Sentences with phrase «as a heart murmur»

Hi Lynn I would do some research and see if you can find a charity who can help with the costs or offer free vet checks as this could be a symptom for an underlying problem such as a heart murmur especially if there is no reason for the panting such as stress, physical exercise or over-heating.
Mr. Man was diagnosed by our veterinarians with a mild Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, more commonly known as a heart murmur, causing a thickening of the walls of the heart.
Basically, this problem starts as a heart murmur — but it eventually gets worse and worse until it ends up causing heart failure.
This disease causes a degeneration of the little dog's heart valve, beginning as a heart murmur but progressing to breathlessness and fainting symptoms.
Donations made to ANSOL are applied to a pet that may need more extensive medical work done, or to special projects, such as the heart murmur babies.
This turbulence of blood as it flows through this leaky valve can often be heard as a heart murmur.
Annual examinations can pick up any changes, such as a heart murmur before they become serious.
Chihuahuas are also naturally prone to heart related disorders such as heart murmurs.
When your vet hears an additional «whooshing» sound in between normal heart sounds, this is known as a heart murmur.
And if they do find a problem, such as a heart murmur, scoliosis, or hernia, you will likely have to see your pediatrician for further management anyway.
Heart disease is diagnosed when a pet has evidence of a heart abnormality such as a heart murmur, enlarged heart, valve changes, or other heart abnormalities — but is not showing any outward clinical signs.
Any Patient over the age of 10 years and or with health problems (such as heart murmurs or seizures) will be referred to a local clinic that preforms more services then Florida Aid to Animals
She will listen closely to your pet's heart and lungs for signs of disease, such as a heart murmur or an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia).
The breed can also experience experience some heart problems such as heart murmurs and pulmonic stenosis.
Listen to your pet's heart — Early signs of cardiac disease such as heart murmurs and abnormal heart beat patterns known as arrhythmias can be heard through a stethoscope.
Listen to the heart — Early signs of cardiac disease such as heart murmurs and abnormal heart beat patterns known as arrhythmias can be heard through a stethoscope.
If your pet is showing signs of illness or if there are any concerns (such as a heart murmur, upper respiratory infection, obesity, food in stomach) we may refuse surgery if we feel surgery is a health risk.
Chihuahuas are also prone to some heart related disorders such as heart murmurs, i.e., extra heart sound produced due to turbulent blood flow and Pulmonic Stenosis in which the blood outflow from the heart's right ventricle is obstructed at the pulmonic valve.
In addition, regular physical examination often reveals early warning signs of disease that may not be so easily detected at home, such as heart murmurs, abdominal growths, organ or lymph node enlargement, cataracts, glaucoma and periodontal disease.
Diagnosis is based on the physical condition of the cat, signs of feline hyperthyroidism such as a heart murmur and enlarged thyroid glands and results from a blood test.
Because chihuahuas are a small breed this leaves them susceptible to health issues, such as heart murmurs.
Symptoms that accompany cough, such as a heart murmur could indicate heart disease.
Recent studies show pregnant women who took Zofran or its generic equivalent during the first trimester of pregnancy (before ten weeks) resulted in an exponential increase in birth defects such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and heart defects such as heart murmurs, atrial septal defect (hole in the heart) and ventricular septal defect (hole in the heart).
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