Sentences with phrase «as a model organism for»

Scientists use it as a model organism for studying cellular signals, disease, and the movement of cells in response to a chemical stimulus (chemotaxis).
The zebrafish is used as a model organism for research into the embryonic development of vertebrates.
Our group is helping Rafael Yuste's lab to pioneer the use of Hydra vulgaris, a small, freshwater polyp that attaches itself to underwater surfaces in lakes, rivers and ponds and uses its tentacles to capture prey, as a model organism for studying neural function.
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is widely used as a model organism for biological and biomedical research and so such puppetry should allow the species to be studied more easily than ever before.
While 140 million pieces might sound like a lot, Arabidopsis has the smallest genome of any flowering plant, which is the main reason it was selected as a model organism for genome sequencing.
Cornelia Bargmann has for more than two decades used these millimetre - sized transparent worms as a model organism for understanding how genes and the environment influence animal behaviour.
The cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina is being studied as a model organism for alternative pigment signatures of oxygenic photosynthesis adapted, for example, to the light of red dwarf stars.

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Birch and Cobb maintain that the ecological model is more adequate than the mechanical model for explaining DNA, the cell, other biological subject matter (as well as subatomic physics), because it holds that living things behave as they do only in interaction with other things which constitute their environment (LL 83) and because «the constituent elements of the structure at each level (of an organism) operate in patterns of interconnectedness which are not mechanical» (LL 83).
The evidence here is so overwhelming that creationists are required to invoke facially - flawed mechanisms to account for this order (for example, «hydrodynamic sorting» which fails in light of similar density organisms not found in the same strata, like ostriches and ornithomimids; «ecozonation» which fails in light of similar niched organisms not found in the same strata, like dolphins and plesiosaurs; and «floating biomes» for the same reasons as the previous two creationist «models»).
He presented his idea one day to a roomful of about 30 colleagues at Yale's «Worm Meeting,» the weekly gathering for researchers studying C. elegans, the lowly nematode widely used as a model organism in developmental biology.
The report, which drew heavily on two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) workshops held in 1995, also recommends more research on such topics as DNA biomarkers that can gauge an organism's exposure to endocrine disruptors; models for predicting how endocrine disruptors are metabolized; mechanisms of how endocrine disruptors act at a cellular level; and the effects of mixtures.
For this reason, the zebrafish is now used as a model organism by scientists around the globe.
Furthermore, climate models for every ecosystem need to better account for organisms such as termites and mussels that «engineer their own environment,» Huisman said.
Using the Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly as a model organism, the team led by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann at Heidelberg University's Centre for Organismal Studies was able to show how a special developmental gene from the Hox family influences germline stem cells.
«By means of basic research on model organisms, we are trying to understand human genome instability to identify elements, which, in the future, might be able to be explored as targets of new anti-tumour medicines,» explains the researcher responsible for the project and director of Cabimer, Andrés Aguilera.
Given the rapid succession of generations in yeast, we can use it as a model organism — and study the mechanisms of aneuploidy in much greater detail to find out whether we can derive from it new approaches for diagnosing and treating human diseases.»
This approach opens new avenues for research into memory using zebrafish as model organism,» concludes Dr. Okamoto.
The team of Luis Lopez - Molina, professor at the Department of Botany and Plant Biology of UNIGE's Faculty of Science, Switzerland, has been interested for a long time in the mechanisms controlling germination, arguably the most critical decision in the life of a plant: «We have discovered that the genes involved in the synthesis of cutin, a waterproof substance, are important for the maintenance of dormancy in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana, a small plant widely used as a model organism to study plant biology.
She added, «New model systems will be a magnet for people from outside the field of marine microbial ecology as they will suddenly be able to work with marine microbes in ways that they are used to working with other model organisms
Today, analyzing and editing genomes, proteomes and metabolomes has become a standard for many model systems; imaging beyond the diffraction limit of light and new technologies for studying protein structures provide insights deeper than ever before; the characterization of large populations of cells or organisms brings unprecedented statistical power; and studying nearly all organisms of an ecosystems as a whole allows generating comprehensive models.
2004 — Natasha Raikhel — for her studies of protein trafficking and for developing the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as the organism of choice for plant cell biology
From widening the scope of model organisms to uncovering the inner workings of cells, for molecular biologists the human genome sequence has untold potential as a final frontier for exploratory science.
Enriched by the rapid evolution of these technologies, TEFOR - TACGene has developed a solid expertise in the design, production and use of TALE - N and CRISPR / Cas9 systems, both for its own research projects in cultured cells and in collaboration, in many model organisms, including the rat, zebrafish, Drosophila, and Xenopus as part of the National Infrastructure in Biology and Health TEFOR supported by Investissement d'Avenir programme (2012 - 2019).
Spheroids serve as models for the development of healthy tissues and their maintenance in the living organism but also as models for tumor growth (Pampaloni et al. 2007).
Geneticists across the model organism and human genetics communities recognize Hieter for his dedication to uniting human biologists with those who work on model organisms such as mice, fruit flies, worms, and yeast.
We established the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum as an EvoDevo model organism in our group and developed a non-invasive long - time fluorescence live imaging protocol for Tribolium embryos for our LSFMs.
As with other model organisms, the fully sequenced zebrafish genome has acted as an invaluable reference tool for scientistAs with other model organisms, the fully sequenced zebrafish genome has acted as an invaluable reference tool for scientistas an invaluable reference tool for scientists.
Fruit flies serve as a good model organism for understanding the molecular mechanisms behind many human diseases — around 75 percent of disease - causing genes are found in the species in a similar form.
Model organisms are not restricted to mammalian models, and they include genetically modified or mutant organisms and embryos, as well as relevant protocols and genetic and phenotypic data for mutant strains.
Deletion of the TAM from a naive strain of E. coli results in a drastic time delay in folding of UshC, which can be observed for a protein from EPEC as well as for two introduced proteins from related organisms, Yersinia and Enterobacter We suggest that this models why the TAM machinery is essential for efficient folding of proteins acquired via lateral gene transfer.
C.C. Little, the inventor of the modern lab mouse and founder of the Jackson Laboratory, had long used «the age old enmity of woman and the Muridae» as a sales pitch for his model organism.
The organizers of the project, called GP - write (for work in model organisms and plants) or sometimes HGP - write (for work in human cell lines), envision it as a successor to the Human Genome Project (retroactively termed HGP - read), which 25 years ago promoted rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology.
Even more, perhaps, a naturalist is inexhaustibly fascinated by biological diversity and does not view organisms merely as models or vehicles for theory but rather as the raison d'etre for biological investigation.»
The methods can be readily adapted for high - throughput analysis of gene expression in any tissue or model organism, and they may also be expanded to accommodate complementary technologies such as immunohistochemistry, mass spectrometry, or other imaging modalities.
For another, supplemental spermidine prolongs the life of living organisms often used as models for longevity scienFor another, supplemental spermidine prolongs the life of living organisms often used as models for longevity scienfor longevity science.
It is as if these are models for cells undergoing a transformation, generative organisms giving birth to a similar being.
As both an «electrograph» (meaning it can undergo direct electron transfers from an electrode), and an «acetogen» (meaning it can direct nearly 90 - percent of its photosynthetic products towards acetic acid), M. thermoacetica serves as the ideal model organism for demonstrating the capabilities of this hybrid artificial photosynthesis systeAs both an «electrograph» (meaning it can undergo direct electron transfers from an electrode), and an «acetogen» (meaning it can direct nearly 90 - percent of its photosynthetic products towards acetic acid), M. thermoacetica serves as the ideal model organism for demonstrating the capabilities of this hybrid artificial photosynthesis systeas the ideal model organism for demonstrating the capabilities of this hybrid artificial photosynthesis system.
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