Sentences with phrase «as a fuel for»

See lunch as fuel for your afternoon — and as one meal you know will be healthy.
This gas, composed mostly of methane, can be used as a fuel for power generation (replacing diesel generators), compressed or sold into the natural gas grid.
Musk seemed frustrated, but his behavior comes across as fuel for skeptics and bears, Albertine said.
Beyond that, it serves a role as fuel for search engine optomization, social media, email marketing and dozens of other marketing campaigns.
Content marketing serves as fuel for an SEO campaign, so with only a handful of additional strategies, you can earn powerful results on both fronts.
Coal's slump is largely the result of cheap natural gas, which now rivals coal as a fuel for generating electricity.
Heating oil is a flammable liquid used as a fuel for heaters or boilers.
The rising cost of oil, its impact on global warming, the geopolitical risks associated with oil dependency (especially as fuel for automobiles), followed more recently by the rise of cost effective alternatives presents a «change the world» opportunity for Apple.
When we stop seeing people as fuel for our institution's fire and start seeing them as Jesus sees them, then we will start to experience the Kingdom of God.
Not surprising that even a moment as beautiful as this would serve as fuel for the anti-religious crowd to stir up more hatred.
They have been too little concerned with the simple technological changes needed for more efficient use of firewood as a fuel for cooking.
Rev Tremlett reminded the audience it wasn't enough to acknowledge the mining tragedies over the years, but to use what happened as a fuel for change today.
They will always twist our broad mindedness and tolerance in our country as a fuel for the radicals in Islam.
Many Christians saw the article as fuel for the narrative that the media is biased against them, but others took issue with the idea that Jesus didn't go to hell after His death.
ECT must be viewed as fuel for a fire that is already alight.
The native Kichwa communities drink guayusa tea before sunrise as their fuel for the day.
Remember though, the longer you ferment the yogurt the more of the lactose and casein are digested as fuel for the bacteria to thrive upon.
I always have dried figs on hand as my husband uses them as fuel for long bike rides, so I decided to make my crisps with figs, toasted walnuts, a variety of seeds and just a little rosemary.
Just think of it as fuel for your body — it keeps your insides lubricated and running like a well - oiled machine.
Eriksen was singled out by his coach Morten Olsen after Denmark's loss to Portugal last month, but used the criticism as fuel for an excellent performance against Serbia on Friday.
The only things it eats are cynical predictions from dumb sportswriters, and he uses them to as fuel for magic monster beams that help the Yankees contend, even when they have absolutely no right to contend.
I really don't care what people say or think of me, but today I'm choosing to use it as fuel for my message.
She wanted ice cream first, so we talked about food as fuel for our bodies and she came up with a creative solution, «How about I dip my sushi in my ice cream?»
Fear serves as fuel for disillusionment and apathy, for hatred and xenophobia, all of which are the seed if, which allowed to root, will ultimately grow and bear the rotten fruit of war.
This makes pure biodiesel unsuitable as a fuel for standard engines.
Light permanent fires in seams too deep for conventional mining and, engineers hope, they can siphon off the resulting vapours as fuel for gas turbines at the surface.
Yet, the government has launched a pilot project to address the problem by capturing and storing the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by using coal as a fuel for electricity generation at a power plant dubbed GreenGen.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting tests but has yet to certify ethanol as a fuel for piston - engine planes in the U.S., says Lourdes Maurice, chief scientist and technical advisor to the FAA's Office of Environment and Energy.
Unlike glucose, which serves as fuel for the body, fructose is processed almost entirely in the liver where it is converted to fat.»
In Britain, charcoal is mostly used as fuel for barbecues.
The use of alcohol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, either alone or in combination with other fuels, has been given much attention mostly because of its possible environmental and long - term economical advantages over fossil fuel.
The new bio-oil can be used in animal feed or, after further refinement, as a fuel for airplanes.
While turkeys at Thanksgiving are an age - old custom, a new study shows that turkey excrement may have a future as a fuel for heat and electricity.
Heavy, silvery - white, toxic, metallic, naturally radioactive, pyrophoric, and teratogenic uranium belongs to the actinide series and its isotope 235U is used as the fuel for nuclear reactors and the explosive material for nuclear weapons.
Farmers in the Near East — what is today Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, and neighboring countries — began cultivating plants and herding animals about 8000 B.C.E., but there are no signs that they used animal dung for anything other than as fuel for fires.
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2013 — The American Chemical Society (ACS) applauds the release of the President's FY14 budget and his continued recognition of the importance of science and technology as the fuel for economic growth and job creation.
Thanks to a bonanza of natural gas liberated from deep shales by new techniques, the U.S. is burning more and more of the fuel — and considering using more natural gas in more places, such as fuel for trucking.
We can also store the leftover renewable energy in the form of compressed hydrogen for a later use when the electrical demand is higher, or as fuel for vehicles,» Serra adds.
For instance, carbon dioxide enables energy storage by reacting with hydrogen gas — called the hydrogenation process — transforming the mixture into higher energy liquid compounds such as methanol that can be easily transported and used as fuel for cars.
Researchers think these bubbles drag trails of relatively cooler gas (about 1 million degrees), and as the bubbles detach from the jets and drift farther out into the galaxy, the cooler gas trails become even cooler, becoming extremely cold (just slight above absolute zero), and rain back on the black hole as fuel for star formation.
It is then usable as fuel for commercial nuclear power reactors.
The state's environmental community had been gearing up for a ballot initiative this year that would have forced the state's utilities to abandon coal as a fuel for electricity.
Overly processed foods and simple sugars get digested quickly, while natural and whole - grain foods are harder to break down, so they can help you burn more fat by using it as a fuel for the digestive process.
When you're trying to build muscle mass, you should look at food as an energy source or as a fuel for your workouts, not as something to enjoy.
Creatine is a substance that is naturally found in our bodies in small quantities and plays a vital role in our bodies» energy system used as a fuel for workout sessions with high intensity and explosive exercises.
Reduce carb intake — this is probably the most important rule when trying to loose weight and especially bodyfat.The body burns carbs as fuel for it's everyday activities.As soon as the body runs out of carbs it starts to burn fat.Try to eat your carbs early in the morning and after the workout.Restrict your carbs in the afternoon hours.
So the main reason why bodybuilders need to focus on improving their insulin sensitivity is because without it, their bodies will tend to store more nutrients as fat instead of using them as fuel for the muscles.
Constance Tillit joined a Brooklyn CrossFit box after her husband passed away, and she's been using his memory as fuel for every challenging WOD.
By thinking of food as fuel for your training session and for complete recovery afterward, it gives food a function which can help prevent mindless eating.
These ketones act as a fuel for the body to produce energy.
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