Sentences with phrase «as a heretic»

A person might get condemned as a heretic for not believing in the Trinity, that Jesus was not God incarnate, or that the Bible is not inspired or inerrant.
Others might get condemned as a heretic for questioning whether or not Genesis 1 - 2 teaches creationism, or whether there will be a future rapture of the church.
But if you are in a church that does these sorts of things, and you try to get rid of them, you will get branded as a heretic for trying to disobey the instructions of Jesus.
He was labeled as a heretic by both the Catholics and the Calvinist.
I was condemned as a heretic in December 2001 by my Baptist Church here in WV.
I have some crazy ideas about church that might get me labeled as a heretic again.
We should begin by making sure we don't metaphorically burn each other at the stake or label each other as heretics when we honestly disagree.
For example, the Gnostic writings of Valentinus come from the 2nd century AD, and these Christians were regarded as heretics by the mainstream church.
Hannam then goes on to show that Galileo was not treated as a heretic nor as someone who had done anything especially wrong.
The group condemns Shias as heretics who should be killed.
While capturing Astarac, Thomas learns of a tragedy in the making: a beautiful young woman named Genevieve, innocent if not pious, is to be burned as a heretic for refusing to adhere to the strict religious guidelines of the day.
We were viewed as heretics when we tried to tell others in our ministry about it.
You know, Richard, back in the middle ages, when the church held real power, you probably would have been burned at the stake as a heretic for your extremely heterodox theological musings.
The best pitchers on the defending World Series champions were widely viewed as heretics in the context of their time.
The later condemnation of Christians as heretics and the separation of church and synagogue are reflected here.
That is the reason why iPhones, iMacs, iPads and other ecosystem - limited products have always sold well (and I will certainly be proclaimed as a heretic by the fans).
I imagine that most people who teach or write about Scripture and theology have been condemned as a heretic at least once or twice.
I have suggested that there is no such thing as a heretic in the traditional sense of the word.
The Roman authorities were predictably pleased and sent a fresh command to Cajetan, formally denouncing Luther as a heretic and requesting Cajetan summarily to arrest him, with letters to the Emperor and Elector Frederick to assist the process.
Al Qaeda views Houthis as heretics since they belong to a branch of Shi'ite Islam.
At the extreme they have been excoriated as heretics, «climate deniers» akin to holocaust deniers and equally deserving of punishment.
The substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross (This is a must) Now I have some Orthodox friends who consider any person who is not Eastern Orthodox a Heterodox Christian while they view people who do not believe in the fundamentals as heretics.
Some Muslims perceive Ahmadiyyas as heretics because of their view that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a 19th - century thinker, was a prophet sent by God - something the other branches of Islam reject.
But I could say the say about Mormons, JWs and others who have long been held as heretics.
I myself, having been exposed to the ancient beliefs of Taino Native Americans and Far Easterners transplanted into Latin America as well as Christianity, have a more pragmatic, holistic outlook on divinity and religious teachings which I choose to defer expressing, lest I be branded here in the Christian South as a HERETIC.
What definition both condemns Miller as a heretic but approves the writings of Joyce Meyer and John Hagee?
These people would have thrown you in prison as a heretic for saying the Earth is not the center of the universe and yet people of faith worship these ideals.
Plenty of Christians have written off Bell as a heretic.
If they didn't try to stone you on the spot, you would at least be condemned as a heretic liberal who deserved to spend eternity in the deepest hell.
The fact remains that Christianity's general blind faith has enabled many nefarious characters throughout history to hijack your book, which is almost as sad as the fact that even those whom many still revere as saints and leaders of the church left countless numbers of those they proclaimed as heretics dead in their wake.
In 1569 in Holland, a Mennonite named Dirk Willems, under capital sentence as a heretic, was fleeing from arrest, pursued by a «thief - catcher.»
As a result, Cop was condemned by the Catholic Church as a heretic, and was forced to flee for his life.
Just a century prior, the Council of Constance (1414 — 1418) had condemned two theologians as heretics: Jan Hus and John Wycliffe.
The heretics of the early third century (those we see in retrospect as heretics) could make plausible arguments, using Scripture, but the bishops gathered at the first Council of Nicaea saw what was the real teaching of Scripture, even though they had to invent a term not found in the Bible, homoousios, to define it exactly.
Christians in the past have spoken of Muhammad as a heretic, with a false or inadequate understanding of God.
Also, if you believe in the Bible, then you should know that false condemnation and the spreading of false prophecies (attributing storms and natural phenomenon to God's «wrath») puts you in the same line of sinners as heretics, murders, thieves and rapists.
Theological beliefs have certainly served as tests for participation; indeed even for physical survival as heretics and schismatics have been hounded and slain.
Ironically, many in Free Grace circles condemn Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, and others in their camp as heretics.
Most people who get to stage 5 leave Christianity because there are not enough Christian 5s or 6s to create a local community; they are ostracized as heretics; they do nt like hypocrasy.
i do like heretic Christian just keep disagree with your god and his teachings so fare you come off as a heretic so nothing against you but your god and his teaches are still evil.
But Bukherst was as much an apostate as a heretic.
Do we have to label each other as heretics over differences of beliefs other than Christ as our Savior?
Therefore all competing texts depicting Jesus as a normal mortal were purged and banned as heretic, and Gnosticism was declared unchristian.
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