Sentences with phrase «as a generation ago»

The sense that the kingdom was at hand and that a new age was dawning gives coherence to Jesus» ministry, but such a belief would have been controversial, just as a generation ago many white South Africans could not see how the apartheid regime could ever be changed.
It was common or conventional Christianity as recently as a generation ago, and it is still the common understanding among our fundamentalist and conservative Christian brothers and sisters.
Today, we get twice the calories from beverages as a generation ago.

Not exact matches

If you look back at those technicalities and the various user interfaces, whether it was chat, AI or voice, you can actually see that these bots have become a lot more powerful, as opposed to what they were capable of doing a generation ago.
As we near peak summer driving season, American consumers would have worried a generation ago that such a meeting would be an impetus for a pullback in production, with oil exporters aiming to raise prices by limiting supply.
Smith started Vice as a print magazine with Suroosh Alvi and Gavin McInnes in Montreal more than two decades ago; with Smith at the helm as CEO, it's now a multi-platform content mill with a reported audience of between 250 million and 300 million people a month, many of them members of Generation Y. Smith made his money by convincing an older generation that Vice knows millennials better than they could ever hope to, and that pitch has worked: Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox paid US$ 70 million for a 5 % stake of Vice in 2013, and Rogers Communications (which owns Canadian Business) inked a $ 100 million paGeneration Y. Smith made his money by convincing an older generation that Vice knows millennials better than they could ever hope to, and that pitch has worked: Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox paid US$ 70 million for a 5 % stake of Vice in 2013, and Rogers Communications (which owns Canadian Business) inked a $ 100 million pageneration that Vice knows millennials better than they could ever hope to, and that pitch has worked: Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox paid US$ 70 million for a 5 % stake of Vice in 2013, and Rogers Communications (which owns Canadian Business) inked a $ 100 million partnership.
Social networking sites and services such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have followed the same path to the business world that blogs did only a couple years ago: They're all online hangouts that evolved into sophisticated branding, lead generation and sales tools for business.
by Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson A generation ago the Chicago Boys and their financial supporters applauded General Pinochet's anti-labor Chile as a success story, thanks mainly to its transformation of their Social Security into Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) that almost universally were looted by the employer grupos by the end of the 1970s.
It's not as bleak as it was a few years ago, but the outlook still isn't as strong as it was when this generation's parents were making their first home purchases.
As a result, an economy regarded as primitive a generation ago now boasts some of the world's leading technology firms such as Huawei, the telecoms gianAs a result, an economy regarded as primitive a generation ago now boasts some of the world's leading technology firms such as Huawei, the telecoms gianas primitive a generation ago now boasts some of the world's leading technology firms such as Huawei, the telecoms gianas Huawei, the telecoms giant.
As far as I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years agAs far as I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years agas I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years ago.
His own monumental Theology of the New Testament provided the theological synthesis of the day, as did Barth's Romans a generation ago, and Harnack's What is Christianity?
There has also been a deliberate attempt to develop our particular situation into a strong culture for the College, mainly rooted in traditions that staff experienced in their own schools a generation ago, or in revivals of medieval traditions, such as that of the boy - bishop (a boy rules the College for a day on the feast of St Nicholas.)
As Bernard Ramm put it a generation ago, «propositional revelation» is an unhappy expression because «it fails to do justice to the literary, historical and poetic elements of special revelation.»
With these pastors, priest, popes, and elders all lying to the people, misleading the flocks, as was prophesied they would in Ezekiel 20, Malachi 2, Jeremiah 23:1 - 5, we are all a lost generation of pestilence, greed, and poverty, and this is not old people, as taught to us in Isaiah 43:11,13 - 19; that this book gives us the past, present, and future of what is going on, then, and now, it's juxtapose, meaning one must «compare» what is going on today with what went on long ago, for it has not changed any, not a bit from how people went astray then, full of pride, and are doing the same thing now, calling it good, or right, prophesied in Malachi 3:13 - 15.
Time, in short, to say that this is a moral issue every bit as compelling as the civil rights movement of a generation ago, and every bit as demanding of our commitment and our sacrifice.
Some may consider it «shipwreck» that the cultural Catholicism that transmitted and sustained the faith in these United States as recently as two generations ago is on life - support.
The way I see what is happening in this country: Religion doesn't have the social clout it did as recently as 3 generations ago.
And what appears to Lindsell as the imminent victory of apostasy may herald the emergence of new models of biblical authenticity and new realignments within American Protestantism that may actually serve to overcome the chasms opened up by the fundamentalist / modernist controversy of two generations ago.
Two generations ago Jewish mysticism, especially the Kabbalah, was thought of as kind of bizarre, kooky stuff.
This is where human morality originated as even the burried remains show that our ancient ancestors cared for those in their social groups and cave paintings show that knowledge was being passed down from one generation to the next more than 45,000 years ago.
That in a place such as China, which scarcely a generation ago had to contend with starvation, people are now eating better than anyone has in previous history.
Perhaps diversity is losing its power to legitimate, just as three generations ago WASP patrimony lost its power to legitimate.
As a matter of fact, a generation and more ago, experiments along this line were made by several prominent American philosophers of religion.
Generations ago, G. K. Chesterton was promoting the gospel to an industrial age that conceived of the world as a self - sustaining machine.
We remark the curious fact that just as, thirty years ago, the churches had about succeeded in excising Bach and Palestina from the ken of the new generation at the moment college and high school choirs were finding them — and church schools, afraid of the recondite reaches of the doctrine of the Lord's Supper, beheld their children at school singing «0 Magnum Mysterium» and «Ave, Corpus Verum» — so, too, the preaching fashion, having become in large part the holy branch office of the local psychiatric clinic, is now confronted with «J.B.,» «The Fall,» «Christmas Oratoria,» and the considerable theological imagery in «Four Quartets.»
There was no little controversy a generation ago as to whether in Jesus» thought this fulfillment was to come gradually or suddenly and «miraculously.»
Even from when in the days of long ago, religion was considered as idolatry by Moses, prophesied for the future generations in Deuteronomy 32:17, and prophesied in Daniel 11:39 - 45, also for the future as well.
It is clear that neither of the most striking conclusions of Schweitzer's work was such as to explain why the quest of the historical Jesus came largely to an end a generation or more ago.
More than a decade ago, David Brooks described a generation of America's elite university students as «organization kids.»
Let common themes and differences unfold in the course of the series, just as they did exactly ten years ago when we last asked a generation to speak up.
In particular, it is a response to the threat against the family represented by secular society's accelerating movement towards accepting what were, only a generation ago, simply demands by a small minority of activists for the legalisation of what they insist on describing as homosexual «marriage».
As a result of his efforts, along with those of the mental health societies (the change from «hygiene» to «health» came in the 1940s) and many other groups, including the professionals, it is safe to say that most mental hospitals are better now than they were a generation ago.
Christ's perfect union of divinity and humanity is the central mystery of the Incarnation, and, as de Lubac pointed out a generation ago, the abjuring of this paradox marked the heretics of the early Church, not her faithful adherents: the Adoptionists and Docetists were the ones who refused to live with the ultimate inscrutability of the God - Man.
Two generations ago, as England and the U.S. were congratulating themselves on their victory over the Nazis, C. S. Lewis warned his countrymen not to fall into attitudes that would create a purely instrumental view of human life.
Something that hit me as truly, deeply mushroomy — that gave me the feeling that I was eating something somebody's grandma perfected long ago and passed down from generation to generation (everyone knows grandmas perfected soup, even if they didn't invent it).
Scott Lucas is a second - generation branding and design leader who began his professional career 20 years ago as an account executive in Philadelphia and New York before moving to Cincinnati.
«It's as good a track as you could ask for,» said Terry Labonte (opposite, below) after taking his first practice laps a year ago, while Jeff Gordon called it an «awesome facility that's a stepping - stone to the next generation
What is really unnerving and will go as a dark age for AFC in years to come is how this man took one of the richest teams in the world by ramsom... completely inexplicable how we are subject to take this mediocrity for another 2 years or as long as Le Fraud decides he will stay as he thinks is his born birth right...... Legacy??? a man who lost his self respect this way has no right to claim a Legacy not even for what he accomplished almost a generation ago... of course and also inexplicably he still has supports from some Fans.....
With the country's «golden generation» probably facing their final World Cup as a collective, the Ivorian players will want to make sure they live up to the promise that presented all of those years ago.
And even if kids have the time and the desire to be active, parents may not feel comfortable letting them freely roam the neighborhood as kids did generations ago.
Just as what our society experienced with La Leche League International's breastfeeding revolution, begun more than 50 years ago, we at Attachment Parenting International (API) hope to be looking at a different kind of society in coming generations — one where disconnection is discouraged and healthy, securely attached relationships are valued above competition and shame.
«A generation ago I believe there was the same push to early training, but as with many things, the pendulum swings.»
There are many theories as to why food allergies and sensitivities have become so common, especially in children — much more common than generations ago.
Child rearing practices of a generation ago were not as child - centered as they are today.
And if not the governor, then certainly his alter - ego - cum - enforcer Joseph Percoco — a smart fellow who's been tight as a tick with the Cuomo family since Mario was calling the shots a generation ago.
In stating that «a generation ago, women faced forced feedings, jail, asylums and worse, [no] right to vote, own property and be viewed as equals,» she probably meant four generations ago.
But a faulty variant of this gene arose six generations ago in an Amish group, causing the people who carry one copy of the variant to produce half as much of the age - promoting protein.
Whether foraging for berries thousands of years ago or combing over raw prose as I do now, countless generations of women have found a way to balance their daily duties and child care.
Just as was commonplace a generation ago in internal medicine, the broad advances in psychiatric and neurologic neuroscience are driving the development of fundamentally new and exciting treatments for many brain diseases.
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