Sentences with phrase «as a prostitute washed»

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The encounter of Jesus with the woman taken in adultery illustrates the egalitarian stance of Jesus - what is wrong for a woman is wrong also for a man.72 Prostitutes felt free in the presence of Jesus, not because he was easy with them but because he did not look at them as sexual objects to be exploited.73 He allowed a woman of doubtful reputation to wash his feet with her tears and wipe them with her hair (Lk.
Driving into the city back in the pre-Rudy days, I would invariably be besieged by beggars offering to wash the windows of my car, and on the return trip in the evenings my car would often be approached by topless prostitutes everyone referred to as tunnel bunnies.
Where, on the span between scientific advance and pointless conjecture materialized should we place an oddity such as Jakob Ottonowitsch von Narkiewitsch - Jodko's «A Spark Captured on the Surface of the Body of a Well - Washed Prostitute» (1895)?
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