Sentences with phrase «as a journalist»

If you actually worked as a journalist for a reputable paper, you'd be fired in no time, because stuff like that is not allowed there.
After more than three decades as a journalist in the nation's capital she has covered everything from politics to performing arts.
She is fluent in Indonesian and has worked there as a journalist for several years.
I'm in my first year teaching after an 18 year career as a journalist and PR professional.
His years as a journalist also left him with a nose for publicity.
A friend had warned me to expect repeated disappointment when seeking work experience as a journalist.
As a journalist who writes about politics, I hope to shine a light on this opaque process for my readers.
Are you going to continue balancing your work as a journalist with your fiction writing?
It is a valuable resource for students of politics as well as journalists at all levels.
Even in my job as a journalist, I will sometimes compare one entrepreneur to another.
With the development of the social media age many new websites are emerging with thousands of new job vacancies, however there is no need here for the traditional media roles such as journalist.
Someone trained in the sciences will have a different answer than someone trained as a journalist.
The Short Version: After more than a dozen years of researching relationships, first as a journalist and then as a...
As a journalist writing about health issues, I realised that something had to be done to encourage tummy time again.
Just as journalists used to be the truth - seekers.
Although with so many trolls on the internet posing as journalists, it's hard to get accurate movie news anymore.
It was a tactic he'd learned from his days as a journalist between the wars.
The basic rule: treat bloggers as journalists because they ARE journalists — they just happen to have a particularly cheap printing press.
Indeed, if politicians or special - interest groups say things that seem untrue or misleading, our duty as journalists is to quote them without comment or contradiction.
-LSB-...] to take mainstream media bias just as far as any journalist can take it.
Speaking as both a journalist and a blogger, I think the medium matters a lot less than the standards to which you hold yourself and your work.
Having served as a journalist for major outlets, we maintain a stable of high - powered media contacts throughout the country.
In fact, she's an environmental activist disguised as a journalist.
So as journalists scanned social media to get a sense of public opinion, one view stuck out like a sore thumb.
It's fun, as all journalists know, when you're inside an unfolding story.
Here are resume examples for a variety of writing positions including general interest writers, copy editors working in the field of publishing, and writers employed as journalists.
He was polite, friendly and always enormously helpful to anyone needing help — such as journalists attempting to write about string theory.
It did not seem from the description that she was operating as a journalist under any sense of the word.
It was interesting to realize that the skills you learned as a journalist were very applicable in business in many ways.
A story of this magnitude will not only wake up audiences to the importance of the freedom of press, but also makes working as a journalist look damn sexy.
You have a much better chance [as a journalist] if you can see it the same way as they can.
Facts matter, of course, but not as much as journalists want them to.
Of course, my views are simply those of someone who has relied on the panel as a journalist since it was created as a remarkable experiment in science analysis and communication in 1988.
The actual ruling was made earlier this summer, but received media attention as journalists connected the decision to a recent field study on police questioning practices.
She worked as a journalist prior to her political career.
That's a tougher question as journalists don't have «internet dating» as their beat.
First, scientists are as bad as journalists about understanding the public and providing needed and useful information for others.
How do you feel your experiences as a journalist informed your novel?
After several years reporting on the field of psychology as a journalist, I finally realised that there might be.
Throughout the game you play as a journalist, aiming to make his big break in the industry.
Scientists and other experts are generally not too comfortable writing in the same format as the journalists.
1974 Serious droughts since 1972 increase concern about climate, with cooling from aerosols suspected to be as likely as warming; scientists doubt all theories as journalists talk of a new ice age.
Last week, I happened to see the press list for the conference — the list of people who have registered as journalists to cover it.
Now this is the part where I have to separate myself as a gamer and as a journalist in order to discuss the loot boxes.
In my former career as a journalist, I developed a digital specialty in data - driven investigations.
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