Sentences with phrase «as a hobby because»

I study stock trading as a hobby because I'm fascinated by the possibility of using technology, technical strategy and other techniques in making predictions about the future and interpreting history to extrapolate what could happen next for the purpose of making money.
I study stock trading as a hobby because I'm fascinated by the possibility of using technology, technical strategy and -LSB-...]
A dog who is left alone all day is likely to take up barking as a hobby because no one is there to control him.
For the last three years, Shefman says he's taken up baking as a hobby because it fits in with his hectic schedule.

Not exact matches

He began buying property both as a hobby and because, as a recent immigrant, he couldn't rely on Old Age Security or Canada Pension Plan benefits.
While many people start home - based businesses because they see it as a natural extension of the hobbies they love, having a hobby is not the key to running a successful home business.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 RUNNER - UP PACKAGE WINNERS: 1) Robert DeVito: «I like job flexibility because it allows me to balance my work and hobby time as well as time with my family and pets!»
So there is a rough and ready very free market kind of democracy, if you will, and a lot of people have criticized Bitcoin because it major miners obviously have a lot more influence than people who are mining as a hobby and so on.
Evidently intellectuals are no better men only because they are educated; this shows itself especially in the case of theologians, no matter whether they are priests or laymen, who have chosen theology and spirituality as their profession or even as their intellectual hobby.
Hobby Lobby wouldn't try to control how you spend the money they give you as compensation because they realize that money, once given as compensation, is no longer theirs....
Haras and co-hosts Roger Hobby, James Wild and Annette Dalloo chose Pioneer Court Plaza at the base of the Tribune Tower for the second year because it would allow the event to double in size as word spread.
I took up music as hobby in every moment of my spare time this year (I'm kind of lying because sometimes I've even put off my paid work for it).
Everyone knew the team had to go on, not for rah - rah reasons but because to those who endure the miles, running is no pastime or hobby or, God knows, a path to making money as a pro athlete.
Project Manager and founder Sanna McKim is quoted as saying, «I'm personally excited about cohousing because it frees up time in my day to play with the kids, have a spontaneous glass of wine with a friend on the porch, and easily share meals and hobbies and resources... if we want.
If only we could say honestly and without shame, «I engage spirituality as a hobby,» or «I want a spiritual practice that will give me some peace of mind but without any commitment or discipline,» or «I'd like to keep spirituality as my mistress but maintain comfort and security as my spouse,» or «I want to be seen as a spiritual man or woman because that will make me more sexy.»
Musical instruments as a hobby are also good because you get the added benefit of the proven stress relieving effects of music.
everybody says that the most effective way to reduce the size of thigh muscles is not working out at all though, I can't quit exercising because of getting fat and weight as well, exercising is one of my hobby, I don't wan na quit at all: / actually, I've noticed that I'm losing fat though, there's no change in thigh muscle at all, as you told me: (somewhat frustrating..
Yes I said hobby because bodybuilding is a hobby the same as model railroading.
Because as a woman, being a teacher is a «hobby», I think, just to get some coins.
I talk a lot about this because color is the staple for this hobby and for my life as well!
Because I only see blogging as a growing hobby / job for me, I would love to read what Yuli Ziv has to say, no matter how dated.
I have discovered similar blog posts on other blogs and I don't know whether I should be annoyed or flattered some times, but what I would say is if you have to copy another blogger's idea, then I think it may be time to find a new career, dream or hobby as the case may be, because you will never be as good as the original.
The truth is that this blog is really just a fun side hustle and hobby for me, so I'm not going to beat myself up over missing a post or two (or three, or four, as has been the case lately) because of vacation, seeing friends or other things going on in my life.
I promise to not be away from you guys this long again, but this was a well need vacation because as bloggers know this hobby of ours can be a bit overwhelming at times.
We've tested dozens of dating apps and are big fans of these eight because they have extensive search capabilities that include qualifiers for sexual orientation, of course, but also so many other things — such as age, location, ethnicity, religion, hobbies, and lifestyle habits.
Of course, talk a little about hobbies, because singles over 50 like that as well.
Church events, family gatherings or activities based around a shared hobby are experiencing a slight decline in popularity as ways of finding a partner and this could be because they are viewed as less successful hunting grounds, says the study.
The reason to make it simple and easy is because Jewish personals get knowing the other free members before they contact, such as member age, career, education, interests, hobbies, and others.
What began as an actor's hobby is now a full - blown career because of James» passion for building relationships and being a wingman to love.
Music is not something I want to pursue professionally, it's something I do as a hobby but it's still a major part in my life I feel enjoying the same type of music is very important... at least it is to me because I enjoy live music and it'd be nice to know someone...
That's because when you're a little older, you look for events that reflect your hobbies, with people who share your interests; as a widow or widower, dating events are also an important way of being comfortable while meeting new people.
Just because someone chooses video games as their hobby, it doesn't necessarily mean they are less romantic.
I really like Aaron Johnson as Kick - Ass because he's such an average, non-special guy: average height, average looks, average hobbies.
Because surely, as Barry Egan, Sandler fulfills his usual clichés: his violent temper is established early, he's emotionally stunted, he's tormented by a cartoonish villain (Phillip Seymour Hoffmann, transcendently infuriated, as the manager of a Midwestern phone - sex line / mattress outlet,) he's obsessively pursuing a wacky hobby (an endless collection of cheap pudding, to be traded for unlimited frequent flyer miles,) and he happens upon the women (Emily Watson) who — with a kiss right out of a fairy tale — can imbue a sense of meaning into all these ailments.
But it's not right that whole groups of children are twice as likely to arrive at school behind, just because of where they were born,» said Russell Hobby, the chief executive of Teach First.
But posting regular updates can be healthy for you as well, because it frames your passion as a career, rather than a hobby.
Don't think that because you're not a big seller, or you write as a hobby, that you'll fly under the radar.
The hobby of old - time radio show collecting is well on the way out because of this, as a couple of bonehead companies are claiming copyrights to a whole mess of popular and pivotal programs, forcing all the previously free sources to withdraw them from circulation, since no one has the dosh to fight over things in court.
The DOJ could just as easily go after independent authors who give away their books because they have a day job to subsidize their hobby, and this uses «means which make it impossible for other persons to engage in fair competition.»
What so many self - published authors may have forgotten, either because of the payment process (Amazon distributes earned funds three months after a book is first published, and once a month afterwards) or due to writing's view as a «hobby,» is that publishing is a business.
And, because bloggers are writing and reading as a hobby, they have the right to choose what types of books they read and review.
Comparing the best life insurance policies can be a challenge because, even if you find a range of appealing quotes online, you'll need to take into account certain factors — such as your job, medical history, lifestyle, or hobbies — that will impact your eligibility for certain rates and how much insurance you require.
Too bad I can not take deductions for blogging expense because I treat it as a hobby.
A dog that is left alone all day is given ample opportunity to take up barking as a hobby, because no one is there to control it.
«Because consumers see their pets as an extension of themselves, they love to project their likes, wants and hobbies onto their pets as well,» Cao said.
dog breeding in this country is out - of - control, hobby breeders are just as much a part of the problem, pay no taxes, report no income, don't want any rules or regulations trampling over their free unencumbered reign to bring more animals into the world while 5 + milllion are killed every year simply because there is no place for them... gim me a break!
I'll tell you why, because we, as gamers, expect EVERY part of the productions of our games to prosper & be top tier... from sound, to graphics, to gameplay / controls, ALL parts of our expensive hobby SHOULD be optimized to take advantage of the hardware they are developing it on.
The other primary form of puzzle comes in the form of solving murders because as we all know the number one hobby in small, out - of - the - way villages is murdering the neighbors.
Creating games purely as a hobby isn't something that most people could do, because it's multidisciplinary.
After I left Cooper, I thought of Jean - Michel Basquiat because he was more interested in art as a dynamic, organic and ongoing event that literally required participants» physical humility than he was in art as a casual hobby of the privileged, living primarily in museums and books.
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