Sentences with phrase «as a result of surgery»

Your dog may be under the weather for a few more days as a result of the surgery, but will heal within a matter of a week or so.
The purpose of both tests is to ensure language and memory abilities will not be affected as a result of surgery.
Release of growth factors can occur as a result of surgery but the effects are of shorter duration.
Despite the hormone replacements she's taking, she's now in menopause as a result of the surgery.
I have seen cats cured completely of cancer as the result of surgery or chemotherapy or a combination.
Your cat may be under the weather for a few more days as a result of the surgery, but will heal within a matter of a week or so.
As all surgery carries some risk women must weigh up carefully how much they are troubled by their urine leakage against taking a small chance that things may go wrong as a result of surgery
Fact: Neutering does not change a pet's basic personality and he won't suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis as a result of the surgery.
Most dogs can make a remarkable recovery within eight to twelve weeks, and their quality of life is greatly enhanced as a result of the surgery in contrast to not doing anything at all other than just administering pain medication as a temporary «fix.»
Some of the plaintiff's pain may well be as a result of the surgery on his C5 / 6 disc; however, the vast majority of his symptoms, in my view, are not organic or structural in cause.
If you suffered nerve damage as the result of surgery, you may be unable to perform your duties at work, resulting in you needing to go on workers» compensation or other form of disability to make up for being unable to collect a paycheck.
Your dog may be under the weather for a few days as a result of the surgery, but typically, dogs return to normal within 24 to 48 hours.
As a result of your surgery, you will need lifelong vitamin / mineral supplementation.
We have to be able to assess where that person is going to end up as a result of surgeries or ongoing treatments.
Many individuals suffer from chronic pain after being in an accident, as a result of a surgery or some other trauma.
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