Sentences with phrase «as a remedy»

Actually, these herbs are used as remedy for women who are ready to stop breastfeeding as they help dry up breast milk.
** Do you think this sort of diversified practice is a symptom of, as well as a remedy for contemporary culture and how it functions?
This plant that provides sweet foods with extraordinary taste has been used for centuries as a spice but also as a remedy.
As always, please check with a doctor or qualified practitioner before using this or any herb as a remedy.
Answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to interference with child custody or visitation, such as remedies for when a parent fails to live up to his or her court - ordered obligations.
She also outlines how to make garlic infused olive oil as a remedy for ear and other external infections.
But the focus on science is seen as a remedy for a stalled economy.
These dating websites work as remedies for singles who are eager to experience something new in their lives, different from their daily life routine.
In addition to soothing gas pains and other stomach problems, it's also marketed as a remedy for teething pain, hiccups and sometimes even colic, among other ailments.
If your customer acquisition cost ratio is too high, there are a couple of strategies you can consider as remedies.
Each of these is however good in itself and must be done partly as a remedy to the immediate problem and as a useful and necessary part of the longer term solution.
These herbs have been in use for many years as remedies for different health conditions.
This is one of the biggest reasons as to why it is offered as a remedy for constipation, because it passes through the intestine at a rapid rate.
Wow are you saying that your state contract includes specific performance as a remedy for the Seller?
This post discusses the finding by the Court of Appeal that it was inappropriate for the application judge to have granted a constructive trust as a remedy for breach of fiduciary duty.
The use of plants as a remedy for mental or physical ailments.
I also mentioned it to several people, and the ones old enough to remember more than a couple decades ago remembered using honey as a remedy.
Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as a remedy for chronic constipation.
Here, they confidently tell us, is a possible future world without suffering, even without death — except perhaps death freely chosen as a remedy for terminal boredom.
I've used marshmallow root as a remedy for health issues for many years.
Fiber is also a great choice as a remedy to constipation as many new mothers continue to suffer from it even several weeks after giving birth.
Have you ever used onion as a remedy before?
Eating more fiber as suggested in conventional circles as a remedy for constipation is not a wise move.
From this research, yoga shows great promise as a remedy for reducing high blood pressure naturally.
So there you have it; apple cider vinegar is used as a remedy all across the globe, now it's time for you to get some in your pantry!
For centuries, people have used a warm milk and honey recipe as a remedy to achieve better quality sleep.
Promoting saturated fats like lamb and beef as a remedy to counteract too much sugar intake seems like a stretch for a health claim.
Natural thyroid supplements are helpful as a remedy to thyroid disorders.
However, there is no research yet that proves safe dosage, so the safest way to use fennel as a remedy for colic is for a nursing mother to drink fennel tea.
Though I haven't tried leggings as a remedy... I guess I might need to!
You have dates with people who tend to be suffering in some way and you give them sex as a remedy.
If training as a remedy to poor critical thinking skills is going to make an impact, it must scale well and be relatively inexpensive.
The dog's diet has to be changed drastically to exclude unnecessary fats and you can use the digestive enzymes found in pineapple as a remedy to help improve your dog's health swiftly.
It is interesting you say «remedy,» because diversified practice functions as a remedy for me, working in diversified areas allows me to work in an expansive area.
The objective of a stay as a remedy is to maintain public confidence in both the legal and the judicial process.
Moreover, relying on technology as a remedy for literacy - related problems often imposes a cost on the technology user — one which this very segment of the population can least afford.
Here you'll find a list of signs of constipation as well as remedies.
In our earlier posts, we focused on the use of a constructive trust as a remedy for breach of fiduciary duty and third party fraud liability.
The bark has also been reportedly used as a remedy for gum disease and tea made from it is used as a treatment for high blood pressure.
A remedial constructive trust is a trust imposed by court order as a remedy for a wrong.
Climate Depot prescribed as remedy for climate fears: «Turn off your TV; stop reading the «terrified - twins», NYT's Krugman & Friedman; and start reading Climate Depot on a daily basis» — Climate Cycles Change website — July 29, 2009
Whereas the sources of Ofsted and the secretary of state's powers make their decisions plainly amenable to judicial review by Shoesmith, it is less clear that judicial review is available as a remedy against her employer.
The ONCA's decision may encourage other decision - makers to order reinstatement as a remedy in discrimination cases.
Considered to be one of the world's most popular herbs, and with numerous anti-bacterial properties, garlic is often consumed fresh as a remedy against colds and flu.
Unconscious bias in the legal profession is the most commonly identified barrier to career progression for women, while flexible working is seen as a remedy by an overwhelming 91 % of respondents to our survey.
Aloe Vera is well known as a remedy for all sorts of human ailment.
Heliocare is a patented specialized extract of Polypodium leucotomos (PLE), a tropical fern native to Central and South America that has been used for centuries as a remedy for skin related conditions.
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