Sentences with phrase «as a philosopher at»

In his long career as a philosopher at the University of Southern California, he earned a reputation for being perhaps the foremost scholar on Edmund Husserl, whose direct realism argues, counter to the constructivism of Immanuel Kant, that there is indeed an objective reality that is at least partially knowable via the mind.
Trained as a philosopher at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley, Daniel Baird is a writer and editor focused on art, culture, and ideas.

Not exact matches

He formerly served as product philosopher at Google, and he's the co-founder of the Center for Human Technology (and the Time Well Spent movement).
There were also the Hussite Wars from 1419 to circa 1434 in which the Roman Catholic Church went to war against followers of Jan Hus, a priest, philosopher, and master at Charles University in Prague who had tried to reform the Church, condemning its sale of indulgences, which were the equivalent of a «get out of jail» card in the game of Monopoly in that the Church sold them as a means for believers to get out of Purgatory.
Although at times Hartshorne has spoken as though his account of experience rested on some intuition of its essence as exhibited in his own experience, 2 his predominant view and his philosophical practice advance a concept of experience that is generated by dialectical argument rather than by appeal to direct introspection or intuition: «The philosopher, as Whitehead says, is the «critic of abstractions.»
As a famous mathematician and philosopher once said: «There is a point at which the probability of a series of coincidences occurring within a given time period exceeds the possibility that they are, in fact, coincidences.
@Maani: «As a famous mathematician and philosopher once said: «There is a point at which the probability of a series of coincidences occurring within a given time period exceeds the possibility that they are, in fact, coincidences.
After a few seconds of silence he recovered and said that the Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft, a frequent sight at Fenway [home of the Boston Red Sox] and a man whose baseball passions are properly ordered, says that when he gets to heaven, as he hopes to do, he will ask God two questions: why did he allow evil and why did he favour the Yankees?
At any rate, Bultmann always emphasized that it was his task as a Christian theologian to offer answers, whereas the task of a philosopher was only to sharpen the questions (and particularly the question about human existence).
In order to avoid these consequences while at the same time maintaining «process» as the ultimate key - concept, process philosophers are obligated to invest this process itself with a generalized psyche.
And, if the sequence of past events is infinite in extension and is always so relative to any designated present, as process philosophers assume, then, in conjunction with the above, there must be at least one actual event O which is infinitely past relative to some designated present event E. 3
Whitehead, another mathematician - physicist - philosopher, had a similar view Thus our theological scheme is no longer as seriously at odds with science or the philosophy of science as it was in the days of classical or Newtonian physics.
I would add, following the example of the best American Catholic «public philosophers» John Courtney Murray and Orestes Brownson, that we should, as loyal Americans [we Porchers and REM fans are all about standing for the place where we live], actually explain why our Fathers built better than they knew — which means criticizing their thinking and affirming [most of] their practice with a theory that at least wasn't completely their own.
First, as I note at Public Discourse today in» Kermit Gosnell and the Logic of «Pro-Choice,»» the most up - to - the - minute philosophers in bioethics are dispensing with any «sharp distinction,» as Jon puts it, between the unborn child and the one who has been born.
There, on «the threshold of heaven,» as the English critic Lucy Beckett has suggested, the old philosopher may at last have identified poetic beauty not as a creative substitute for divine revelation, but as an instance of «our participation in truth.»
The Buddhists held and hold it, at least one sect of Hinduism ditto, Peirce, perhaps the greatest cognitive genius this country ever had, and the Anglo - American (as I call him), A. N. Whitehead held it, as did Haeberlin, a Swiss philosopher and my best psychology teacher at Harvard, Leonard Troland.
If Scully's mentor and former partner, Red Barber, was the soft - spoken, southern - accented master of the homely analogy — «This game is tighter than a new pair of shoes on a rainy day» — Scully brings to his work the perspective of a philosopher at ease with the human condition, perhaps first formed by the liberal arts education he received at Fordham University shortly after World War II: «Andre Dawson has a bruised knee and is listed as day - to - day.
For reasons which I partly stated in my Balliol lecture in Bradley (January 1934) I regard cosmology as the main subject at present demanding attention from serious philosophers» (NTM 1d).
Although on the theoretical side the Muslim philosophers certainly seemed to be anti-Islamic, at least in some of their views, on the practical side they were true Muslims, insofar as we can gather from their biographies.
Insofar as science is able to describe at least a slice of the reality in which we live, it is incumbent on the theologian and philosopher to be cognisant of how science describes the nature of the universe and the beings who inhabit it.
As background for any approach to Christian education through the insights of the findings of the philosophers of language, we need to look closely at the uses of language in the Bible, and especially in the Gospels.
Today, at four, I'm going to present with Ralph Hancock and others on Pierre Manent — probably the greatest living «political philosopher» (so as to avoid the dumb discussion over who's....
As with the guidance of this supreme Christian philosopher we try to find our way into the mystery of time and its companion, memory, we feel at last that we are lying in the lap of God and looking up into the face of His eternity.
Moses Maimonides (1135 - 1204), the most famous Jewish philosopher of the Middle Ages, included the doctrine of the resurrection as the last of his Thirteen Principles of Faith — «I believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead at the time when it shall please the Creator.»
If Christianity is skittish at best about familial nobility and not just dignity, as a pridefully creative project of life - defining meaning, is it not remarkable that the most venomous and blatant of the anti-Christian philosophers is so circumspect and muted on the matter?
The antinomian monster at the center of this play is a prolific murderer and rapist, who has murdered his own father and is laying plans to rape several nuns; he is also a thief, a blasphemer, and» almost as bad» a philosopher.
Wieman introduced Whitehead's works at the University of Chicago Divinity School, but later broke from the British philosophers metaphysics in favor of what he saw as a more thoroughgoing empiricism.
Just as Margaret Fuller, at the risk of grandiosity, once decided to «accept the universe,» process theologians and philosophers have decided, with the same risk, to «accept history;» When informed of Fuller's decision, Thomas Carlyle said, «By God!
Instead of using the approach he had used on the Areopagus, he focused entirely on preaching about Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23, 2:2)-- a topic that he did not mention at all in his dialogue with the philosophers as it is recorded in the Book of Acts.
As his cognitional theory is explained by Elshtain, the fifth - century theologian would be at ease with contemporary philosophers such as Bernard Lonergan, whose theory of knowing begins with self - appropriatioAs his cognitional theory is explained by Elshtain, the fifth - century theologian would be at ease with contemporary philosophers such as Bernard Lonergan, whose theory of knowing begins with self - appropriatioas Bernard Lonergan, whose theory of knowing begins with self - appropriation.
A converted church in a corrupt civilization withdraws to its upper rooms, into monasteries and conventicles; it issues forth from these in the aggressive evangelism of apostles, monks and friars, circuit riders and missionaries; it relaxes its rigorism as it discerns signs of repentance and faith; it enters into inevitable alliance with converted emperors and governors, philosophers and artists, merchants and entrepreneurs, and begins to live at peace in the culture they produce under the stimulus of their faith; when faith loses its force, as generation follows generation, discipline is relaxed, repentance grows formal, corruption enters with idolatry, and the church, tied to the culture which it sponsored, suffers corruption with it.
As this brief glance at the recent discussion shows, the concept of supervenience is at the heart of the current attempt by physicalist philosophers to provide an adequate account of the mind - body relation.
Most of these lectures aim at bringing the insights of Hinduism and Buddhism closer to Indian and Western Christians as well as philosophers, to deepen their understanding of faith and expand it to other forms of belief.43 His anthology «The Vedic Experience» which has been accepted and respected by many Hindus, tries to present texts from the Veda and the Upanishads in such a way that they become open towards other beliefs and transparent for the depth of faith.44 An important aspect of his literary production, already central at the beginning, but gaining prominence again lately, has been to address a Western public that faces the challenge of having to seek its religious identity and not being able to take it for granted.
Whitehead at one place seems to reject the term «stuff» as descriptive of the ultimate reality embodied in all actual entities, saying (with reference to the «neutral stuff» of certain realistic philosophers): «An actual entity is a process, and is not describable in terms of the morphology of a «stuff»» (PR 41).
There were philosophical debates among Greek philosophers as to exactly what this word means, but common to their usage was the idea expressed in the adage, «two substances can not occupy the same space at the same time.»
As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles of faith enumerated by Maimonides, although it is surely at the heart of Jewish life and consciousness.
Buridan was unusual in that he was a diocesan priest at a time when most academics were either Dominicans or Franciscans, and in that he remained in the Arts faculty as a philosopher when most intellectuals of his caliber saw philosophy as a stage on the way to a doctorate in theology.
He was strongly influenced by Edgar Brightman, and at Harvard he served as a graduate assistant to the [177] process philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, whose work we will encounter two chapters from now.
One of More's colleagues, a Swedish philosopher named Nick Bostrom, took to the podium at the same conference to predict «orgasms and aesthetic - contemplative pleasures whose blissfulness vastly exceeds what any human has yet experienced,» as well as «love that is stronger, purer and more secure than any human has yet harbored» and «values that will strike us as being of a far higher order than those we can realize as unenhanced biological humans.»
This school has continued even to our day, and although we understand that it was filled with men of great learning and zeal for divinity, it is recorded that the said person was especially distinguished at that time, in as much as he had come from that sect of philosophers who are called Stoics.
Todays scientists do scoff at such an idea and they have renamed an old fling to call these «elemental gods as being atoms putting to bed the ancient Theological philosophers» understandings.
Yet the Apostle Paul, though reasoning calmly with the philosophers at Athens and with the ruling authorities on trial, issued thundering anathemas against the false teachers who came to the Galatian church as spokesmen for Christian orthodoxy.
Some philosophers who apply reductionism to philosophy call themselves physicalists, because they regard physics as dealing with things at their most reduced level and they wish to follow suit.
Standing at the end of the history of this dualism it is easy for us to see why any attribution of «mentality» (and therefore of purposefulness) to nature will be dismissed as romantic anthropomorphism by philosophers like Klemke.
But the views of Copernicus were regarded as heretical by the church authorities, and an eminent philosopher, Giordano Bruno (1548 - 1600), was convicted of heresy in 1594 for professing them and after six years of imprisonment in which he refused to recant, he died at the stake.
Carol Tauer, a philosopher at Minnesota's St. Catherine's College, has recently challenged the moral logic of this declaration, as well as of the current pastoral teachings on abortion, in an incisive and thorough analysis of the tradition of probabilism — a theory of practical decision - making that is accepted in Catholic moral teaching.
Whitehead's biographers, as a rule, have distinguished three phases in his intellectual development and, using as their criterion the professor's change of location, have spoken of the mathematician at Cambridge (1884 - 1910), the philosopher of nature in London (1910 - 1924), and the metaphysician at Harvard (1924 - 1947)(cf. DWP).
The dominant group at Erfurt, as at most other universities, was that of the narrow logicians of the day, followers of the philosopher William of Occarn.
Moreover, scientists are generally as incompetent at philosophy as philosophers are at science.
As of this writing, the latest piece on Verdicts is a reflection on the life and work of the French Catholic philosopher Maurice Blondel, penned by Santiago Ramos, my friend and colleague at Boston College.
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