Sentences with phrase «as a missionary just»

I am also a life long Mormon, having served as a missionary just like many, many other LDS men and women.

Not exact matches

He was shot in the back by several men (not just one) while sojourning as a missionary in the deep south.
I guess I just feel like many American Christians are succumbing to the material, consumer - driven ways of the society around us and are forgetting the beauty of simplicity — to use the money that we might have spent on the latest CD or DVD from a Christian artist and give it to the food bank, use it to buy supper for the person you see out on the street or as a monthly payment to sponsor a missionary.
It just makes me wonder if all that money wouldn't be better spent in supporting missionaries and evangelists such as yourself who are already in Africa... What are your thoughts on this?
Missionaries treated Africans as cartons containing souls, just as poachers reduce elephants and rhinos to carcasses: carrying tusks and horns.
It wasn't until the late 20th century, just as the West was disengaging its colonial empires, that Christian missionaries began turning their attention to the Muslim world.
At the first Axial Period, the ancient nature religions reacted strongly against the rise and spread of the new world religions, just as the Maori tohungas, for example, strongly resisted the message brought by the Christian missionaries.
These people... my father, my friend, my neighbor, my wife, and my mother... have understood the mission to which God called them, and they selflessly carry out this mission year in and year out, and for that, they are «missionaries» just as much as those who have gone overseas.
Proove what you have said... Read about «eternal marraige», «free agency», «missionary work», and «spreading the gospel»... as well as any other question / statement you might have... and get it from the horses mouth instead of from some second hand account before you post comments about something you just don't understand... make sure you post the whole article you found by way of link and not just paraphase to make it say what you want it to say.
We need to keep the story of missionary heroism alive, just as the civil rights movement keeps alive the story of Martin Luther King, Jr., and American democracy keeps alive the story of Lincoln's birth in a log cabin.
But as those 144,000 powerful Jewish missionaries travel about the earth, and as they face persecution, famine, danger, nakedness and sword, it will be just like the times of World War II, when people had to choose whether they would help the Jewish people or turn their back upon them.
I'm sure he meant well, just as I'm sure that many other anti-Jewish missionaries throughout history meant well.
interesting topic.A lot of damage was done in south africa by white missionaries.they didn't come to bring messiah they came to bring western culture into africa.there are so many beautiful things about indigineous cultures that have been robbed and as a follower of messiah i tend to stay as far away from «missionary» work and i just try to listen to people's stories.
Just as the nature of Christ as God and man challenged the full faculties of the faith and reason of Augustine and the Church Fathers, so the nature of Scripture as the Word of God and the word of human authors challenges the full faculties of the faith and reason of evangelical scholars and missionaries today.
The Catholics alone have the Missionaries of Charities as just one of its many charities which is in 123 countries world wide.
They prosletyze just as much as any missionary or imam, it's just in a quieter fashion.
But just as the iceberg is about 10 % visible to the eye, so the Mormon missionary lessons represent only a small, visible part of Mormon doctrine.
The Sunday school, then, was an institution without which the church of Jesus Christ could get along for almost 1,800 years, just as it got along without the denomination, the competitive parish, the broad - based missionary movement, the conjured revival — all of them institutions born in the century of industrial - era inventions, between about 1740 and 1840.
Veronica Tingzon: Many years ago I was in Guatemala with a missionary group with my father and what not, and we did some medical stuff and there was a mother there who had just birthed a baby and the midwife or as they call the «Partera» was telling her just go ahead and feed the baby but the grandmother of the baby was saying, «no, no, no you don't want the baby to get used to the arms» and I said, «listen to the partera» and that mom was lactating probably within a little bit under two days also.
If you read that a guy works as a traveling missionary and eats 100 percent vegan, and you're a hamburger - lovin» atheist, you know to just swipe left and not waste both of your time.
Reverend Charles Helm (1844 - 1915), [8] son of Reverend Daniel Helm of the London Missionary Society, was born in the Cape Colony, joined the London Missionary Society himself, and moved from the Zuurbraak (now Suurbraak) mission station just east of Swellendam (modern Western Cape Province, South Africa) to the Hope Fountain Mission in Matabeleland, Southern Rhodesia, travelling from October 1874 to December 1875, then bringing two ridged dog bitches from somewhere between Kimberley (modern Northern Cape Province, South Africa) and Swellendam with him to Hope Fountain in 1879 en route to becoming, as it would turn out, a political advisor to King Lobengula, house - host to hunter - explorer Frederick Courteney Selous, postmaster of Bulawayo and well - appreciated tooth - extractor.
thanks... I came over from the Relevant linky... this was all such good stuff... I'm behind in all of this because I just really started my writing blog a couple of months ago... and had only heard a little of Relevant and wanted to go, but to quick to work out logistics... anyhow, this is a super main point post as I came over lamenting I missed Relevant and also lamenting that, Lord willing — oh my, what a mess I am, I'll be living overseas as a missionary in Eastern Europe the next Relevant: (and:)
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