Sentences with phrase «as a lion tamer»

Sharon speaks fluent Russian and once worked as a lion tamer for a traveling Mexican circus.
Christopher Walken — Lion Tamer At the age of fifteen, Christopher Walken joined a traveling circus, which led to him pulling a brief stint as a lion tamer.
Candidates who already have changed careers: If you began your career as an accountant but your last job was starting over as a lion tamer (and you want to continue running away with the circus), you'll want to emphasize your lion taming skills, rather than your skills to balance the books.

Not exact matches

As CS lewis wrote of God, «He is not a tame lion...» I know some would like to put the spirit of Yaweh into a box and proclaim, «He would never allow a butterfly to die, never allow suffering ever,» but logic, life, and scripture paint a different picture.
Or as CS Lewis put it, if I recall correctly, he is not a tame lion.
As it turned out, the woman had passed through Sarasota when Matola was working for the Romanian lion tamer.
As the plot rolls merrily on, Pete finds himself assisting temperamental aerialist Saadia (Zsa Zsa Gabor), while Jerry does his best (which is none too good) as the assistant to lion tamer Schlitz (Sig RumanAs the plot rolls merrily on, Pete finds himself assisting temperamental aerialist Saadia (Zsa Zsa Gabor), while Jerry does his best (which is none too good) as the assistant to lion tamer Schlitz (Sig Rumanas the assistant to lion tamer Schlitz (Sig Ruman).
Kaufman does marvelous things with small supporting players, too, like the excellent Molly Parker as Hemingway's put - upon second wife, Pauline, who manages in a few short scenes to convey a poetic sense of a woman trying to tame a lion with a riding crop.
There isn't much else to celebrate about this film, which holds your attention but not your interest as it plods along to an unsatisfying conclusion, making time for some random tangents (like the strange scene featuring Anjelica Huston as a Russian lion tamer).
Here we have beekeepers and lion tamers and ghost rabbis marking an exploration of how we can arrive at compassion after suffering, and these figures overcome you in such a way that it feels as if they alone can bend you towards epiphany.
Referred to by the monks as «little lionslions having been tamed by the Buddha himself, the dogs came to Tibet with the advent of Buddhism in Tibet in the seventeenth century.
There was concern about some specifics in that regard, such as «harpooning animals, and a gun that held a rabbit flopping about on the end which you'd then shoot at a lion to tame
Someone who may feel that the recipient used their trusted position as your doctor / nurse / librarian / lion tamer to place undue influence on you, overtly or covertly.
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