Sentences with phrase «as a judgment»

By that I mean self - judgment as well as judgment of others.
Your report is a document that lists your credit and repayments history and any public records such as judgments, bankruptcy filings and tax liens.
By virtue of this supernatural dimension there is always an imagined better world serving both as judgment on the present and invitation for the future.
They were innocent and could rely on X's affidavit so long as the judgment debt did not exceed $ 50,000.
Just as any judgments for unpaid rent appear on your credit report, so would a declaration of bankruptcy.
The job descriptions offered by employers serve as a judgment tool to decide what qualifications may be considered relevant.
The problem comes when we look at those examples and use them to broad stroke their success as a judgment against those who have not done so.
As a matter of fact, I didn't even consider what I did as judgment.
Your medical debt can appear on your credit report as a judgment if the collection agency wins a lawsuit.
Because of the imagery of resurrection, this judgment clearly appears as a judgment of the whole person and of all persons together.
Is the notion of the cross as judgment simply mythology?
Interestingly, as the judgment progresses, references to fundamental rights give way to references to the competence of national courts.
As this judgment seems perfectly logical, the question may rise why the case has been referred at all.
Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.
The signed agreement will be submitted to the court and will usually be accepted as the judgment, the final step in the divorce process.
If you are paying child support, be prepared to provide your loan specialist with documentation of this liability such as your judgment, any subsequent modifications and proof of payment amounts.
This happened each time and now I have those handful of instances showing up as judgments on my credit report.
The real self and the ideal self are never identical, for our true potential is something discovered in the course of life, and when discovered it comes as a judgment upon the ideal we have projected.
Wisdom used to be imparted by mentoring — by gaining knowledge as well as judgment by working closely with one more experienced than us; learning to see the world thru their eyes and in the process, learning to judge what we see thru our own eyes.
This is a valuable tool for judgment enforcement as the judgment debtor is only allowed to raise a few defences to the registration of the judgment.
The meeting is also being seen as a judgment on CEO Marissa Meyer's stewardship of the company.
There is no doubt in my mind that TM comes as a judgment on the spiritual communities of the West that have neglected the spiritual and mystical possibilities of humanity.
Any... the site as a judgment - free zone for people who hold non-mainstream beliefs.
Online Dating For Dummies shows you how to get your feet wet and how to dive in, making informed choices and exercising good judgment as you
Don't misconstrue any of what I've said as a judgment of «Christians» and «church people.»
The PRESIDENT pro tempore: The question is, Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Senate?
A sunny spring Saturday evening was being billed as judgment day in an increasingly - enthralling title race.
A moral sense encompasses many qualities babies don't yet have fully developed, like anger toward cruelty and guilt about transgressions, as well as judgments about fairness, motivation, desire, empathy, and more.
When the parties enter into a settlement agreement, that agreement is then made a part of the final judgement of divorce and has the same effect as a judgment entered by the court as long as the settlement agreement is not unconscionable.
Citing «great hydrologic and climate uncertainty,» one expert quoted by CSM puts forth a new climate wisdom that has as yet to catch on widely: «We can't necessarily count on what we saw in the past as the judgment of where storms are going to be in the future.»
In the circumstances, Taurus applied to the High Court without notice for leave to enforce the award as a judgment under the Arbitration Act 1996, s 66 (1)(it could not rely on the New York Convention 1958, because Iraq is not a contracting state).
In Alberta, once an order has been filed with the Court of Queen's Bench, it is enforceable as a judgment of that court.
He was the Christ, not because he inaugurated the kingdom in the apocalyptic sense or ever will (although it would be rash and presumptuous to affirm absolutely that he never will), but because in him the eternal kingdom of God was in a unique and unprecedented way present and active within history, was not only seen and declared supremely and unmistakably as righteousness and love, but was actually present as judgment and salvation.
Obviously, the collapse of Eastern European socialism — if indeed it is collapsing — can not be taken as a judgment upon Christian socialism.
The document containing the terms of settlement signed by all the parties to the suit was adopted by the ECOWAS Court as its judgment.
If parties reach an agreement, a Maine magistrate has the power to grant a legal separation and the terms of the agreement are entered as a judgment with the court.
Judgments favoring the defense side — especially findings of «no antitrust injury,» «no Sherman Act violation § 1 (restraint of trade), and «no Sherman Act violation § 2 (monopolization)-- tend to be issued as a judgment on the pleadings or as a summary judgment.
- As far as judgment goes, you are no prophet Samuel, Isaiah or even a Jonah, so quit judging them.
We are rightly cautioned by biblical scholars to avoid hearing the judgment of these parables as a judgment against Judaism or against contemporary Jews.
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