Sentences with phrase «as a marinade if»

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If eating out, remember to not only request to see the bottle of gluten - free tamari, but also verify that soy sauce or other sauces (such as ponzu, which is also made from soy sauce) were not used as a marinade for any ingredients in your meal.
If a marinade is to be used later for basting or as a sauce, make a larger batch and reserve a portion before adding the meat.
wondering if the pork loin needs to be submerged in the marinade, or does it only need to sit in the juices partially (as pictured) to get full flavor and moistness throughout the meat?
If you want to double the dressing recipe below, use half of it as a marinade for some grilled chicken or shrimp and toss either of those into the salad for a full meal.
If you wish to use a dry ingredient as a marinade, you can just add a little bit of water to your mix so it can absorb into the tofu.
If using a whole turkey or breast, increase the amount of the marinade and inject the marinade in the bird as well as baste it when it's smoking.
If you'd like to use both tofu and tempeh, as shown in the photo, double the amount of marinade.
Like others have said I end up marinading the steak for 8 or so hours in the fridge, I feel as if it helps brine the meat.
I used a Mango Ginger Habanero Sauce as the marinade — specifically this one by Fischer & Wieser... but you could craft your own if you prefer.
If I had Korean radish («mu»), I would've added it as well; will definitely do this next time because it's divine cooked in this type of marinade.
As a thank you, I have created a range of dishes on Instagram, but this one, in particular, had a really delicious marinade (if I do say so myself).
If desired, heat marinade to boiling, and serve as additional sauce for dipping or for rice, etc..
So if using as a marinade, just spoon enough into a holding dish to do the job, so you can save the rest in the jar for another use if it hasn't been contaminated.
If you are using as a marinade, just spoon enough into the holding dish to do the job so you can save the rest in the jar for another use.
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