Sentences with phrase «as a practical matter»

So as a practical matter how can you reap this benefit?
I think that it must be just the lawyers involved if only as a practical matter.
Simply as a practical matter, without the real estate, there would be very few charters.
I suggested they consider meeting with a financial counselor so they can have an honest talk about money as a practical matter rather than an emotional one.
If nothing else, just as a practical matter, rich countries are capable of more rapid emission reductions.
But that view is not widely shared and as a practical matter national policy is unlikely to privilege the emission reduction goal in this way.
The use of the collections would ultimately have been limited to the original slides, and as a practical matter library users would have lost access to the materials.
This is why single - layer deep learning does not exist as a practical matter.
This is something to consider as a practical matter before moving forward with litigation against the condo association.
So as a practical matter, this is how it usually works for most people.
That would not under Canadian law be sufficient grounds for termination, but as a practical matter in a small office, he might fire the employee anyway.
Thus as a practical matter such companies could be disposed of for not less than their working capital, if that capital is conservatively stated.
«We cant as a practical matter make sense of the past climate without a c02 knob.»
Unfortunately, Florida criminal courts do not provide the crime victim with an opportunity for justice insofar as the practical matters of medical expenses, lost wages, and real life injuries that are often the result of crime.
When I reviewed the file at 8 a.m. this morning, I identified the difficulty, but with a 9:30 start to my lists, and the timing of the arrival of court staff, I knew nothing could be done as a practical matter until the case was called.
As things now stand, «we could lose a year, two years of scientific research as a practical matter, because of misguided priorities here in this town.»
Journal, disciplinary, institutional, divisional, and departmental expectations are all well and good, but as a practical matter most decisions about authorship are made locally, and that's where breakdowns often occur.
But, on the other hand, and perhaps even more importantly as a practical matter, the opinion for the Court in Rita suggests that at least some within - guideline sentences in some cases have to be, at some point, found unreasonable by circuit courts.
They have a safe harbor from discipline by the most vigilant protectors of the practice monopoly under Rule 5.5, and criminal consequences are unlikely as a practical matter given how big an employer and how politically connected they are.
Thus, the U.S. - born scientist as a practical matter really only has access to the scientific job market in the United States, whereas his or her European counterpart has access to opportunities in the United States and the European Union.
Sometimes judges have to get down in the trenches, The American Lawyer (May 2007), Steven Lubet wonders whether the court got it right and whether its «nuclear option» of shutting down a deposition makes sense as a practical matter.
Yet, if we apply Benedict's two principles correctly, much of the theoretical problem with enhancement technology is sidestepped, purely as a practical matter.
It may be that as a practical matter religious use of mind - altering drugs will be limited to groups that can point to some substantial tradition and that limit the use of drugs to structured worship service.
And now the Middle Eastern bishops» Synod demands that Israel end its «occupation» of the West Bank, which as a practical matter means that Iranian proxies would install missiles on hilltops a dozen miles from Tel Aviv.
I think this is actually a great approach — coffee growing conditions are different in many regions (perhaps not in every country) and a customized standard might be good from a conservation viewpoint as well as a practical matter for farmers.
But constant real - time interventions to ensure that the exercise of autonomy can never lead to differences of circumstance of any kind strikes me as to defeat the point, as well as being as a practical matter incompatible with other principles in a liberal democratic society.
The question of secession was resolved as a practical matter by the American Civil War, and as a matter of law by the Supreme Court decision Texas v. White, in which it was ruled that states can not unilaterally secede from the Union and did not do so during the Civil War.
«I think as a practical matter it's very difficult if you're trying to sell yourself, or get people to believe you're a great candidate statewide, when you lose an election in your own county,» DeFrancisco said.
«If, in order to be a leader, you must belong to a minority group as a practical matter, and you aspire to leadership, then that's a factor.»
Even if institutional policies assert institutional ownership of such materials, they have often recognized the prevailing academic tradition as a practical matter.
Nelson said removing the waiver was a politically driven decision, but it won't have much effect as a practical matter.
The MFN approach «eliminated any risk that Apple would ever have to compete on price when selling e-books, while as a practical matter forcing the Publishers to adopt the agency model across the board,» the judge wrote.
Outside investors know that the money managers can not steal, can not be involved in self - dealing, are limited in causing the fund to borrow money, fees charged are controlled, and the mutual fund must diversify as a practical matter.
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