Sentences with phrase «as a planet»

In another method, astronomers watch for small dips in the amount of light from a star as a planet passes in front of it.
Many astronomical bodies such as planets, stars, and — in principle — black holes have magnetic fields.
Full planetary systems with up to 7 planets have been found as well as planets in binary stars systems, making science fiction become a reality.
If that hypothesis is true, we could actually experience more extreme cold snaps, even as the planet continues to warm.
As the planet heats up, much of that snow may fall as rain instead.
The problem is that the proposal would mean defining all round objects smaller than stars as planets.
This involves watching a star for dips in its light as a planet passes between the star and the telescope.
Also, as the planet gets warmer, crops might be cultivated farther north.
Just as every planet has a gravity field, it is believed that every planet with an atmosphere is also surrounded by a weak electric field.
He is a real, live hero with a heart as big as this planet.
This supported orbital forcing of the ice ages and led to speculation that another ice age was inevitable as the planet moved toward the corresponding configuration.
The telescope would examine each star to see how its light changes as a planet passes in front of and behind it.
Just about every type of extreme weather event is becoming less frequent and less severe in recent years as our planet continues its modest warming in the wake of the Little Ice Age.
That is, so long as the planet is covered in water.
Interestingly its target's status as a planet changed while the spacecraft was already on its five billion mile journey.
However, other astronomers are still not convinced that the object qualifies as a planet.
In that sense we are part of the universe as much as our planet or sun is.
Growing up as a planet with more than one parent star has its challenges.
For the most part, these planets have several small moons, all orbiting in the same direction as the planet spins.
By studying the dips in the star's light as the planets transit, scientists were able to figure out the system's architecture.
They also independently verified more than 700 additional planet signals that had already been confirmed as planets by other methods.
Yet they have no parent sun to orbit as planets do.
As our planet spins, the sun appears to move across the sky — but really we're the ones who are moving!
Both telescopes are designed to spot the tiny dips in a star's brightness as a planet passes between the telescope and the star.
Global ice cover acts as the planet's thermostat, regulating temperature by reflecting sunlight back into space.
The amount of rain that tropical storms bring is also expected to increase as the planet warms, because of increasing water vapour.
At the time they noted a few bright sources in the image as planet candidates.
The warming oceans could start to return more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as the planet warms, according to new research.
The eruptions were powerful enough to affect the global climate as the planet was recovering from an ice age.
The systems may be as small as the cells in your body or as large as our planet.
And this is a serious security problem that we as a community and also as a planet need to address going forward.
Seeing as our planet's fossil resources are limited, researchers are looking for new methods for the production of certain substances, which are not dependent on mineral oil.
During 24 Hours of Reality, you heard 24 presenters say we expect more floods and droughts around the world as the planet warms.
After all, we spend over 3 billion hours a week as a planet playing video games.
The nature and scope of the problems we're likely to face over the next few years will require us to work together as a planet otherwise we'll face ruin.
Scientists say more floods and stronger hurricanes are likely as the planet warms.
The simulations also suggest that the removal of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by natural processes on land and in the ocean will become less efficient as the planet warms.
As a planet ages it loses its oceans, and gradually its whole water supply.
For example, soil is second only to oceans as the planet's largest carbon sink, while agriculture and land use changes represent the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
Trying to set them up as planet serves no scientific purpose.
In the absence of giant planets, water delivery could happen naturally as planets pull in debris from different parts of the solar system.
Much depends on what happens to this heat shield as the planet warms.
There are very different estimates for the increase in northern fires as the planet warms.
So we will measure a smooth dip in the brightness of the star at regular intervals as the planet passes in front.
Practice it at least once a week and watch how the practice shifts as the planets move.
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