Sentences with phrase «as a proxy for temperature»

Historical records of glacier length can be used as a proxy for temperature.
The more you read on it, the more one wonders how they can use tree - rings as proxies for temperature at all.
In other words, can we rely on tree - ring growth as a proxy for temperature?
This conclusion was based on tree rings, ice cores, coral and other records as proxies for temperature.
And if those other factors are affecting things since 1940 (or 1960, take your pick), then not only do the researchers using the tree - rings as proxies for temperature need to delineate what is going on since then, but they have to then project that backward, too — and show all the reasons for all of that and then show the new, corrected, results of the past, as the proxy picture shows it.
The «hockey stick» describes a reconstruction of past temperature over the past 1000 to 2000 years using tree - rings, ice cores, coral and other records that act as proxies for temperature (Mann 1999).
Oerlemans 2005 used historical records of glacier length as a proxy for temperature.
They looked at global temperature anomalies — deviations from an average or standard temperature — for 73 sites distributed across the planet, using fossils in sediments as a proxy for temperature.
Using tree - ring spreads as a proxy for temperature is entirely fallacious from the start.
He uses changes in ice volume as a proxy for temperature changes, without realizing that ice volume integrates temperature, so changes (derivative) in ice volume map to temperature, not changes in temperature.
«And if those other factors are affecting things since 1940 (or 1960, take your pick), then not only do the researchers using the tree - rings as proxies for temperature need to delineate what is going on since then, but they have to then project that backward, too — and show all the reasons for all of that...»
How is the potential fertilization from atmospheric CO2 concentrations controlled for when selecting sites for tree rings that are used as proxies for temperature?
It uses Ammonium concentration from an ice core in tropical South America (the eastern Bolivian Andes) as a proxy for temperature.
Mondo, I'm sorry my comment related explicitly to the oxygen isotope, O - 18, as a proxy for temperature and not tree rings.
It uses Ammonium concentration from an ice core in tropical South America (the eastern Bolivian Andes) as a proxy for temperature.
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