Sentences with phrase «as a rescuer of»

And he is more than Elijah, the one portrayed as a rescuer of sufferers and a restorer of Israel.
Not to mention the fact that many traditional trainers see themselves as rescuers of the many people that get into difficulties with modern methods.

Not exact matches

As the storm approached Friday, Mayor Pro Tem Patrick Rios of Rockport requested that people who did not evacuate write their names and Social Security numbers on their arms in case rescuers later needed to identify them.
As school staff rushed the injured to awaiting paramedics, rescuers struggled to navigate the jammed scene while also trying to prevent frantic parents from entering Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, audio recordings of the response to the mass shooting show.
Only 317 men survived when rescuers found them days later, although it's unclear how many were actually killed by sharks (as opposed to dying of exposure, etc.).
As rescuers and storm victims seek assistance during the aftermath of Harvey, Zello is among the go - to tech tools.
To read it from a survivor's standpoint, to feel the fear they must have felt hidden away, to hear the cries of their rescuer as the Nazi's beat him, trying to get him to say he had Jews he was hiding, to think of the rescuers children never saying a word, and being always vigilant... it is both heartwarming, and utterly heartbreaking at once.
Likewise it confuses their discussion of rescuers as exhibiting «extensivity» — a breadth of inclusiveness of all persons as deserving respect, equity, and care — and non-rescuers as being characterized by «constriction» — a restriction of equity and respect to one's familial, ethnic, or tribal grouping.
Fifteen percent of rescuers claimed religious commitments as central in their motivation.
Fewer rescuers than non-rescuers reported being slapped, spanked, kicked, and beaten or having their hair pulled by parents; 3) Many more non-rescuers than rescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and disrescuers than non-rescuers reported being slapped, spanked, kicked, and beaten or having their hair pulled by parents; 3) Many more non-rescuers than rescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and disrescuers reported being slapped, spanked, kicked, and beaten or having their hair pulled by parents; 3) Many more non-rescuers than rescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and disrescuers than rescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and disrescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and disRescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and discipline.
Yad Vashem's Department of the Righteous has a commission of eighteen members with the task of determining who shall be designated as a rescuer.
Recall the earlier point that parents of rescuers laid far less emphasis on obedience as an end in itself than those of non-rescuers.
The first type, which includes 37 percent of rescuers, they identify as the empathetic orientation.
One - third of the rescuers initiated the helping relationship; 67 percent of them were approached and asked or confronted by a specific situation of need as the initiating event.
Some of the most compelling findings of this book are to be found in its exploration of the approaches to parenting experienced by rescuers, as a group, in contrast to non-rescuers.
This figure may represent as much as one - tenth or as little as one - one - hundredth of the actual rescuers in Europe during the war years.
What distinguished rescuers, however, was an empathetic comprehension of this information, coupled with a sense of being personally addressed and responsible as regards the situations of victims.
She is neither a rescuer of biblical religion from its feminist critics nor only a «post-biblical feminist» who must reject the Bible wholesale as a gynocidal text.
For what the mythic pattern, the heightened renditions of good and evil — the Gandalf rescuers and the Sauron evil lords — allow for is what Tolkien elsewhere has called «recovery,» seeing things as we were meant to see them.
It was a prominent youth group emphasis: Jesus was always shown in the «rescuer» role, as the one who pulled us all out of our sin and expresses God's grace and love.
It requires no great leap of creative imagination to see the parallels, at least with respect to their social placement and psychology, between the rescuers then and anti-abortion efforts such as Operation Rescue now.
As though such a reunion between survivor and rescuer were not emotional enough, this one is taking place Wednesday on the eve of Hanukkah, which coincides this year with Thanksgiving.
The victims and survivors of the Holocaust» as well as their courageous rescuers» deserve far better.
The man once known as «the Italian Oskar Schindler,» we were told, «far from being a hero» or saintly rescuer of Jews was «an enthusiastic Nazi collaborator.»
Their presence and the constant pressure by lobbyists and duck - rescuers such as Laurie Levy of the Coalition Against Duck Shooting have resulted in:
As images from Sandy — rescuers saving pets, power strips charging strangers» phones, and NICU nurses whisking preemies to safety (causing my blood to run cold, realizing that that could have been my own two - pounder)-- morph into mental images of Thanksgiving celebrations, visiting relatives, and holiday festivities (which also made my blood run cold when I realized that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away), one thing became clear to me... they all share a common theme.
It is an unfortunate fact of life that large scale tragedies will continue to occur, as the earthquakes in Japan and the horrific events in Norway attest, so Elizabeth's advice to other psychiatrists looking to help survivors and rescuers in future events would be to not focus on the therapy they have learned but instead invest time in listening and providing comfort by simple human contact.
As the city hailed the flight crew involved in the near - miraculous water landing of a jetliner and lauded the rescuers of its passengers from the frigid Hudson River, state officials...
Rescuers answered hundreds of calls for help as floodwaters from the remnants of Hurricane Harvey began to fill second - story homes.
HOUSTON — Rain pelted this battered city anew Monday as emergency teams — aided by a growing contingent of citizen - rescuers — plunged into waist - deep water seeking people stranded by devastating, historic flooding in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
As bilingual mom of two, dog rescuer, foodie and coffee loving gal now living in San Antonio, Texas, I love to share all about parenting, kids and pets, food and recipes, plus all the wonderful things in between that make life so much fun!
The Rescuers (Unrated) Cross-cultural documentary follows Rwandan activist Stephanie Nyombayire's travels with British historian Sir Martin Gilbert to 15 countries to interview Holocaust survivors as well as the descendants of diplomats who had saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis.
The structure might be called an improvement over Dippold's scripts for Paul Feig, who produced Snatched; it does away with the dull straight man of a plot, instead playing the women's kidnappers and equally ineffectual rescuers — including a fanny - pack - wearing, over-prepared fellow vacationer (Wanda Sykes) who comes across as a rejected Melissa McCarthy cameo — for laughs.
While it allows Bronson to be a little less serious than the brooding characters he's better known for, the plot is an utter mess and the rescue attempts (there are several) are nothing more than a string of haplessly assembled action pieces that only serve to illustrate what a terrible rescuer Colton is (as is his sidekick of sorts, played by Randy Quaid).
I personally can not see any Special Edition in the future for this movie, so I suppose that fans of The Rescuers must be content with this wanting DVD until such a time that Disney wants to re-release this masterpiece as such.
He finally gets his movie star moment in Dunkirk when, after his RAF pilot, Collins, is rescued from a sinking plane by Mark Rylance's band of amateur sailors, he greets his rescuers with an effortlessly debonair, «Afternoon» — as if he hadn't just come close to dying.
Rescuers: Those Who Risked Their Lives to Save Others Students use compelling accounts of people who bravely rescued Jews from persecution as the motivation for writing reflective essays.
Facing History and Ourselves» President and CEO Roger Brooks underscores the value of Holocaust - era rescuer stories, including how they can be used to inspire others to act as upstanders and «widen the lens» of Holocaust history and collective memory.
The next lesson focuses on the role of perpetrators and bystanders, as well as acts of resistance and courage by upstanders and rescuers during the Holocaust.
When his rescuer brings him to the home of his rescuer's sister, Joanna Chapman, Graeham is as beguiled by her as he is determined to keep an eye on Rolf.
As they survive one near miss after another, Annie realizes that her rescuer is someone special — his real name is Dean Baylor, and he's the leader of a Navy SEAL team presumed to be killed in action.
She was more mature and more capable of a love that was in part unselfish, but again, she also saw Muller as a protector and a rescuer.
Mr. Tippie was known not only as a successful manager and a nimble rescuer of companies, but also as a leader with unimpeachable integrity.
An individual rescuer shall be named as such on a roster of recognized rescuers furnished by a local welfare organization to the City (the Director of Finance) and recognized by the Animal Shelter.
The term «hobbyist» refers to an individual or an organization who is not a commercial breeder but is (1) actively involved in any nationally recognized, organized animal sport or hobby for a period of at least one year prior to making application; or (2) participates in field trials, owns nationally - recognized breeds used specifically as hunting dogs, participates in hunting activities, has held (and continues to hold) a current valid Oklahoma hunting license and has held such license for at least one year prior to making application; or (3) qualifies as a «rescuer
Once an animal rescue organization has been approved by the Chief of Police, the organization can submit a list of individual households that are authorized to serve as rescuers for that group under that organization's permit.
She was spotted by an independent animal rescuer scurrying as fast as her short legs could carry her to the other side of the street so she could hide underneath some stairs.
As a rescuer, you make an implicit promise to the animal that you will do your best to ensure that, on a quality - of - life scale of 1 to 10, you'll help him go from somewhere in the minus range to at least a plus five.
One of AAS's jobs is the raising of funds to help to pay the bills for as many of these alternative rescuers as we can.
As one of those rescuers, I am interested in growing an evidence base for rescue, as well as writing about my experiences and reflections as a rescueAs one of those rescuers, I am interested in growing an evidence base for rescue, as well as writing about my experiences and reflections as a rescueas well as writing about my experiences and reflections as a rescueas writing about my experiences and reflections as a rescueas a rescuer.
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