Sentences with phrase «as a rite of passage»

Although it's often thought of as a rite of passage for expecting moms, morning sickness can have some surprising health benefits for expectant mother
Birthing From Within uses a holistic wellness approach to help pregnant women «prepare for birth as a rite of passage
Although it's often thought of as a rite of passage for expecting moms, morning sickness can have some surprising health benefits for expectant mothers.
I am using «childbirth as a rite of passage» as a framework for understanding what is going on during the birth process.
Beyond looking at the road trip from a nostalgic point of view, On the Road explores the idea of such a drive as a rite of passage, a journey toward emancipation on the way to a destination that may be largely unknown but which holds the promise of liberating self - discovery.
It is devastating that jail is seen as a rite of passage for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, part of the natural order of things.
Potty training is as much as rite of passage for a parent as the toddler.
Join Elly Taylor On A Virtual Retreat: Parenthood as a Rite of Passage: The Life - Changing Impact on Individuals and Partners and How to Thrive In the days of the village parenthood was considered... READ MORE
Giving birth is the pivotal moment of a woman's life but it is often treated as a medical procedure, and not as a rite of passage in a couple's life.
Male directors historically tend to focus on those who are Hot or Not, play up the stereotypes and celebrate the prom or big football game as a rite of passage (spoiler: they never are).
Young people are forced to choose a faction as a rite of passage to becoming an adult.
Any form of a SAT test is universally accepted as a rite of passage for students applying to college.
However, it's growing in popularity as a rite of passage every year.
This isn't because new talent must suffer on this show as a rite of passage either, as it's a place the company sends talent to when it's bored of them, but doesn't want to fire anyone.
He is exiled from his own empire as a rite of passage and possesses deadly Kriken military equipment, including the Triskelion, a metamorphic biotechnology.
Indeed, all galleries must be able to withstand losing their original big artists almost as a rite of passage; it proves a gallery's vision is bigger than one or two artists and runs deep in the gallerist.
The works deal with adolescent hunters returning from the fight with nature as a rite of passage.
Art as a rite of passage and the experience of engaging with the large fabric structures is the objective of curator Segura, and the floor space at NC - arte an ideal setting to experience the imaginary threshold Suh conveys in this work.
Firms increasingly regard unpaid work experience as a rite of passage.
Nowadays, young adults or the so called teenagers of this generation consider the driver's license as their rite of passage or ticket to their freedom.
While some adults treat bullying as a rite of passage, research points to the long - lasting damage the experience can cause.
Driving serves as a rite of passage, telling everyone that you are on your way to take on the world.
In the classes that you will attend, the Birthing From Within course views birth as a rite of passage (as it is) and not a medical situation wanting attention.
She spoke of the sacred history of blankets in her tradition, how they were used in ceremonies as regalia, as currency, as gifts to honoured guests, as spiritual coverings, as a rite of passage for a new name or a marriage or a new home or a life - changing event, as anointing of leadership, as covering and protection for those who speak for the people or who share wisdom and spiritual teachings.
Never just write it off as a rite of passage, something everyone goes through, c’est la vie and better luck next time.
But I think it's best to recognize it, and take it as a rite of passage.
No, not at all, but I'm just going to think of it as a rite of passage as an intern, and hopefully I'll get a whole ton of learning in!
Not only do you need it as a rite of passage, but also as a way to understand the retail side of apparel.
«As a rite of passage, college admissions plays a powerful role in shaping student attitudes and behaviors.
These field trips serve as rites of passage that allow the children to deepen their experience of the curriculum in an outdoor learning environment.
Think of it as a rite of passage.
But like so much else in life, all that nonsense serves as a rite of passage to get where you want to go.
Authorities have frequently described such significant events, especially in children's lives, as rites of passage (van Gennep, 1960; Turner, 1969; Myerhoff, Camino, & Turner, 1987; Warfield - Coppock, 1992; Delaney, 1995; Harvey & Rauch, 1997).
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