Sentences with phrase «as a historical event»

It was clearly understood as an historical event, but it was obviously something more.
Therefore faith must come to know the death of God as an historical event witnessing to the advent of a new form of the Word.
Whereas in Mark the discovery of the empty tomb is simply a sign of the fact that Jesus had already been raised to heaven, Matthew's additions to the story now moved in the direction of turning it into a description of the resurrection as an historical event, a process which did not become explicit until the apocryphal Gospel of Peter.
It involves the study of styles, techniques, philosophies, biographies, and ideas of major American writers as well as the historical events that influenced their works.
Faith must come to know the death of God as an historical event witnessing to the advent of a new form of the Word.
This sweeping survey exhibition seeks to exhume from historical misappropriation non-objective painting as a movement of European abstraction re-homed in the vertiginous violence of WWII to the streets of Manhattan and as a historical event in the history of art whose legacy singularly influenced the rise of abstract expressionism in the following generation.
The crucifixion, viewed simply as an historical event, is the ultimate evil: the betrayal, denial, unjust and cowardly condemnation, blaspheming and brutalising, flogging, public humiliation and torturing to death of the Son of God himself.
The next important line of defense consists in the claim that the New Testament has preserved records of such historical value that their testimony to the «bodily resurrection» establishes it beyond all reasonable doubt as an historical event.
This modern assumption that the world view of modern science is absolute is, we think, the reason for Bultmann's repeated retreat from revelation as an historical event into an abstract philosophy of life.
Against the former he posited the once - for - all (einmalige) character of relation as a historical event centering in Jesus Christ.
Perhaps Bultmann is aware of the antinomy here, for although he rejects what he calls the past - historical view of the cross, he never tires of speaking of Jesus of Nazareth as an historical figure, of his person and fate, of his crucifixion as an event of the past, of the faith of Easter as an historical event.
Bultmann uses strong language about the cross as an historical event.
Evolution is often perceived as an historical event, noted Weitz, who also has a courtesy appointment in the Georgia Tech School of Physics.
Timelines are great for explaining anything that changes over time, such as historical events, biographies, processes, and project development.
This story is even considered as a historical event by some Balineseâ $ ™ s older generation.
(ENTIRE BOOK) A helpful examination of the Christian meaning of resurrection — including the difference between belief in Jesus» resurrection as an historical event, versus resurrection as an expression of faith in the risen Christ..
It touches on cultural differences as well as historical events
This means that we shall understand the death of God as an historical event: God has died in our time, in our history, in our existence.
They are usually literalists when it concerns the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of Jesus as an historical event, the existence of eternal punishment in hell.
Furthermore, the very ground of Christian theology calls upon the Christian theologian to recognize the death of God as an historical event.
This pair, Adam and Eve, then committed the original sin and fell, as described in Genesis, and in the Catechism, as a historical event.
If you try to interpret the Hebrew Bible as some form of reality, as an historical record of something that actually happened, you might have better luck treating «The Wizard of Oz» as an historical event.
Now, this sober, factual account of a human life includes the gospels themselves (which are never so much as mentioned by Bultmann) and the testimony provided by the personal association of the first preachers with the Jesus of history, as well as the list of eyewitnesses adduced to establish the miracle of the resurrection as an historical event.
I majority of people think of it as a historical event that happened in the past, and most people consider it to be a bad event.
What a portrait of young love, self destruction, and the Great Depression (both as historical event and psychological metaphor).
Many of Lemmerz's works focus on taboo - related themes, taken from contemporary, as well as historical events, where suffering, death, identity, and existence are central themes.
Omissions aside, Mr. Rose talks about «Art in the Streets» as a historical event itself and praises the efforts of curatorial coordinator Ethel Seno for her knowledge and vision.
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