Sentences with phrase «as a profession with»

He explained this industry used to be thought of as a profession with commerce and now it is thought of as a business.
We have lost ground as a profession with our feline patients, but using proper techniques at all parts of the veterinary visit will help recapture clients.
But law is also known as a profession with a mental health problem.

Not exact matches

As a freight broker, you'll need to understand the paperwork that comes with the profession.
Tokyo and Munich, in particular, coincided with the graphic design profession's coming of age, Hulse notes, when some now - universally recognized visual shorthands came into being, such as the men's and women's symbols on bathroom doors.
For me, «playing in my lane» means using my position as PwC's chairman and senior partner to drive conversations about race and diversity, to drive change and ask the hard questions within PwC and the profession in which we compete, and to have the discussion with other CEOs and corporate leaders.
As with any office profession, the ability to pick out a single document from an endless archive of files is invaluable in an industry rife with fierce competition.
«This globetrotting novel follows the life of an awkward female «natural philosopher» born in 1800, providing a window into the development of science as a profession in the 19th century and dealing with the slings, arrows, and random events that mark all our lives.
By going to events for closely related professions, or simply connecting through social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn where you can virtually engage in conversations with anyone, you put yourself in a position for growth.
Life as the owner of a web design company, like with any profession, can get very complicated.
If you fancy working in the dental health profession but can't see yourself enduring or affording all those years of dental school, starting a career as a dental hygienist might be a good option with a good income and a positive employment outlook.
The legal profession can easily cease being useful to its clients whenever it no longer tempers guidance on the law with reality, particularly business reality, as well as the human desires of clients.
The ASHI Reporter — ASHI's Monthly Print / Electronic Journal Each month you receive another wealth of information on home inspection topics and events, with numerous special features, such as «Postcards from the Field,» that keep you aware of how alive and changing your profession is.
With $ 189.5 billion in net assets as of December 31, 2017, the Ontario Teachers» Pension Plan is the largest single - profession pension plan in Canada.
«Business Contact Information» means any of the following information as used in connection with an individual's business or profession: name, title, company, business email address, business phone number, work address, public professional profile address, and / or supplementary information such as business role and responsibility designations.
Workers just beginning their careers, workers in professions with a high upside income potential, and individuals expecting a large windfall, such as a family trust or inheritance, can greatly benefit from contributing after - tax dollars to a Roth IRA or Roth 401 (k).
Since these CaaS vendors understand the risk level involved with their profession, they carefully limit access to their services to a select few boards — only the most exclusive, such as communities that are closed off to newcomers and have extremely strict rules on the admissibility of new members.
That's one area where we've really come a long way, with the major financial planning professional organizations all embracing the fiduciary standard as an essential hallmark of financial planning as a profession.
 Itâ $ ™ s even more disturbing when these are produced by people who reportedly are trained as economists.  They are doing a disservice to the public, to their small business members and to the economics profession by putting out material with such misinformation and gross manipulation of the real underlying facts.
I would like to increase this list with a few more, such as: concept curriculum course definition dictionary phase photographs photos idea image pictures game games kit market and that which is what is meaning means graduate postgraduate graduate profession professions proposal recruitment technical university used video wiki legislation
Judge Neely asks this Court to heed Ms. Anderson's words, reject the Commission's recommendation to expel her from her profession, and allow her to continue serving her community with excellence as she has done for more than two decades.
It should give one pause, however, that Abraham Lincoln was quite comfortable with the idea that law is a business as well as a profession, and that his idea of virtue in a lawyer was not much different from common decency in any other occupation.
As a priest, I am forced into more encounters with death than most civilians outside of the medical profession.
The other problem I think (and this is not the result of the manic depressive side of my profession as someone who works in «Asile» (refuge), an organisation dealing with migrants) is that we must add to the central preoccupations of our thinking the question of refugees and asylum.
It is therefore necessary to give motherhood concrete support as well as to guarantee women with a profession the possibility to reconcile family and work.»
Other professions have had great success with programs of «early identification,» such as summer and co-curricular programs for student in high school and early college years.
For that reason only we find now the ruling powers are in the hands of secular non religious ones... The conference above stated that the secular regimes in the West had used the indifference between religions, branches, doctrines by creating «Fitnah» said to be harder than killing... because you get all those with Fitnah to fight among them selves... beside establishing and supporting terrorist groups to get the area unstable far from investment and development environment that has caused the mass immigration of the capital heads, professions and skilled labour hands from their countries to the west and be treated as garbage at countries that they do not belong to whether as culture, race or religion....
If administrators and senior faculty set their assignments with real seriousness and adopt them into the company of educators with great care, that invitation can function as a genuine call to profession.
the preoccupation of the psychologist with purely human behavior, its description, and development; the preoccupation of the sociologist and cultural anthropologist with the forms and development of society, make these mental health professionals unable to define the function of the churchman, though their professions may well be of immense importance in providing information when the clergyman thinks through his unique and necessary role as pastor to persons.
The ministry as a «profession» rather than a calling has encouraged the rush toward ecclesiastical preferment, with clergy jostling one another like bumper cars in order to secure the most prestigious placements.
Questions have been asked about the consistency of The Rev. Vosper in regard to her public statements as opposed to her public professions of faith and belief at the time of her ordination and every single time she was covenanted into a new pastoral relationship, including in 1997 with her current congregation.
So, at the end of his book, Lifton asks himself: Little as anyone ought to sympathize with these parodies of the medical profession, can one empathize with them?
Some men in minority cultures are finding, as they move into the middle - class world through job or profession, that friendship between women and men is possible and that a companionship marriage can be more satisfying than the one they have grown up with and married into.
May our God of infinite love be with Jesse as he continues to heal, with you and your wife as you care for him, with Shirl as she struggles with the call to compassion that is on all of us and especially those in the health care professions, and with all of us as we search for ways to deal with adversity in healthy ways.
Male students feel the burden as they learn firsthand how women students are revising the theological language, ministerial practice, and self - understanding associated with a profession too long captive to the interests of men.
Having left behind an interpretation of profession as a response to a personal call from God, along with the church's corresponding recognition of personal charisma (a God - given grace), Protestants adopted a modern secular view of profession as the possession of the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for institutional approval and, thereby, employment.
The man who seeks to bring himself into relationship with God and seeks it with as much earnest zeal as others seek the goods which they may obtain in their several businesses and professions in the ways of the world does not come away empty.
What this means is that a specific set of behaviors and beliefs, together with a clearly defined body of knowledge, are held as the profession's standard.
And, as was happening with other professions at this time, standards were established that would control membership in the profession.
My view is that the profession as a whole has only begun to grasp what has happened in the Anglo - American movement that we six, with many others, represent.
Paul, however, as a tentmaker, had a profession which travelled with him, or at least allowed himself to get work with other tentmakers in the various cities he traveled to (cf. Acts 18:1 - 3).
One of the best pieces of advice I had from Mary Ellen Chase, that superb teacher I was privileged to study with in college, was that anybody who was seriously considering writing as a profession must be completely familiar with the King James translation of the Bible, because the power of this great translation is the rock on which the English language stands.
Some time after his connexion [sic] with the Seminary he [Coit] became deeply anxious for the salvation of his soul, and after having given most pleasing evidence of a change of heart, was admitted to the church... He has not dared to visit his father's house since his profession of Christianity, as his life might be in danger from his father's violence.15
With this ammunition, Justice Blackmun was able, in his Roe v. Wade decision, to explain away as a meaningless historical accident the medical profession's traditional prohibition against doctors performing abortions: «This it seems to us is a satisfactory explanation of the Hippocratic Oath's apparent rigidity.
Some roles in the business world can be conducted better by those who understand themselves as professionals and accept a broad cultural and social responsibility for leadership along with that for the standards of their profession.
Increasingly, the professions are being treated simply as jobs, with professionals viewed as employees of educational or medical institutions.
Raising a family is a job and a profession as much as any other; one with its challenges, satisfactions, disappointments... It is a profession in the most noble sense, and one that you should be especially proud of.
I end with a profession of faith written for another occasion than this and not as a response to Martin's criticisms.
«During all this time I was never joined in profession of religion with any, but gave up myself to the Lord, having forsaken all evil company, taking leave of father and mother, and all other relations, and traveled up and down as a stranger on the earth, which way the Lord inclined my heart; taking a chamber to myself in the town where I came, and tarrying sometimes more, sometimes less in a place: for I durst not stay long in a place, being afraid both of professor and profane, lest, being a tender young man, I should be hurt by conversing much with either.
Imprisonment especially affected the poor, who could not fall back on a profession, as could doctors and others who went into exile and resumed their work with the help of foreign colleagues.
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