Sentences with phrase «as a healthy treat»

Can we use this «people food» as a healthier treat for dogs?
We thaw and use the breads as healthy treats when we are traveling or camping.
A snack that, in my case, doubles as a healthy treat that helps me maintain my relationship with my sister.
I'm looking forward to making this recipe for my kids as healthy treats.
Some cats may need a little encouragement, such as a healthy treat when they successfully make it through the opening.
Like most of the items in this list, you can also easily use this product as a healthy treat or as a healthy kibble topper.
For rabbits, blackberries and other fruits should act as healthy treats.
If your cat does, maybe sprinkle a little into their food as a healthy treat.
Because of that factor, the Michigan Humane Society advocates the vegetable as a healthy treat for canine weight management.
Other seeds, such as alfalfa, flax, hemp, and milk thistle are packed with nutrition and can be enjoyed as a healthy treat without added preparation.
Take a couple to work as a snack to beat that mid-afternoon slump... pop a few into your gym bag as a post-workout snack... put one into the kids» lunch box as a healthy treat... you can even eat them as a grab - and - go breakfast on busy mornings.
Hi Debbie, thanks for the vote of support:) I was glad to find from Dr. Jeff that I could use vegetables as a healthy treat as I had a dog at that time that needed to take off some weight to ease the pain on his joints.
Keep in mind that it is intended as a healthy treat or snack — and please consult your veterinarian for more information about the proper serving size for your pet (s).
Feeding Directions / Suggestion: Feed as a healthy treats, a food topper or while teaching a new trick.
Though many people manage to escort their pet dogs (who are omnivores with dietary needs that are at least somewhat similar to our own) through life on a diet of mostly kibble with fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy treats, other animals have much stricter dietary needs.
My husband and I love these as a healthy treat for road trips and although we don't give them to our little ones often, they're great for older kids!
I'll definitely be making various versions of these to have as a healthy treat, how long do they last in a tin?
Blueberry and banana chia pudding — a healthy and nutritious breakfast option with fresh fruits and plain Greek yogurt -LCB- sugar free, gluten free, clean eating, with vegan and low carb option -RCB- Start your day with this nutritious naturally sweetened chia breakfast pudding or eat it as a healthy treat!
I'm not suggesting you go out and eat gallons of the chocolate mousse in one sitting, however, enjoying this as a healthy treat once in a while is a fabulous way to appease the sweet tooth while still staying aligned with your health goals.
As a healthy treat we strongly recommend fresh vegetables and fruits (in that order).
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