything like that.
Sony ships the phone with a custom Xperia launcher, as well as duplicates of most of the major Android apps, but not a custom skin.
In literary - critical judgment, it has been common to see the second as a duplicate, and perhaps an historically dubious explanation of the proverb, «Is Saul also among the prophets?»
Google views content as duplicate when it is «appreciably similar.»
Moderators and anyone with 500 reputation may vote to close a question as a duplicate by clicking the «close» link and entering in the URL or title of the question they believe it to be a duplicate of.
Scraped WMO stations that match a WMO station in GHCN will always be added as a duplicate.
By using near - duplicate identification, they were able to classify more than 500,000 of 1 million documents as duplicates and eliminate them from review.
The FBI has been called in to address fraudulent activity, such as duplicate claims, that dramatically increased in response to the fires; however, Menconi doesn't believe these challenges will detract buyers from purchasing in the area.
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