Sentences with phrase «as a factor driving»

As the investors provide more money over time and as the factors driving the market shift, the computer models automatically buy or sell shares to rebalance portfolios.
Naturally it is the Supply and Demand equation that drives hotel room pricing as much as these factors drive pricing for most commodities in our free market.
We'd expect month - to - month variations, as the factor driving bias (double counting highs and lows) is highly stochastic and weather - dependent and won't be captured perfectly by prescriptive models.

Not exact matches

But as with all businesses in which passion is a driving factor, jumping in too quickly is a common error.
I talked to a handful of neckband headphone users on the street to try and get a sense of why they bought them, and time and again this was cited as a driving factor.
But while the degree may provide a gender - blind boost, the fact that the pay differential grows as female alumnae rise up the ranks is clear evidence that an MBA is not enough to blunt the factors that drive the gap.
The motivation behind buying a luxury or high performance car is strongly driven by factors such as design, hand - crafted interiors, personalisation and performance.
Brainard acknowledged that certain factors driving down inflation, such as a drop in cellphone rates, are transitory.
As for how Wrappup made the cut, Tawakol listed three main factors that drove Voicera's decision to acquire the company.
As much as the aforementioned «untapped market» factor, the new men's retail explosion is being driven by the new maAs much as the aforementioned «untapped market» factor, the new men's retail explosion is being driven by the new maas the aforementioned «untapped market» factor, the new men's retail explosion is being driven by the new man.
He points to a stronger dollar, fiscal retrenchment in the European Union, improving equity market confidence, and an exit strategy from the Federal Reserve forecasting a federal funds rate hike well before late 2014 as significant factors driving gold lower.
Firms expect some emerging pressures on capacity going forward, with many referring to firming demand as the driving factor.
Barclays is giving advice «on value - boosting transactions — such as spinoffs, splitoffs and carveouts — to help deter activists,» and working with companies «to pinpoint the factors driving poor performance, such as the company's balance sheet, operating performance, or corporate structure.»
Although a tightening labor market has driven up prices in some segments, such as single - family homes, it's «not enough to overcome downward pressure from other factors,» says Zentner, who adds that recent hurricanes likely won't have a lasting impact on national prices either.
A range of factors have driven this shift, including a sharp reduction in the cost to advance technology companies to proof of concept and business model validation — aided by declining infrastructure expenses, the rise of cloud - based software and service providers, and «pay as you grow» cost structures.
Moreover, as inflation is less demand driven and the result of external factors (Currency, commodity prices), raising interest rates risks plunging the economy into a recession.
While it's still early days yet, the three factors above play a pivotal role in driving Chinese buyers to both Calgary and Alberta in the long - term, especially as more and more Chinese property investors are moving towards new markets.
For Canadian bonds, we expect a similar wavelike pattern as for U.S. Treasuries, but with a higher frequency, driven by factors that will alternate between local macro considerations and the pull from how U.S. interest rates evolve.
It's well known that hunger isn't only driven by physical needs but cognitive factors and social factors as weel.
These changes often have been driven as much by Chinese bankers» need to please a varied group of regulators — whose own institutional biases are exacerbated by the competition, and even hostility, that exists among them — as by economic and financial factors.2
Other factors to consider when comparing federal and private student loans include borrower benefits not offered by private lenders, such as access to income - driven repayment programs and the potential to qualify for loan forgiveness.
Meanwhile, some of the external factors that helped to drive profit growth in the past three decades, such as global labor arbitrage and falling interest rates, are reaching their limits.
Domains are valued based on many factors such as marketability and brand - ability, the industry it is related to, similar domain sales, acquisition cost and, if applicable, the website traffic and associated revenue they can drive.
Correlation does not equal causation, as they say, and there are a number of factors that can drive higher average unit volumes, such as having a drive - through, a broader menu, and more marketing spending, but the numbers above do seem to favor the fresh - beef chains.
The factors driving down the price of oil are complex, as are the repercussions, some of which are being felt now.
The answer is that Fed policy is the primary factor driving the returns of short - term bonds, meaning that they tend to hold up much better than long - term debt when the Fed is expected to keep rates low as was the case in 2013.
Their interest is driven by a number of factors, including the steep price of property in China's major cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, says the Imperio Group, which serves Chinese clients in...
This downplays the fact that real estate sales are a «supply and demand» issue in Vancouver, just as it is across the country, and that there are many factors that help to drive prices higher, and lower, that heavily influence the prices people pay.
For the purposes of calculating NOI, the vacancy factor can be calculated based on current lease expirations as well as market driven figures using comparable property vacancies.
As to your comments about Greece, ironically it is these very incentives, that have driven its current predicament (sure, likely, aggravated by cultural factors).
Instead of the weights of different types of bonds, investors can hone in on exposure to factors that drive portfolio performance, such as interest rate risk, credit risk, and others.
Instead, factor in the cost of your incentives as a cost to sale for the Sales Drive.
Meanwhile, emerging environmental policies such as carbon taxes are cited as potential factors in driving even more of the manufacturing sector out of Ontario, as has already been experienced in BC.
There are other real world factors that could drive down an ideal international allocation, such as taxation (dividend investors may prefer a higher allocation to domestic stocks due to more favorable tax treatment).
If the events above do come into play, the yield curve could steepen even further as moves in the Fed funds rate are influencing short - term rates, while macro factors are driving longer - term rates.
Twitter's management touts its user growth as a driving factor of its ability to succeed.
As the GFC unfolded, it became clear that common factors were driving performance, namely liquidity and leverage.
Our econometric analysis shows that global factors play a dominant role in driving inflation at the individual country level; our measure of the global output gap has begun to increase, and should rise further as emerging markets recover, exerting upward pressure on inflation rates.
How to Use Sector Information Just as all stocks tend to move based on the underlying factors that drive the overall market, stocks in a similar industry tend to move based on underlying factors that impact the industry.
Recent research from Gallup focused on «active disengagement,» or the notion of employee engagement at work (or the lack thereof) as a factor in driving business operations.
The gains were driven by strong sales in style, baby, kids and wellness, an increase in digital marketing, as well as an industry factors like improved consumer confidence and lower gas prices.
Police say a video from the Uber self - driving car that struck and killed a woman on Sunday shows her moving in front of it suddenly, a factor that investigators are likely to focus on as they assess the performance of the technology in the first pedestrian fatality involving an autonomous vehicle.
Trust me, I'm just as tired of writing about the so - called «Trump Trade» as you are reading about it, but the fact remains that investors» perception of the 45th U.S. President's competence is one of the biggest factors driving global markets.
As such we factor these impacts into our analysis of an issuer's economy, fiscal position, and capital infrastructure, as well as management's ability to marshal resources and implement strategies to drive recoverAs such we factor these impacts into our analysis of an issuer's economy, fiscal position, and capital infrastructure, as well as management's ability to marshal resources and implement strategies to drive recoveras well as management's ability to marshal resources and implement strategies to drive recoveras management's ability to marshal resources and implement strategies to drive recovery.
It found that price expectation shocks accounted for 30 per cent of the increase in home values between 1996 and 2006, larger than all other factors driving price gains, such as housing supply, housing demand or mortgage rates.
These may have been features that Starbucks chose to suppress for business reasons, as search volume can't be the only driving factor when considering what goes on a site, but for features like calorie counters and order recommendations, this doesn't seem likely.
It's no surprise that Lindsay frames this as a battle; the factors driving this trend are as complex as any war and require both a boots - on - the - ground response and effective strategy at policy level.
In other words, there are many factors — heredity, environment, historical circumstances, childhood conditioning, unconscious drives — which impinge on the person as he makes a decision.
The report lists conflict, violence, the near - destruction of historically Christian towns in the Nineveh Plains of Northern Iraq, other people emigrating, loss of community, higher prices, and a lack of job and education opportunities as driving factors in the exodus.
In support of this contention, they cite a study (Kuhn et al, 2011) that explicitly says that its results can not be used in this way: «While it is tempting to interpret our estimates as reflective of a psychological need to «keep up with the van den Bergs,» we note that they could also be driven by other factors
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