Sentences with phrase «as a foreign invader»

Most cases of type 1 diabetes occur when the body mistakenly sees the islet cells as a foreign invader and wrecks the thing.
And why is that an otherwise harmless substance is then treated as a foreign invader to be attacked by the immune system?
Therefore, part of the solution often involves removing as many things from our diets that might be seen as foreign invaders by our immune systems.
Your body starts to look at food as a foreign invader and triggers an immune response to a harmless food protein.
But in future pregnancies, her body will treat the baby as a foreign invader and reject the baby.
My reactive test results lists the things my body was attacking as foreign invaders, or responding badly to.
The thyroid antibodies indicate that the thyroid gland has been recognized as a foreign invader by the immune system and that the thyroid gland is under attack.
We already know that heated animal protein, especially the one found in cow's milk and dairy, is often treated by human immune system as a foreign invader.
In an allergic reaction to a food, however, the immune system mistakenly recognizes normally harmless substances as foreign invaders.
As mom's body has built up defenses against what it sees as the foreign invader on its territory, (which is how the body views the fetus in many cases anyway), serious complications for baby and mom could arise during labor and delivery.
«The immune system immediately recognizes this pattern as a foreign invader,» Bachmann says.
The body recognizes the peptides as foreign invaders and, as a result, attacks the leukemia cells.
Yet because they were derived from mice, early monoclonal antibodies appeared as foreign invaders to the human immune system, triggering something called the human antimouse antibody (HAMA) response.
Once in the blood, our immune system recognizes these molecules as foreign invaders and mounts a reaction.
This condition occurs when the immune system recognizes the thyroid gland as foreign invader and launches an attack against it, eventually destroying enough of the thyroid to produce hypothyroidism.
• The immune system recognizes these fragments as foreign invaders and goes about destroying them.
An allergic reaction is an immune response in which the body recognizes the allergen as a foreign invader and starts producing antibodies to attack it.
Immune therapy for ovarian, breast and colorectal cancer — treatments that encourage the immune system to attack cancer cells as the foreign invaders they are — has so far had limited success, primarily because the immune system often can't destroy the cancer cells.
They get morphed into unusable forms which your body doesn't recognise, treated as foreign invaders, and hence attacked by an immune response.
This is because the body is responding to the food as a foreign invader, creating histamines that inflame the body in an attempt to protect the vulnerable organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs.
A person with intestinal permeability (which is always a precursor to autoimmune disease) is likely to recognize these proteins as a foreign invader and make antibodies to the proteins.
Proteins may be combined or changed into substances recognized by the immune system as foreign invaders to be attacked.
A dog's immune system responds to certain substances as foreign invaders, which causes an allergic reaction.
They can potentially be seen as a foreign invader and promote autoimmunity.
Doctors diagnosed the problem as alopecia areata, a genetically determined autoimmune disease in which the body's T cells identify hair - follicle cells as foreign invaders and try to destroy them.
It is not yet known whether the soft - shell tumor can spread to other molluscs, or whether there are mechanisms that recognize the malignant cells as foreign invaders and attack them.
Bits of a protein that builds up in Parkinson's disease trigger the immune system, causing it to tag them as foreign invaders.
To make this possible, the body had to develop mechanisms by which it «tolerates» the presence of potentially helpful bacteria, not attacking them as foreign invaders.
That's because cooking — including microwaving or even some processing, like canning — breaks down the pollen - mimicking protein, Dr. Elliott explains, so your body no longer registers it as a foreign invader.
A new study suggests some preterm births occur because the fetus rejects the mother, after its immune system is triggered too early and senses maternal cells as foreign invaders.
Natural Killer cells identify viral - infected cells as foreign invaders and make them commit suicide.
Our bodies therefore find it hard to digest and treat it as a foreign invader in our system.
These polypeptides are treated as foreign invaders and must be excreted through the kidneys.
When this happens your dog's body will identify these foods as foreign invaders and mount an immune response.
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